Featured Traveller: Eveleen (Eevie) Soroko – BJJ Globetrotters

Eveleen (Eevie) Soroko - BJJ Globetrotters

Age: 36

Belt: Purple

Profession: Full Time: Maintenance Logistics Supervisor for V2X (Contractor)
Part Time: Army Reserve Officer (CPT- Captain in US Army, Commander for the 530th MCT – Movement Control Team).

How many years in BJJ: 10 years total thus far, and until the grave for me now.

Other martial arts: 20 years in Judo (Judo coach for 10 years, with a focus on children with special needs), Goju-Ryu Karate for 5 years, boxing for 5 years.

Where do you live: Germany.

Where are you from: USA (all over), mainly Texas and New Mexico.

Other fun or curious information you would like to share: Jack of all trades, master of some.

Eveleen (Eevie) Soroko – BJJ Globetrotters

Tell us what inspired you to travel and train?
The moment I had my first “adult” time off for a vacation, I wanted to explore the BJJ gyms around Texas and share some Judo to blend with BJJ. I was invited by a few coaches from other gyms in Texas, and after that I just started contacting other gyms via Instagram or Google Maps and would get invited to come visit and train in exchange for some Judo tips. It was a remarkable experience. I always take my gi with me everywhere in case I can stop by a new spot to train and integrate with the teams. There is so much to be shared in the world of BJJ and martial arts. It is truly magnificent. Most gyms are delighted to and encourage cross training. I have noticed that those gyms tend to have the happiest members and most successful competitors.

Tell us about your most recent travel and your upcoming travel – where have you been and where are you going?
My most recent trip was to Tallinn, Estonia for Spring Camp 2024. Next trip will be for Camp 100 in Italy!

Eveleen (Eevie) Soroko – BJJ Globetrotters Beach Camp

What are the things you enjoy about travelling?
Exploring new places and socially mingling is a great dopamine boost! Especially trying new foods!

Can you give us some examples of experiences you had that make it worth traveling and training?
Yes, absolutely! Finding your “tribe” all over the world, with so many people from all over the world, with the same love of martial arts, is magical to me. Being in the military, we have bonds so close they are kinda gross on a funny level, and BJJ is very similar. Who doesn’t love someone else’s armpit sweat in your mouth and eyes? Science-wise, that exchange actually keeps us healthy.

The global level of camaraderie is a nourishment on a spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental level. Only those who experience it will understand it, and it cannot be felt on the sidelines of life.

What has so far been the most surprising experience for you when traveling?
Being overwhelmed in a positive way versus a negative way. Heavy workloads, the standard life “F-U’s” that get thrown at all of us, can be negatively overwhelming in some aspects. Coming to these BJJ camps have been on the extreme side of the happy spectrum. I was mentally paralyzed in the best way because all my favorite people were all in one room together at the same time. With me having ADHD and a TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury), I have some executive processing delays that occur (like when your phone signal is ‘buffering’), so I quickly learned to pace myself throughout the camp process. I was surprised at how spiritually healing my first camp experience was (Beach Camp, Pärnu 2023), and how it both enhanced and humbled my BJJ capabilities at the same time. I am forever grateful for that.

Eveleen (Eevie) Soroko – BJJ Globetrotters Beach Camp

Are you a budget traveller – and if so how do you plan for a cheap trip?
It varies. I am not an exuberant spender, but I have healthy spending and budget habits to stay out of debt. Take a small course in budgeting! Knowing “how” to spend is important.

If you were to pass on travel advice to your fellow Globetrotters, what would it be?
Be open and curious. Have autonomy.

Thank you to Eveleen (Eevie) Soroko – BJJ Globetrotters for making this interview!