Featured Camp Instructor: Sebastiaan Munter – BJJ Globetrotters

Sebastiaan Munter BJJ

Sebastiaan Munter – BJJ Globetrotters

Age: 46
Belt: 1st degree blackbelt
Profession: Physical Education / Self defense teacher at a school for security attendents

Started training (year): Way back in 2001
City/country: Heemskerk, The Netherlands


Main achievements in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu:

Several times Dutch champion in white-, blue- and purple belt. But nothing big.



Which Globetrotters camps have you attended:

Faroe Islands 22, Tallinn 23, Pärnu 23, Heidelberg 23 and Winter 24


Which camp has been your favorite so far?

That’s a tough one. Each and every camp has it’s unique vibe. But I guess Spring Camp 23 had the best mix of awesome classes, unique city, awesome people and an off the hook final party

Sebastiaan Munter – BJJ Globetrotters Spring Camp


Favorite stories/moments from the camps?

So many! From a very slow tattoo artist in Torshavn that took for ever to put a small puffin in a gi on my leg and made me miss an entire day of training, to the champagne party in Tallinn, the bolt scooter race in Pärnu, the massive open mat karaoke crowdsurf session in Heidelberg and me teaching a morning class still kind of drunk in Wagrain… But also all the cool and very different people you get to meet at every camp that all share the same passion foor jiu jitsu!

Crowdsurfing Sebastiaan Munter – BJJ Globetrotters Summer Camp


Your favorite class/classes to teach at camp? 

I love teaching anything, and I’m always kind of surprised which topic gets chosen. But since I have trained with Rickson Gracie and a lot of teachers representing his style a lot, I especially like to teach the pressure game form side control.


Anything else you want to add to your profile:

I truly feel that this BJJ Globetrotters approach to camps is so cool. Only cool people, almost no egocentric over eager competioners trying to overcome their insecurities by injuring others. A great mix of jiu jitsu, partying and getting to know so many cool people from all over the world. I truly like the vibe and I encourage all my students to join these camps. 

And if anyone from wherever in the world ends up in The Netherlands, you’re always more than welcome in my gym Bushido Martial Arts. It’s located in an unpronounceable village called Uitgeest, only half an hour from Amsterdam!


Sebastiaan Munter – BJJ Globetrotters instructor