Featured Camp Instructor: Alexander Backus – BJJ Globetrotters

Alexander Backus BJJ

 Alexander Backus – BJJ Globetrotters

Age: 43
Belt: Black
Profession: Forensic psychiatric nurse

Started training (year): 2011
City/country: Örebro, Sweden


Main achievements in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu:

Still having the most fun and enjoy playing the game.


Which Globetrotters camps have you attended:

Tallinn Spring Camp, Heidelberg and Austria Winter Camp


Which camp has been your favorite so far?

Tallinn Spring Camp 2022 because it was the first camp and for personal growth and connecting to the community. Really enjoyed just having fun together and learning alot.

Alexander Backus – BJJ Globetrotters Spring Camp


Favorite stories/moments from the camps?

Winter Camp when I started and lost a snowball fight with 20 ish campers from the balcony with no shirt on and with no snow. And like a cliche from an old move the american friend came to the rescue with a ton of snow so we could fight back.

That time in Heidelberg when I was told that everything closes at 01 o’clock in Heidelberg. I accepted the challenge and Heidelberg did not close :)

Every open mat at every camp. I learn so much and that is the best moments for me. Just to roll with so many awesome people with different styles and to share knowledge.

Alexander Backus – BJJ Globetrotters Winter Camp


Your favorite class/classes to teach at camp? 

The next class I am teaching is always my favorite :) Love to teach so every class is special.  Generally I like to teach fundamental stuff that everybody can do but at an advance level.


Anything else you want to add to your profile:

If you are not having fun when you are rolling. You are doing something wrong.


 Alexander Backus – BJJ Globetrotters instructor