Featured Camp Instructor: Kyle Sleeman – BJJ Globetrotters

Kyle Sleeman bjj

Kyle Sleeman – BJJ Globetrotters

Belt: Black belt
Age: 40

Profession: City worker and BJJ Instructor/Competitor
Started training (year): Started training martial artist in 1988.  Started grappling in 1999.         Started BJJ in 2005.
City/country: Live in Whitby Ontario, 25 min east of Toronto, Canada


Main achievements in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu:

Achievements in 2022
-1st Place at London BJJ Open middle weight
-1st Place at London BJJ OPEN Absolute/open weight
-2nd Place IBJJF Toronto Open
-2nd Place IBJJF Chicago Open
Ace jiujitsu pro cup 2022 winner


Which Globetrotters camps have you attended:

I have attended the past 4 Maine and Arizona camps.


Which camp has been your favorite so far?

Both camps are great and Each camp has their own qualities

Favorite stories/moments from the camps?

I have met so many amazing people from around the world that I get to travel and train with. So many great memories, each camp is a continuation from the last.


Your favorite class/classes to teach at camp?


I love teaching all jiujitsu but Takedowns and Guard passing classes are definitely my favorite.

But most importantly spreading kindness, love and passion for martial arts is my ultimate goal.


Anything else you want to add to your profile:

Come train with me at Kalsamirt Martial arts in bowmanville Ontario,  everyone always welcome.



Kyle Sleeman – BJJ Globetrotters instructor


When You’re Not Tough Enough

Dust Mop Jiu Jitsu: The Expat Files: Chapter Seven: Grind BJJ-Burlington, Vermont

-On bullshit jobs, belt politics and not feeling tough enough to belong

This is Chapter 7 of what I’m calling the Expat Files. If you want to know more about what this project is, you can read more about it in the first article here.


Broadly speaking, I like to think about my Jiu Jitsu journey being in three main phases. 

  • The Expat Files: My experiences in Korea and the gyms I went to before settling in a stateside gym
  • The Combat Base: Here I stayed mostly with my gym Combat Fitness MMA in Winooski, Vermont. I still continued to travel but always had Combat as a reference.
  • The Pandemic: I would eventually leave Vermont and float around until eventually joining my current gym in Northampton, MA.

If you haven’t been reading my articles, this blog is a project to remember at least one thing from gyms that I’ve visited in my BJJ journey. The next two articles will be unusual because the following three articles will be about local gyms that I would choose between. They could have become my main gym, but these articles are going to be about why they didn’t. 

On January 1st of 2019, Rachel and I finally stopped our transient journey home from South Korea and made it to Vermont. It took a long time for us to settle on a U.S. City. We wanted a place that would feel like it was both of ours. We met in rural Vermont so we ended up choosing Burlington. We would eventually come to like it but moving somewhere in the dead of winter is a horrible time to make friends and get situated.

It’s close to Canada

Our apartment, although nicer, was even smaller than the one we had in Korea. No joke, we could reach the oven from the bed. But we had a bathtub and a laundry machine so we were relatively happy.

Rachel already had a job set up through a youth agency. Being in graduate school I needed to find a job that would allow me flexibility. I became a substitute teacher.

David Graeber in a brilliant article defines a bullshit job as employment so pointless that the person doing it can’t think of a reason for it existing. The people doing these jobs often suffer from an existential angst that they aren’t contributing enough to society. 

He was once asked if there were any jobs where people didn’t mind the fact that they were bullshit. “Yes! Substitute teachers.” The kids know it’s not teaching, the subs know it’s not teaching, it’s flexible hours and they often have other things going on in their lives aside from their work. Perfect for me at the time

The orientation was incredible. I’ll never forget our instructor asking us a real head scratcher.


Instructor: Who can tell me why you shouldn’t fall asleep in class as a teacher?

Us: (Silent. Either confused by the question or not wanting to dignify it with a response).

Instructor: Because the kids will take a video of you and put it up on youtube.


She proceeded to show us a compilation of 20 different substitute teachers falling asleep in class. The bar was set exceptionally low. 

You also have to understand what being a substitute teacher did for my ego as well. Here’s how it used to go when I told people my job.


2017 Me: I’m a wilderness therapy guide. I hike with people struggling with their emotions.

You: Whoah! Tell me all about that! How did you get certified? What’s your craziest story?


2018 Me: I teach English to kindergartners in South Korea

You: That’s wild! What are they like? How was Korea? Did you see Kim Jong Un?


2019 Me: I’m a substitute teacher

You: …Oh…


Picking a school to sub at is a lot like finding a Jiu Jitsu gym. You gotta find the right distance from your house, the time it takes to get there has to be worth it and you need to like both the students and the administration. For teaching, I ended up at Lyman C. Hunt Middle School. For BJJ, there were four schools, but I could only consider three of them.

I first tried Grind BJJ. It was fairly close to my house so I could easily walk there. Like CSA in Copenhagen, it was also part of a community center. There were yoga and art studios nearby. I remember getting in there and seeing some guys already rolling no-gi like they were training for ADCC. The owner got up to greet me with two bleeding cauliflower ears. “Yeah, I get weird stares at work but they never really go away so I’ve stopped caring.” Imagining the contrast between him and the nice ladies spinning pottery across the hall would continue to entertain me in my darkest moments for years to come. 

If you haven’t already seen it, Cauliflower ear is what happens when your ear gets irritated over and over again. It starts to look like a sponge. Or it can swell up in spots looking like there’s a marble growing out of it. This guy had both kinds. I kept picturing him making small talk around the water cooler with his coworker doing his best not to stare.

If you go to Grind’s website, it’s a bit like walking into their space: no frills. Their set-up is just mats and some thai pads in a community center right next to middle aged dancers and a pottery studio. Because we were next to a salsa class, there were some pretty cool beats coming from next door. I remember thinking it would be cool to spar listening to that. That’s until someone said, “fuck that noise.” They started blasting metal. I felt bad for the Salsa class. 

The man with the ears said, “Happy new year everyone, here’s your resolution. It’s that these (his hands) become hooks. Don’t think of these as being fucking hands, from now on they are fucking hooks.” From there we rolled live rounds for 20 minutes and I was getting mangled every which way. 

These guys were killers. I’m sure if I stuck with them, I’d be one too. But I didn’t feel strong enough to be a part of their gym. It’s also a vibe thing. These guys seemed like  men. With a capital M. I’m a goofy therapist who used to teach kindergarten. I couldn’t see myself meshing that well. 

The Dust Mop Takeaway at Grind happened on the way out the door. One of the guys was walking out the door and stopped to look at me. “Hey man, I noticed that you looked a little out of breath. Just to let you know, if you go fast, they’ll go faster.” 

He was totally right. In Jiu Jitsu, you can set the pace however you want. It’s an interesting irony that stronger people will go slower and people who have no strength max themselves out in thirty seconds. At that point, I was not putting any effort into my strength or conditioning. So I was slower, weaker and had less cardio than I do now. But that caused me to panic. One year later, I was rolling with a brand new white belt who was spazzing hard. I remember my coach at the time saying to him, “I guarantee you that if you go slower, Adam will too.” 

These days I feel better about my ability to keep up. I’d like to go and visit Grind if I ever get the chance. I don’t live in Burlington anymore. I’ve done a lot more for my strength and conditioning. It’s a great gym with fantastic rolls. But at that time, I knew it wasn’t a good fit for where I was on my Jiu Jitsu journey. 

These days, I’m a lot stronger than I used to be and wouldn’t mind going back to visit to see how it feels to roll there now. It’s possible if I stayed at Grind, that improvement would have happened quicker. But it’s also possible I would have quit faster as well. 

Years later I heard that Grind was founded out of desperation. Some of the guys were brown belts at a bigger place nearby. They were on the cusp of black chafing under the leadership of the one person likely to promote them. Eventually they were expelled but they weren’t willing to bend the knee to someone new. It’s not just their gym, it’s the entire system that holds people in academies they don’t want to be at until they get blessed with that black belt. 

Here I was, one year in scared shitless that I would never get my blue belt. Here they were ditching the whole belt hierarchy behind. They struck their own way.  That explained their website and their style. No kings, no gods, no bullshit. Just jiu jitsu. In some ways, this project is aligned with theirs. But I wasn’t ready to jump ship just yet. So I kept looking.

My goal is to visit 100 gyms! If you ever want me to visit yours and write about what it’s like to learn from you, feel free to reach out at [email protected] or follow me @DustMop_JiuJitsu

If you want to read my articles as soon as they’re published, you can follow me here.

Featured affiliated academy: Team Gringo Piteå, BJJ Sweden

Team Gringo Piteå, BJJ Sweden

Where is the gym located?
In the very north of Sweden, close to the Arctic circle, in a town called Piteå.

How many people train there?
During the pandemic, the commune closed our training facility and many members went on with other things in life. We are currently working to get the numbers back up. Currently we are closing in on around 20.

Is the gym growing – if so by how many new members each month or year?
Well, Piteå is a small town and I must be realistic, but if we could get around 25 participants every sesson I would be thrilled.

What are the highest and lowest belt grades training?
I am the highest – I received my black belt in 2014 from Eduardo “Duda” Soares (DLR). We have two purples and a few blues, and the rest are white.

When did Team Gringo Piteå, BJJ Sweden open?
Shortly after I moved here from Stockholm, in January 2016.

Some facts about you:

Name: Joakim Ögren
Age: 50
Belt: Black
Profession: Construction worker
Years in BJJ: Since the late 90s
Other martial arts: Yes, since I was 4 years old. Striking arts after the mandatory judo/wrestling as a kid.
Currently living in: Piteå
Originally from: Umeå

Please tell us the story of how your gym came into existence
I played a role when Magnus Hansson started Team Gringo in Stockholm, that has since grown into a great place to train both gi and nogi. But, being an outdoors man as I am, I missed the north and had grown sick of big city life. So we sold the flat and bought a house outside of Piteå. I didn’t want to stop Jiu Jitsu just because there was none here. So I started this gym, not only so I could keep on training but also to spread Jiu Jitsu in this corner of the world.

Tell us about the people that train in the gym – who are they?
Most are just “guys” that like to train Jiu Jitsu. They do it for the great exercise and the bonding that only a Juijiteiro can understand.

Why do they train in Team Gringo Piteå, BJJ Sweden?
Beside what I just mentioned, I think the answers are as individual as every single student.

What are some of the challenges of running a BJJ gym in general, and in your area specifically?
This is a low populated area and martial arts are not very deeply rooted in the culture. The commune happily spends money and builds arenas for ball sports, but when it comes to martial arts it’s a very different story. I think it would be awesome if they could let the different martial arts around here have a facility for the purpose of doing what we like.

How do you see the future for BJJ in your area?
I think we will grow slowly. As of a year ago I’m on the board of the Swedish Submisson Wrestling federation. It’s a win-win senario since now we can arrange competitions around here – something that was previously very rare. This will have an added effect of making people more eager to train, and more locals will discover the art.

What’s the best thing about Team Gringo Piteå, BJJ Sweden?
As with most BJJ gyms, the atmosphere and camaraderie. We have always welcomed visitors, and over the years we’ve had many from all over the world. I think it’s a great way to pick up new stuff and to learn. I also encourage my students to visit other gyms when travelling, just like I’ve done over the years.

What would you recommend Globetrotters to see in your area apart from the inside of your gym?
Dude… there’s so much to see once you realise that travelling isn’t just about cities! The surrounding areas offer so much. If, like me, you love to fish, hunt, go snowmobiling or boondocking or anything in the outdoors, this is the place.

  • Rent a car and go sightseeing in the mountains. See the great rivers. Or take a boat trip around the archipelago.
  • We have quite a unique law in Sweden that gives you the right to wander and hike all over the place. So if you’re into hiking there is no place like it.
  • During the winter you can go skiing or snowmobiling. I’m also big-time into ice fishing and hunting during that time of the year.


Thanks for sharing! If you’d like to visit Team Gringo Piteå, BJJ Sweden you can contact them here.

Featured Traveller: Seb Egan – BJJ Globetrotters

Seb Egan - BJJ Globetrotters

Age: 30 (yes, I know, surprising!)

Belt: White belt – 4 stripes

Profession: IT Lead Officer, but used to work in theatre as a lampy!

How many years in BJJ: 5 years. However, it feels longer with the amount of injuries that I have.

I started to train after I worked on a teaser trailer for a film based around MMA called ‘Law of One’. This is where I met one of the lead actors, Steve ‘Spartan’ Obe (a brown belt under Andy Roberts). Steve became my personal trainer and helped me a lot with core movements. At the gym Christmas party I met Tim Radcliffe, my coach, and long story short I made a dodgy deal: sold my soul (which is why I’m a wristlocker nowadays) and started training BJJ.

Other martial arts: I did judo once as a kid. I had no balance and that’s where my shoulder issues started. Well, either that or falling off a horse too many times!

Where do you live: Woking, in the UK. It’s a really leafy part of Surrey (countryside in England) and it’s where the Martians landed in the H.G Wells classic The War of the Worlds (which we’re all made to read!)

Where are you from: Woking, UK. Never moved

Other fun or curious information you would like to share: I coach and manage U13 & U14 girls in cricket, and score for a local men’s team. I’m also sponsored by Woking & Horsell Cricket Club, which is why you’ll see me walking around in a cricket top. I’m ambidextrous due to the tremor in my right arm. I’m an avid competitor and love going to competitions and, having competed several times in the South of England, I’m now looking for the right opportunity to compete internationally.

Seb Egan – BJJ Globetrotters

Tell us what inspired you to travel and train?
When I started travelling and training, FOMO (fear of missing out) was real and a big problem for me. I just wanted to be in the gym training when I was on holiday. I was in Myrtle Beach, SC on a family holiday and I just needed to train. I found a local gym where I was welcomed with open arms, and ever since I’ve looked at gyms within a short distance of where I’ll be staying. Even whilst doing a group travel tour holiday, I still managed to find the time to train.

BJJ Globetrotters was a lucky find for me. After spending a weekend in hospital during the pandemic and staying in a COVID-19 geriatrics ward, I started looking for somewhere to lie in the sun and do some Jiu Jitsu, that’s when I found BJJ Globetrotters. Which really takes FOMO out of holidays since I can now train and travel at the same time.

Tell us about your most recent travel and your upcoming travel – where have you been and where are you going?
My most recent trip was to Austria for Winter Camp via Kauai, Hawaii for a beach trip and to let some of my injuries recover. This was the first time in five years that I’ve had a holiday without some Jiu Jitsu! And Christmas in Hawaii was too good to refuse. A big mistake not doing anything but lying on a beach and training the muscles in my left arm picking up a glass of beer over and over again! I really suffered in the first few rounds in Austria!

My next trip is going to be a short trip over to Wexford, Ireland for Micheal Currier’s seminar. Also one of the guys that used to train with me now trains there (and I owe him a wristlock or two!).

Currently on the books already are camps in Tallinn, Maine (where I’m spending a week either side of the camp in Boston/NYC for work), Poland for Zen Camp, Arizona, and a trip to Kansas City for work before travelling to St Barths – yacht owners lock up your yachts!!!

I do want to get over to Ukraine and train there, but this may not happen for a while. Other places that I want to go to are South Africa and South America, in particular Peru.

Seb Egan – BJJ Globetrotters

What are the things you enjoy about travelling?
I enjoy seeing different places, meeting new people, drinking with them, and sharing stories. I also enjoy the culture in new places. I love going on adventures – especially those with adrenaline, like throwing myself off bridges or jumping out of planes!

Can you give us some examples of experiences you had that makes it worth traveling and training?
I was travelling to Florida after Christmas 2021, which is where two fellow Globetrotters, Matt and Cynthia, live. I got in touch with Matt for a post-Christmas meet up. This ended with us doing a private session with Charles Harriott in a park just outside of Clearwater, one of the best travel and training experiences I’ve done – where else are you going to go to roll and have a private session?

On the training front, you can’t train at your gym the way you do when at camps. Your training partners grow accustomed to your style, and your game stops evolving. Somebody at your gym has to be learning from someone somewhere else, otherwise you’re still drilling the same techniques as each other with no exposure to how others are training.

What has so far been the most surprising experience for you when traveling?
The general kindness of people. How they can act with so much care for you if you tell them that you’re alone, turning up to a restaurant and saying table for one and then strangers going out of their way to come and talk to you (maybe that’s just me though!)

Also when getting blackout drunk in a foreign country and finding local people to take you back to whatever accommodation I’m staying in, usually helped by having my address scrawled across my arm with a sharpie.

Seb Egan – BJJ Globetrotters

Are you a budget traveller – and if so how do you plan for a cheap trip?
No to the budget travelling, but I do look for cheap deals and I do this by planning early and rebooking hotels last minute. I would normally class myself as a middle-luxury class traveller. I don’t stay in hostels very often. I prefer hotels and Airbnbs even if it means that I have to be on my own.

If you were to pass on travel advice to your fellow Globetrotters, what would it be?
Keep doing you, keep travelling, and generally say yes to most things – it might be an experience that you would never have otherwise. The most important piece of advice is, whatever you do, don’t listen to Michael or to Francesco, as that’s usually where chaos begins. And if they’re both together, just enjoy the ride – it’s going to be a crazy one (Michael gets slapped and pubs get set on fire)!

Thank you to Seb Egan – BJJ Globetrotters for making this interview!

Featured affiliated academy: Tropical Squad BJJ, Spain

BJJ Spain

Where is the gym located?
The gym is located in the city center of Motril, a small town (60,000 people) on the tropical coast of Spain.

How many people train there?
Normally we are between 15 to 20 people. It depends a lot on which period of the year we’re in. For instance, during summertime, because of holidays, there are normally less people coming to train.

Is the gym growing – if so by how many new members each month or year?
Yes! We started in November 2021, so we’re still a really young team. Every month someone new comes to try, and normally they stay and join the team.

What are the highest and lowest belt grades training?
We have many white belts with the same level (1-2 stripes), two recently promoted blue belts, and a brown belt (me). We often have guests from other academies because we’re in the south of Spain, which is a really touristic area, so many people come to train during their holidays.

On Saturdays we have an open mat where everybody is welcome, so many times members from other academies join us for some rolls.

When did the gym open?
The gym itself opened in 2011, originally as an Aikido dojo. When I moved to Spain in Dec 2020, I was looking for a place to train but couldn’t find any in this area, and had to drive a long distance every time. So I decided to open my own, starting in November 2021.

Some facts about you:

Name: Alessandro Roncali
Age: 38
Belt: Brown
Profession: Right now I’m just teaching BJJ, but I used to work as a mechanical maintainer.
Years in BJJ: I started in 2006, and since 2014 I was really addicted. I trained a lot and competed a lot. Then I changed jobs and started working on shifts, so it became very difficult to train regularly. Also, at that time I had some serious issues with my back, and that made me quit for quite a long period. Once I moved here in 2020 I decided to start training again, and here I am.
Other martial arts: I did some Karate (Shotokan style) when I was a kid for a couple of years. I also did a martial art called Yosekanbudo, which is like a mix of different martial arts. There I had my first approach to ground fighting, but of course still really soft compared to BJJ. I did MMA in my old gym, but never with the aim of competing, just training to improve skills.
Currently living in: I live in the countryside near Motril, on the coast of Granada province in the south of Spain.
Originally from: I come from Cividale del Friuli, a small town in the deep northeast of Italy, near the Slovenian border.


Please tell us the story of how Tropical Squad BJJ, Spain came into existence
Hope you’re not in a hurry! Ahahah!

When I moved here from Italy, I was a few years out of training seriously and I was really bored and out of shape. One day my wife (she is from this area) told me: why don’t you search for a BJJ gym around here? I started searching on the internet and asking people, but no one was doing it in my area. When every hope was gone, I casually found on the street a flyer of a gym in a town far from here… so I decided to go there and give it a try.

The gym was also really new (they were basically training in a garage) but I had the chance to train and that was the important thing. After a while, they moved to a better place and opened a real gym. I trained there whenever I could, but it was so far away, so I talked to the coach and owner, who is a really good friend, and told him that I would try to open something in my area. He agreed and supported me.

Then I started looking for a place, but the main big commercial gyms weren’t interested. Everytime i said Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, they used to answer me, “Oh yes, I know it! It’s something like a dance (capoeira)…” LOL

After many attempts, I found the dojo where we currently train thanks to a friend of mine that was teaching yoga there. I spoke to the owner and we got along so quickly. From that point everything evolved really fast… flyers, social media… some people called telling me that they had been waiting for BJJ for a long time…

And here we are.

Tell us about the people that train in the gym – who are they?
Some of them are people that have no previous experience in martial arts. Some are police officers, but mainly normal people that try BJJ and get addicted. We also have people coming from other martial arts like Karate Kyokushin, Thai Boxing, and Judo.

Why do they train in Tropical Squad BJJ, Spain?
Different reasons, like learning self defense and getting in shape, but I think most of them train because they like the atmosphere. We’re more like a group of friends. Rolling is a better way to get to know people than talking, I think many people don’t expect the feeling you get when you’re doing BJJ, so they simply get addicted.

What are some of the challenges of running a BJJ gym in general, and in your area specifically?
Since there’s still no culture for it around here, many people just see the violent part of the sport and are reluctant to give it a chance. The town is quite big, but if you search for martial arts there is only Karate,Taekwondo, Aikido… nothing related to BJJ.
However, I think that things are changing… slowly, but they are changing.

How do you see the future for BJJ in your area?
We hope to grow more. In a few years, I would like to be able to open a bigger academy with BJJ and other activities/disciplines that can grow together.

What’s the best thing about Tropical Squad BJJ, Spain?
The fridge is always full of beer. Ahahah! It’s not simple to say just one thing, but if I have to say one, the best thing is the people who train here. There is a good atmosphere.

What would you recommend Globetrotters to see in your area apart from the inside of your gym?
This area is absolutely incredible for the weather. We have less than 30 rainy days a year, and we enjoy a subtropical climate, so the average temperature during the winter is 19ºC. Here you’ll find avocado, mango, papaya, and every kind of vegetable and fruit you can imagine, plus being right by the sea means a very rich gastronomy.

The cost of living is really low compared to other areas, so there are many things to do and try also on a budget! Every type of outdoor sport is possible all year! There are many sea sports you can also practice in winter. We have a 3500-metre mountain just an hour’s drive from the coast, so you can ski in the morning and surf in the sea in the afternoon.

If you like history, we have the beautiful city of Granada 40 minutes away by car, where you can visit many many amazing things.
I’m sure that organising a camp here would be absolutely great! The chances to embrace many sports and the guarantee of sunny weather makes it the perfect place for it.


Thanks for sharing! If you’d like to visit Tropical Squad BJJ, Spain you can contact them here.

Trekking across the world to become a talk therapist

Dust Mop Jiu Jitsu: The Expat Files: Chapter Six: Fairborn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy-Fairborn, Ohio

-On basics, learning to conduct therapy around the world and realizing I’m standing next to Dave Chappelle

This is Chapter Six of what I’m calling the Expat Files. If you want to know more about what this project is, you can read more about it in the first article here. I’ve referenced a few times that I started BJJ around the same time that I began grad school for Clinical Mental Health Counseling. Right away I felt like there had to be a connection between Jiu Jitsu and therapy. I usually left practice feeling a sense of bliss and clarity that would make any therapist jealous of my coach. But just like at Boston BJJ, in the therapeutic world, I had to learn the fundamentals.  In Jiu Jitsu, fundamentals usually refers to the basic moves that everybody needs to survive in our sport. Since everyone knows them, they usually don’t work on anybody but the newest folks. But if you don’t know them, nothing else you do will work. In grad school, fundamentals was the name of a class that had a residency. That’s what brought me to Yellowsprings, Ohio for a week in December, 2018. My degree was mostly non-residential. That’s a fancy, “chip-on-the-shoulder” way of saying online. I realized I wanted to apply to a program when I was in Korea. But they let me know that I could start working toward it there. In Ulsan, I would wake up early and do practice therapy sessions at Starbucks with a partner who lived in Pittsburgh. For an addictions class, I had to find a substance abuse support group. I found an all-expat Alcoholics Anonymous group in Daegu which is about 45  minutes away via high speed rail. Between teaching full time, jiu jitsu at Ulsan Fight Gym and my Masters, I felt pretty swamped.  As I left Korea, I decided I was going to do one class while on the road. Fundamentals is a course where you focus on all of the skills you need while conducting a therapy session. A part of this is having a lab partner where you take turns being their therapist or their client.. Being on zoom, it made it easier to watch recordings of yourself and nitpick everything you say as the counselor. A classic assignment is to pick something you said and answer the following questions.
  • What did you say?
  • What skill were you demonstrating? (Options could be: open-ended question, reflection of feeling, summary, paraphrasing, non–verbal affirmation etc.)
  • What could you have said instead?
  • What skill would that have been?
It’s incredibly tedious but helpful. The goal is to always feel like you know why you are saying what you are saying to clients. I did work for this class in a number of countries throughout that semester. It must have been fun for my partner who did zoom sessions with me in Korea, Denmark and Portugal. Below you’ll see the places that I did at least some work for Fundamentals. Similar to Jiu-Jitsu, the fundamentals are what you need to communicate effectively as a therapist. But if you only use those tools in session, you can sound robotic and formulaic. Kids in therapeutic settings can see these rhetorical tools coming a mile away. That’s when the emotional walls come up. The trick is to build an awareness of why you say what you say without sounding like a freaking therapist. It’s like what my friend and teammate Jovan says about techniques, “Nothing works. Unless it’s a surprise.”  The class culminates in a residency in Yellow Springs. For that week, you gather with a few other students who took the same class. For five days my classmates and I watched each other do therapy. We got and gave feedback. They need to do this so that they can vouch for us before we do internships. I actually had an amazing time. It all felt very natural to me. During the day we would all practice therapy and at night hit up the few spots you could go to for drinks and pub food.  Before that week, I had finally been living my dream of doing BJJ every day. I wanted to get to at least one class before the week was up. Unsurprisingly, there was no studio for it in Yellow Springs. It’s a very small town that has its charm. It’s actually where Dave Chappelle and John Lithgow are from. (I actually realized I was standing next to Dave Chappelle at a crosswalk one of the nights I was there). So the closest place was Fairborn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy which was about a 30 minute drive away. This was almost four years ago but one thing struck me that I haven’t seen anywhere else. The instructor introduced himself, and asked why I was in town. At first it was just him and me there, but for everyone who walked in the door, he greeted them and said, “This is Adam, he’s just in town for the week and so he’ll be joining us tonight.”  That might seem like a small thing but you have no idea how much going to a new BJJ academy can feel like the first day of kindergarten. All the other children are playing in the sandbox or on the swings and you just know they’re all thinking, “who’s the new kid?” But that introduction really helped get rid of that awkward feeling. If you’re a Jiu-jitsu instructor and you’re reading this, take note. A study I read once tried to find the single highest predicting variable of who at a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu studio will continue their membership. The result: how many other students know your name.  The lesson was helpful as well. Like most gyms I’ve been to, I was one of the smallest guys there. They all had that midwest powerlifter look. But the lesson really helped with something I had struggled with. I would often get mount on folks and get launched off right away. But the technique was to make my body parallel to theirs and snake my legs under theirs. Then, without looking, you can feel what direction they are trying to push you and you can resist. It helped me survive a lot longer on top. A week later, I found myself rolling with Tom,  one of the guys from Boston BJJ. Like normal, he was kicking my ass. But I managed to get on top and use the leg-snaking technique from Fairborn. I stayed on for a full minute before getting swept-up. But as soon as the timer marked the end of the round he looked at me and said, “You are a LOT better than you were a month ago!”  I’d like to say that it was Fairborn that helped me get that compliment. In reality, there’s no magic technique that helps fix your game. But it’s the slow tweaking of fundamental movements overtime that makes you more efficient and better at the sport. Even the fanciest of moves needs to be built on the awareness of the basics. Similar to therapy, it can be tempting to think that you need some fancy tool to break through to your clients so you can feel like Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting. But more often than not, it’s just making a minor switch and then practicing it over and over again.  As far as I know, the academy doesn’t live where it used to anymore. If you want to meet those guys and train with them, they merged with Dayton Mixed Martial Arts Academy. I remember them talking about the move when I was there. If any of you are reading this, I hope the transition went well.   Dust Mop Takeaway: That leg snaking technique served me for a really long time. So did the idea of being more friendly to new folks at the gym. I always want to be more like that instructor who introduced me to everyone. But more often than not, I was at a new gym where I was waiting for folks to welcome me in. Fairborn is the only place where I didn’t feel that.  As I look back, Fairborn is emblematic of the importance of fundamentals. It’s the building blocks of everything in BJJ, therapy and almost everything else I can think of. Building that awareness of what you are doing, and why you are doing it. Using them doesn’t mean that you will win, but not knowing them means almost certain failure.–My goal is to visit 100 gyms! If you ever want me to visit yours and write about what it’s like to learn from you, feel free to reach out at [email protected]. You can also follow me @DustMop_JiuJitsuIf you want to read my articles as soon as they’re published be sure to subscribe below!

Featured Camp Instructor: Francesco Fonte – BJJ Globetrotters

Francesco Fonte - BJJ Globetrotters

Francesco Fonte – BJJ Globetrotters

Belt: Black belt first degree
Age: 46

Profession: MMA & jiu-jitsu coach, gym owner
Started training (year): My first approach to jiu-jitsu was in 2003 but I think I didn’t start to regularly training with friends until a couple of years later.
City/country: Currently living in Germany nearby Hanau, where my gym is.


Main achievements in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu:

I didn’t compete too often but I manage to collect some medal here and there. My favourite memories are probably winning the Rome Challenge in 2007, and the Swedish Open in 2011 and 2014. I tried my luck in MMA too, winning my debut with a first round arm bar, and getting badly injured in my second match. After that I did a few more jiu-jitsu tournaments and pretty much stopped competing.


Which Globetrotters camps have you attended:

So far, Heidelberg 2018, Zen camp 2020, Heidelberg and Wagrain Summer camp 2021, Winter camp Wagrain / Spring camp Tallinn / Summer camp Heidelberg / Faroe Islands camp 2022, Winter camp 2023. At the moment I booked my instructor spot for the coming Spring, Summer and Zen camps 2023.

Francesco Fonte & Priit Mihkelson – BJJ Globetrotters instructors

Which camp has been your favorite so far?

Every camp has its own “flavour” but my favourite camps are those less crowded like Zen and Winter camp. Especially Winter camp since the combo snowboard and jiu-jitsu is perfect.


Favorite stories/moments from the camps?

Francesco Fonte – BJJ Globetrotters camp in Heidelberg


Too many to list. The incredible amount of people I connected to, thanks to camps, it’s a story by itself.

That time I was uke for Wim and he strangled me almost unconscious in front of 80+ people and nobody noticed.

Learning to snowboard at my first Winter camp with Priit and Nina.

Introducing people to creative ways of drinking tequila in Tallinn.

Being blamed for an incredible party in Heidelberg.

Cooking for a bunch of ‘trotters in Torshavn.

The slapping game in Wagrain, followed by the burning pub accident.

If you want details, you have to ask me at camp.


Your favorite class/classes to teach at camp?

Francesco Fonte – BJJ Globetrotters Camp in Heidelberg

I approach jiu-jitsu from concepts and mechanics so I like to teach classes where I can offer my point of view on a general topic. I think so far the classes I enjoyed teaching the most, have been a class on closed guard at Zen camp, one on guard passing in Tallinn, one on sweeps in Heidelberg and one on guard retention at Winter camp.


Anything else you want to add to your profile:

 I am incredibly grateful for what the Globetrotters camps brought into my life and I always suggest anyone who trains, to join one and experience it. If you’re reading these lines, know that you are always welcome in my gym and you can contact me for any question on jiu-jitsu and MMA.




Francesco Fonte – BJJ Globetrotters instructor


Featured Traveller: Stephanie Barthelemy – BJJ Globetrotters

Stephanie Barthelemy - BJJ Globetrotters

Age: I am 32 years old.

Belt: A 2-stripe blue belt (I often get demoted by my washing machine, but that’s a story for another day).

Profession: I am a small business owner working in marketing, advertising, and investment.

How many years in BJJ: Only been on the BJJ train for 3 years, yet it feels like forever.

Other martial arts: Boxing and Muay Thai have both been a consistent part of my life since I was 16 years old.

Where do you live: 4 years ago, after experiencing the worst snowstorm and almost losing both my ears and fingers to the harsh Canadian winter, I decided enough was enough and packed my bags for a forever sunny location. From the crazy sub-zero Quebec Arctic to the buzzing desert. Happily living in the sunny Abu Dhabi, UAE desert ever since.

I am forever grateful that this was possible due to the flexible nature of my work. This was also very strategic, since it would allow me to travel to my favorite countries more efficiently.

Where are you from: From Montreal, Canada, an absolutely beautiful and culturally rich city, with so much to offer, whenever it’s not freezing 8 months of the year. All righty, I’m just kidding, slightly…

Montreal will always have a special place in my heart as it’s also where I first started BJJ.

Other fun or curious information you would like to share: I obsess and meticulously plan so that I can travel as light as possible and all my stuff fit into one glorious bag. It’s like a religion to me at this point, or a fun psychotic game.

Stephanie Barthelemy – BJJ gear for travelling


Tell us what inspired you to travel and train?
I travel for both fun and work. I would always visit local gyms for weight training. But when I started BJJ, I noticed that I was feeling anxious at the thought of missing training due to work travel. Then I remembered how popular the sport was globally and how awesome it would be to add BJJ to my travel routine, trying new clubs all around the world.

The rest is truly history. Now the first thing I do when I’m planning to travel to a new place is look for a BJJ gym. You know how some people love to check out UNESCO heritage sites? Well it’s a bit of a similar situation for me. I even go as far as choosing the apartment that’s closest to a BJJ gym.

Tell us about your most recent travel and your upcoming travel – where have you been and where are you going?
I was in Belgrade, Serbia last October for a friend’s birthday and we both fell head over heels with the place. Then I spent 3 weeks in Riga, Latvia for medical tourism.

The next few months should be just as hectic as I like it. I’m planning to go back to train with my new BJJ friends in Belgrade and Malaga. On the calendar there’s also Bulgaria, an Egyptian wedding, and Globetrotters camps in Estonia and Poland.

There are still so many places I want to go to. It’s been a lifelong dream to make it to Antarctica. Also would love to go back to Iceland to hike the Landmannalauger and a glacier again. Then there’s Argentina for a wine and Asado course with some tango.

There’s so much to do and such limited time.

Anyways, I digress. One thing is certain is that I get quite excited when I think about the possibility of still being able to drop by BJJ gyms even in the most remote places. Meteora (Greece) is the only place where I couldn’t find any BJJ gym so far.

Stephanie Barthelemy – BJJ Globetrotters

What are the things you enjoy about travelling?
As a history and architecture aficionado, it goes without saying that I enjoy checking out the historical landmarks and museums. I also like outdoor adventuring. That said, my travel pattern is still different nowadays. For example, my friends tease me and call me a turtle because, apparently, I travel way too slow. I tried my best to pick up the pace but with time, I finally got to understand and accept my personal travel style instead of fighting it.

If I only have one week, you best believe it will be spent in the same city. This reminds me of a guy I met in Istanbul a few years ago. He was telling me about how fast he was and how he was able to travel the entirety of Turkey in only a week. I still shiver at that thought up until today. I had no idea how he did it.

Anyways, on my side, I’m slow and I like diving into the local food as a self-proclaimed foodie. Getting to know the locals and sharing meals and drinks with new friends is my main focus and the absolute cherry on top for me.

Then when I started dropping by local BJJ gyms, my overall travel experience increased tenfold.

Nowadays my perfect travel itinerary looks something like: work in the morning, then a quick museum, cultural, or food walking tour in the afternoon. In the evening, I head to Gi and NoGi training… brownie points if there’s a 10th Planet around (yes I know). Afterwards I’d be hitting some of the best places to eat. Ending the day with some crafted cocktails in a hole in the wall bar lounge that only the locals know about.

Can you give us some examples of experiences you had that makes it worth traveling and training?
I’ve been traveling for quite some time now, but only recently started to merge it with training. And let me tell you that I never fathomed this type of life-changing experience.

Back in November, I traveled to Latvia entirely alone to have a major surgery. Before the surgery, I managed to drop by Strela Riga BJJ in order to train. I still remember the pure joy I felt attending the class being fully taught in Russian. BJJ truly knows no limits. I just never expected to receive such a warm welcome and acceptance from the head coach along with the team members. After the training we all exchanged our @ on IG (how things have changed since the email days). I had only recently met these people and only rolled with them once, yet they all kept checking on me post-surgery, during my recovery and offering me their help. Up until today, I’m still flabbergasted by their kindness.

What has so far been the most surprising experience for you when traveling?
Yes, there are most certainly serial killers out there. That said, after continuously traveling all around the world, I’m determined that most people are good. And I don’t say this lightly but as a minority who sticks out like a sore thumb wherever I go.

My experience has never been short of amazing 99% of the time. It’s insane how people go out of their way to help you.

Another surprising thing is related to traveling in the modern landscape. I still can’t get used to how so many people use Instagram. I know that the platform gets a lot of hate, but I’m so thankful that I started using it this year. It has had a great impact in my life and has been a positive tool to stay in contact and nurture the friendship with all these amazing jiujiteiros/-as all around the world.

There was also that time when I was traveling through Palestine and met this lovely Palestinian girl at a local coffee shop. After talking for a few minutes, she invited me to stay over at her place so she could practice her English. She was a recent medical graduate looking for a job and was bored out of her mind. Next thing you know, my one week stay turned into 3 months and we were traveling round the region and having a blast. She also refused to let me pay back a single dime for the hospitality.

So many people with hearts of gold all around the world. I try my best to contribute and pay it forward in my own way.

Stephanie Barthelemy – BJJ Globetrotters

Are you a budget traveller – and if so how do you plan for a cheap trip?
I’m afraid I’m not much of a budget traveler. I see myself more of medium to luxury traveler with a passion for scoring good deals. That said, most of my trips are planned ahead of time, which gives me plenty of time to research the best prices.

I guess I still have my ways to minimize cost and strike a balance. For example, I don’t mind a budget airline for shorter trips but then I would splurge on a nice apartment rental, restaurants, wine, and excursions. That said, I will almost always say yes to any adventure so I don’t mind roughing it occasionally. All in the name of yolo-ing and making lifetime memories with amazing friends.

For the sake of transparency, I also do want to add that my favorite parts of the world to travel are the Baltics, Balkans, overall the geographical Eastern part of Europe (not trying to get political here), the Caucasus, and Central Asia (Silk Road). Coincidentally, these are all places that also allow me to stretch my dollar much further than, let’s say, Switzerland, France or Scandinavia.

So that’s probably my #1 travel hack right there.

If you were to pass on travel advice to your fellow Globetrotters, what would it be?
A reminder that even if we look different or speak different languages, have different nationalities etc., we’re all social creatures who crave various level of human interaction, connection, and a sense of togetherness and belonging. I think fellow globetrotters already know this to some extent and tend to be naturally adventurous at heart.

Still, it’s very easy to get complacent or let fear cripple us, as the news only seem to get worse by the day. So let’s all keep gallivanting around the globe in our gis whilst simultaneously connecting and sharing awesome moments together. Although we certainly momentarily choose violence on the mats, no one else knows how to have a good time like my fellow globetrotters.

Looking forward to seeing you half way around the world, perhaps even RNC’ing a couple of you guys, only to enjoy a few too many glasses of wine when all is said and done.

Cheers & stay curious and adventurous my friends!

Thank you to Stephanie Barthelemy – BJJ Globetrotters for making this interview!

Featured Camp Instructor: Zachary Miller – BJJ Globetrotters

Zachary Miller BJJ

Zachary Miller – BJJ Globetrotters

Belt: Black
Age: 30

Profession: Serving in the United States Marine Corps since 2013
Started training (year): 2009
City/country: Arizona, USA


Main achievements in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu:

I’m relatively new to competing in Jiu Jitsu and have just recently found a desire for competition, so still building experience in that regard. I do however take much pride in my teaching abilities and consider my experiences of teaching in other countries with BJJ Globetrotters as the current highlight of my career. I’m honored to have met so many wonderful people and blessed to have  been afforded the opportunity to help others along in their journey on the mats. Being able to teach my style in a realistic, relatable and most importantly, humorous format will continue to be my goal. 


In addition, I’m very pleased to be working as a volunteer with We Defy Foundation, an organization focused on rehabilitating combat disabled veterans through jiu jitsu. I am currently their Training Facility Coordinator and responsible for making sure all affiliated gyms who partner with us meet the criteria for providing a safe space for our scholarship recipients. Given the fact that Globetrotters is so welcoming and non-political, my experience with them has given me great insight on what  to look for and avoid in the process of screening potential gyms. 


Which Globetrotters camps have you attended:

Iceland, St. Barthelemy, Germany and every Arizona camp there’s been.


Which camp has been your favorite so far?

It’s definitely a tie between Iceland and St. Barthelemy. Iceland because I was able to experience a culture and region vastly different from my home for the first time, and St. Barts because of the small interpersonal camaraderie your afforded.


Favorite stories/moments from the camps?


Zachary Miller – BJJ Globetrotters Iceland Camp


Another toss up between so many memories! It’s between competing in the Glima tournament and hiking with friends to watch an active volcano eruption in Iceland or the last minute mansion party in the hills of St. Barts and competing in the Caribbean Island camp surf competition, despite sucking royally!


Your favorite class/classes to teach at camp?

Recently in Germany my Coach and good friend, Michael Currier and I started co-teaching a Big Guys vs Little Guys class. This has been the most fun class to teach thus far as we both enjoy making everyone laugh and entertaining the group. With him being 145lbs and me being 215lbs we have to modify so many things when rolling against each other’s style. Sharing those adjustments has been really fun and helpful at camp.

Zachary Miller – BJJ Globetrotters Camp


Anything else you want to add to your profile:

I’m truly grateful for BJJ Globetrotters. Because of this organization I have been able to identify and avoid cult gyms, skirt around unnecessary politics, find and embrace my new and current gym/team, make wonderful friends all over the world, teach my style of Jiu jitsu, travel and experience new cultures with my wife, and live the dream. I encourage anyone reading this who’s never attended a camp to take their first step and purchase a ticket!



Zachary Miller – BJJ Globetrotters instructor


Featured affiliated academy: Fat Man Gym, BJJ Croatia

Fat Man Gym, BJJ Croatia

Where is Fat Man Gym, BJJ Croatia located?
Osijek, Croatia.

How many people train in your gym?
About 10-12, but not always at the same time.

Is the gym growing – if so by how many new members each month or year?
We are growing but not by much because we don’t have space (only 20 m2). So 4 people can train at a time, but when there are more than that it’s not so good. For now we are growing though – we started with 4 people and now we are 10-12.

What are the highest and lowest belt grades training?
Highest is brown, lowest is white belt.

When did the gym open?
The gym opened in 2021.

Some facts about you:

Name: Marko Torić
Age: 36
Belt: Brown
Profession: Special education teacher
Years in BJJ: 14
Other martial arts: Sambo, Boxing, Kickboxing
Currently living in: Osijek
Originally from: Zagreb, Croatia

Please tell us the story of how Fat Man Gym, BJJ Croatia came into existence
Four of us (Igor, Bojan, Želimir, and myself) started to train outside when all the gyms were closed. We bought some mats, found a place that no one was using, and after a few beers we were training.

Our BJJ gym, BJJ Prime (run by BJJ black belt Vedran Budetić) was also closed. After the first lockdown we went back to BJJ Prime, but vew few people returned since there was still the fear of COVID in the air. Then the second lockdown came and we were again hiding and training. During that time I was looking to buy a house, and one of the requirements was that it had to have space for a small gym. Nothing big, just for few people to come and train in case of a new lockdown.

A few months after the second lockdown, in May 2021, I bought a house with one more guesthouse in garden. The logical move was to renovate it and make a small gym inside. So from May 2021 we have been training there. We were planning on going back to BJJ Prime, but it didn’t feel right. We all love each other, I am a great friend with Vedran, his best man at his wedding. But the four of us started to train differently and learning different techniques (we were all doing techniques for heavy people!). We liked the relaxed training, watching tutorials etc. When you’re in a normal BJJ club you can’t usually do that. You have to have structured learning. So we parted ways and that’s how Fat Man Gym was created. We still go to Prime and hang out, but we are older and fat, so we can’t train like some 20-year-old competition BJJ player…

Tell us about the people that train in Fat Man Gym, BJJ Croatia – who are they?
Three people we have to talk about are Igor Dundović, Bojan Mikac and Želimir Gusak. They are the core founders of Fat Man Gym. All good people, they like to train and learn. They supported and helped financially me when I was doing home improvement in the gym. Other members are also Marin Šutalo and Tomica Mandić who are there every training and doing their best to improve. Our logo creator Ivan Janković, who is helping us by printing logos on t-shirts. Mauricio Lazarić is coming and training with us and in his original BJJ gym, Univerzum. And a few others who come and go, but these 7 are there on a weekly basis.

Why do they train?
We love the complexity of Jiu Jitsu and like to see how much our bodies can do when pushed. And it is a great way to get away from the wife and kids :D

What are some of the challenges of running a BJJ gym in general, and in your area specifically?
This is a small gym and we are all friends, so we talk every day about how to schedule a training session.

How do you see the future for Jiu Jitsu in your area? 
The area is good. In Osijek there are 5 Jiu Jitsu gyms and all are doing great. We are friends with all of them and are hoping that we can create massive open mats so all of our styles can come together and we can all learn from each other.

What’s the best thing about your gym? 
It is open 24/7 and we can have parties in there :D

What would you recommend Globetrotters to see in your area apart from the inside of your gym? 
Try the food here – it’s great! – and see the city and the countryside.


Thanks for sharing! If you’d like to visit Fat Man Gym, BJJ Croatia, you can contact them at [email protected]

Featured Traveller: Lea-Marie Stock – BJJ Globetrotters

Lea-Marie Stock – BJJ Globetrotters

Age: I am 26 years old

Belt: A freshly promoted purple belt (dyed my hair purple the week after!)

Profession: I am currently working on finishing my Masters degree in psychology to work as a forensic psychologist. I also work as a bouncer from time to time.

How many years in BJJ: I’ve trained BJJ for 4 ½ years now. It feels like ages and that the time just flew by at the same time.

Other martial arts: I never did anything sporty before I started Jiu Jitsu. I was a nerd in school and I used to prefer to write (mediocre to be fair) homework about muscles rather than performing step aerobics in front of the class, and so my teacher told me that I am probably “just not a sport person”. Definitely proved her wrong by now. I also tried MMA and Muay Thai a couple of times in the past years, but I didn’t like it. I sometimes do Combat Jiu Jitsu though!

Where do you live: I live in Duisburg, Germany. Duisburg is known to be the ugliest city ever, and if you ever end up at the train station (I hope you never do) then you will know why. In the first week of living in Duisburg I witnessed a robbery in front of my door, involving a wrestling belt. After having lived there for a year now, it makes sense from a retro perspective. (If you ever catch me at camp, ask me for that story, it’s a good one). In the future I would like to live somewhere nice and maybe even abroad.

Where are you from: A German city close to Duisburg. I downgraded myself to be closer to my Jiu Jitsu gym in Düsseldorf.

Other fun or curious information you would like to share: Three years ago I decided to build my own (chromatic, google it!) harp, ignoring the fact that I had never played a harp before. I am now the worst harp player known but I can tell you everything about the history of different kinds of harps and other totally useless knowledge.

Lea-Marie Stock – BJJ Globetrotters

Tell us what inspired you to travel and train?
Originally when I started doing Jiu Jitsu (I was introduced by my current boyfriend at that time) I would never have imagined how far this would go. Jiu Jitsu was appealing to me because it seemed so nerdy and playful, and I was pretty much hooked after a few classes. And then it found more and more place in my daily life. I think that signing up for camps and competing helped me to start traveling. Of course, I always had some sort of travel plans, but they were pretty much always vague and “someday…”.
But with having concrete dates it was easy to realize it. I know the competition is on the 14th of something, so I know I have to be there on the 13th and so on. And once I started traveling it was much easier to continue. I feel like once you experience how easy it is (as a European) to go somewhere else for a weekend and you get confident in not getting lost somewhere, there’s not much that stops you anymore.

Tell us about your most recent travel and your upcoming travel – where have you been and where are you going?
So just two weeks ago I flew to Rome to drink Aperol Spritz (I drank plenty) and I also competed at the IBJJF No-Gi Europeans where I took gold and bronze. Three weeks before that I was in Latvia (shooting and learning something about history) and Spain (competing for the German national team).

So my next trip will probably be the BJJ Globetrotters camp in Austria (I will function as Christian’s helpful elf). Afterwards I’ll go to Paris and compete at the IBJJF Europeans and then I’ll go to Bucharest in Romania. I think I have too many places I want to see next year. I want to go to Estonia, Sweden, Norway, Iceland (again!), …

Lea-Marie Stock – BJJ Globetrotters

What are the things you enjoy about travelling?
I just like seeing different places. I mostly like city trips, wandering around in a nice-looking city (Riga for example was sooo pretty!) and getting to know a little bit about the history of the country and do some sightseeing. I also enjoy meeting new people and making friends everywhere.

Can you give us some examples of experiences you had that makes it worth traveling and training?
Before Jiu Jitsu I used to be extremely shy and not talk to people (in the first six months of going to class I couldn’t even say hello to my teammates) and if you meet me now it’s the complete opposite. Having the experience of being in a group of people who try to help each other out really helped me to grow into a confident person and that makes it worth it 100%.

And I think especially the combination of training and traveling is great. When you meet people at Globetrotters camps from all around the world it makes it easier for you to visit different places, because you already know someone who can give you a couch and good recommendations. You always get a better experience when you go with the local people. When I did the Iceland Camp in 2020, one of the women who worked at Mjölnir MMA and trained with us during the week took us for a hike the day after camp. After hiking for 1.5 hrs in the beautiful nature of Iceland (we had been told it was 30 minutes, but nevermind) we sat down in the hot springs in the mountains, and I think I will never forget how stunning that was. I would have never found that place without having someone local with me.

What has so far been the most surprising experience for you when traveling?
That it’s incredibly easy to get recognized as a German as soon as I stop at a traffic light.

Lea-Marie Stock – BJJ Competition

Are you a budget traveller – and if so how do you plan for a cheap trip?
I am a budget traveller. For my last competition in Rome, I depended on people donating money so I could afford to go. I just try to book smart and find the best airplane prices and prefer Airbnb before hotel. But I also love having kitschy rooms when I can afford it.

If you were to pass on travel advice to your fellow Globetrotters, what would it be?
Just go. Jump in and enjoy it! You will be overwhelmed by how welcoming everyone will be.

Lea-Marie Stock - BJJ Globetrotters

Thank you to Lea-Marie Stock – BJJ Globetrotters for making this interview!

Featured Camp Instructor: Wim Deputter – BJJ Globetrotters


Wim Deputter BJJ

Wim Deputter – BJJ Globetrotters

Belt: Black
Age: 40

Profession: Fulltime BJJ coach and competitor at Brasa Belgium
Started training (year): Started martial arts around 1990, started BJJ around 2000
City/country: Leuven, Belgium


Main achievements in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu:

-World Champion JJIF 2014

-MMA record 19 – 4 (all losses by decision)

-Silver medal IBJJF No Gi Europeans Masters Absolute

-Double silver medal IBJJF Silver masters, -76kg and -82kg

-Building my own gym and making a career out of Jiu Jitsu

-Triple Gold at Grappling Industries after 7 months of recovery due to surgery

-One of best selling instructors at BJJ Fanatics



Which Globetrotters camps have you attended:

-Every Leuven Camp (5x?)

Heidelberg 3x

Zen Camp 4x


Talinn 3x


Which camp has been your favorite so far?

Zen Camp



Favorite stories/moments from the camps?

Meeting my wife Yara two days before the 3th Leuven camp during a bar crawl in Brussels with some camp attendees who arrived sooner and wanted to go partying in Brussels. Long story :)


Your favorite class/classes to teach at camp?

-Breathing techniques at Zen Camp 2022

-the formula for an Impassable Guard at Zen Camp  2018


Anything else you want to add to your profile:

-Personal website: www.wimdeputter.com

-Gym website: www.brasateam.be

-Podcasts and interviews: https://www.wimdeputter.com/podcasts/

-Instructionals: https://bjjfanatics.com/collections/instructional-videos/fighter_wim-deputter

-Youtube Channel: www.youtube.com/wimdeputterbjj

-Instagram: www.instagram.com/wimdeputterbjj

-Main facebook profile: www.facebook.com/wimdeputter

-Facebook athlete page: www.facebook.com/wimdeputterbjj

-Biography interview: https://bjjtribes.com/bjj-athletes-wim-deputter-biography-interview/


Wim Deputter – BJJ Globetrotters instructor


Featured Camp Instructor: Joshua Janis – BJJ Globetrotters

Joshua Janis - BJJ

Joshua Janis – BJJ Globetrotters

Age: 39
Belt: Black

Profession: Communication Coach with MyOdisee
Started training (year): 2000
City/country:  Milwaukee, WI, USA


Main achievements in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu:

The main thing I am proud of is creating lasting relationships with practitioners all around the world. In a close second, becoming a megaphone for the Jiu Jitsu hobbyist. We can become excellent at Jiu Jitsu and also train in a painless, precise and playful way.


Joshua Janis – BJJ Globetrotters


Which Globetrotters camps have you attended:

I have attended Arizona a bunch of times, Iceland, Estonia, Heidelberg, and St. Barths.


Which camp has been your favorite so far?

Estonia in Tallinn. It was a magical mix of people in a wonderful city.



Favorite stories/moments from the camps?

Oh gosh, so many. I’ll pick Three. First, the 12 ft ladder, Jesus take the wheel, back flop into a kiddie pool. Second, rapping karaoke in estonia while having way to many “Free” Mintu shots. Third, finding a hidden club in the basement of a bar we were just in the night before and had no idea. Dancing the night away when I thought I just wanted a night cap.


Your favorite class/classes to teach at camp?

I just love teaching, so any really. If you are twisting my arm (Jiu Jitsu pun intended) I would have to pick my guillotine classes as I have the largest breadth of knowledge on the subject.



Anything else you want to add to your profile:

I have 2 BJJ fanatics videos out with a third being filmed in November.



I have a dojo named White Lotus that my partner Meghan and I own in Milwaukee, WI. We love visitors. Check us out at https://www.gentleartlifestyle.com/whitelotusbjj 


Joshua Janis – BJJ Globetrotters instructor


Featured affiliated academy: White Lotus Jiu-Jitsu, USA

Jiu-Jitsu USA

Where is the gym located?
The best address ever – 420 S 1st street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.

How many people train there?

Is the gym growing – if so by how many new members each month or year?
The gym is growing really fast. Since we’ve been open for 3 weeks as of writing this, that is 5 students a week :)

What are the highest and lowest belt grades training?
Our school is for experienced grapplers, so our lowest is 4-stripe white belts with multiple black belts.

When did the gym open?
September 6th 2022

Some facts about you:

Name: Joshua Janis
Age: 39
Belt: Black
Profession: Interpersonal Communication Coach with www.myodisee.com
Years in BJJ: 19
Other martial arts: TKD as a kid
Currently living in: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Originally from: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA

White Lotus Jiu-Jitsu, USA

Please tell us the story of how your gym came into existence
Like any good story, it starts with trial and tribulation. After coming out of Covid I ran into some unexpected internal conflict with the gym I had been at for 15 years. Having done a good bit of travelling, watching other coaches, other gyms, and listening to a plethora of different perspectives made it hard for us to fit into any gym’s culture. We felt that there could be a school that focused on the hobbyist, whose culture was a bit nerdy, and where you could focus on learning in a roll instead of winning.

Once we committed to creating a home for us, the universe provided. We found a perfect spot, in the perfect location, for something we could afford. We got to work, putting in the long hours to create a brand that was congruent with who we are as people. Then building the comfortable environment that we felt was super important to our culture.

White Lotus Jiu-Jitsu, USA is different. We cater to the experienced BJJ hobbyist. Our classes are principles-based over individual methods. Our gym is open 24/7 to members and couples as a co-working space. Our lounge allows for a space to come together to watch grappling, fights, Avatar the Last Airbender, or even House of the Dragon.

While it is still very early, I consider ourselves very lucky. It has been an amazing experience to create something with my partner Meghan. Her ability to listen to her emotional voice balances my logical voice perfectly. While it has been a lot of work, I look back at what we have accomplished so far with fondness and pride

Tell us about the people that train in the gym – who are they?
One common thread with our students is their open-mindedness and intelligence both in their professional and Jiu Jitsu lives. Mix these traits with helpfulness and pour into classes that encourage discussion on what works for the individual and you have White Lotus.

Why do they train in White Lotus Jiu-Jitsu, USA?
I believe our people start training for many reasons, however they stay around because of the dojo culture. If the dojo culture matches what the student wants then they will stick it out.

What are some of the challenges of running a BJJ gym in general, and in your area specifically?
In general, it is just like any business. Staying organised, keeping the facility clean, how to handle student challenges, how to get people in the door etc.

We have a very specific challenge in that we are opening as a dojo for experienced grapplers only, which means no white belts (which is normally the blood of a dojo). It isn’t that we are against white belts, it is that we want to teach advanced BJJ principles so you need to have basic methods somewhat understood. This makes our pool of possible participants smaller. We also don’t want to be perceived as “poachers”, so we created an auxiliary membership that can easily be paired with a home gym of students.

White Lotus Jiu-Jitsu, USA

How do you see the future for BJJ in your area?
I believe that we are still at the tip of the spear in regards to the popularity of Jiu Jitsu. It is a tool that fixes so many of the challenges we face as a society. When done right, It inspires confidence and develops strong relationships. As people develop their own expressions of the art it will continue to explode both in Milwaukee and all over.

What’s the best thing about White Lotus Jiu-Jitsu, USA?
I’ll answer this from my perspective…

Spiritually: Creating something with my the love of my life.
Emotionally: Watching students interact with something you have created.
Physically: The lounge. It’s so cool to have a place to chill. It’s like a living room in a dojo!

What would you recommend Globetrotters to see in your area apart from the inside of your gym ?
Depends on the time of year. Summers in Milwaukee are perhaps the best in the country. We have huge music festivals, we are the home of Harley Davidson, and if you have never seen Lake Michigan it will take your breath away. In winter, the best part is our winter BJJ camp :)


Thanks for sharing! If you’d like to visit White Lotus Jiu-Jitsu, USA you can find them here.

Featured traveller: Marju Kern – BJJ Globetrotters

Marju Kern BJJ


Age: 45

Belt: 4-stripe white belt

Profession: I identify mostly as a full-time mom. All legal work experience, telco business, and investments feel kinda irrelevant compared to parenting.

How many years in BJJ: 6

Other martial arts: I started with MMA after my 4th child was born. I guess I was a bit overwhelmed with the chaotic life with kids at home and I was looking for a place where I could release some stress (sometimes moms need to kick something for their sanity). A 3-month introductory course for beginners seemed just the right thing, because I thought 3 months is doable and by that time I’ll have gotten the stress out of my system. However the club also had a 3-month follow-up course, and as a young widow I had new reasons to keep going. During MMA classes I sometimes saw people doing BJJ on other mats. BJJ looked awful, sweaty, and embarrassing. Not for me, I thought.

Where do you live: Tallinn, Estonia

Where are you from: I was born and grew up in this lovely town Pärnu, where this year the BJJ Globetrotters beach camp took place.

Other fun or curious information you would like to share: I like real letters and postcards. I have a penpal in Finland with whom I’ve exchanged handwritten letters for 32 years. I was on a school trip to Finland and a girl asked my address when we were visiting a local school. The next time I saw her again in person was 27 years later during another trip to Finland.

A few years ago I discovered postcrossing. This is also a cool way to send and receive postcards from all over the world.

Marju Kern – BJJ camp in St. Barts

Tell us what inspired you to travel and train?
I think the first time I read about BJJ Globetrotters camps was on social media, when someone from Estonia shared her experiences. I was immediately mesmerized by this – imagine that! The two best things combined: travelling somewhere and training with friendly like-minded people! Then Priit “defensivebjj” Mihkelson started participating in camps and was very un-priitly happy about that. As a curious person, I wanted to go and see in person what it’s all about. Finally in the summer of 2020 the planets were all correctly aligned and I could go to my first abroad camp in Iceland.

Participating in a camp is an excellent chance to squeeze more training hours into a smaller time period. At home I can go to the gym 2-3 times a week, if I’m lucky. At the camp I can take 3 classes a day, plus open mat time. Accordingly it’s all win-win for me. I can see new places or familiar places from new angles and have more mat time. Plus hopefully there are more people of my size to train with.

Tell us about your most recent travel and your upcoming travel – where have you been and where are you going?
The last one was the Faroe Islands Camp. I arrived a couple of days earlier because I wanted to look around. The nature in the Faroes is breathtaking and it’s worth taking time to enjoy that.

A trip that I’m looking forward to next August is a 10-day expedition to Greenland on a sailboat.

Marju Kern – BJJ Globetrotters

What are the things you enjoy about travelling?
I enjoy being in a new environment, where everyday chores don’t haunt me. New tastes, different smells, light from different angles, different landscapes – when travelling I notice more details around me and that changes the perception of time. Days feel longer and that in itself is really uplifting considering how regular days tend to slip away too fast.

Can you give us some examples of experiences you had that makes it worth traveling and training?
Here I can only tell about travelling to BJJ Globetrotters camps, since those are my only training destinations – at least so far.

When travelling to a camp I always have this feeling that I get more local inside info on what to visit and what to do. For example, I hadn’t heard of summer tobogganing before the family camp in Austria, and that was really fun to try with kids.

Of course, travelling to Caribbean Camp pays off price-wise. The camp is the cheapest option to stay on this wonderful island for a week.

What has so far been the most surprising experience for you when traveling?
The most colorful experiences are definitely from trekking trips to remote places like Kamchatka and the Kuril islands (far east of Russia) or Torres del Paine in Patagonia. Apparently I am very naive and I believe everything they write in ads. I went to my very first trekking trip with a small organized group to Kamchatka. It was said that no special skills are needed, only that I have to be morally prepared to walk 8 hours a day while carrying supplies for 1 week in my backpack. There were moments where I cried (inside) and would have definitely preferred to have had certain mountaineering skills. The lesson I learned from there is that when there are no other options I am able to do so much more than I ever thought.

Surprising experiences in random order:

  • How many steep and slippery cliffs I can climb (without any safety ropes).
  • How easily you are given a gun in Russia when you have to wait in the woods and there is high probability to meet a bear. No questions ever asked about whether you know how to use it.
  • How my body feels after a 10-hour boat trip on a heavily crowded boat, sitting on a hard bench when legs could be moved only when the entire row of people moved their legs together.
  • How many midges are in Scotland in a quiet morning.
  • How rainy the rainforest is during raining season.
  • How friendly people are everywhere and how many interesting stories they have.

Marju Kern – BJJ Globetrotters

Are you a budget traveller – and if so how do you plan for a cheap trip?
Not so much. At my age I prefer comfort and I’m not looking for the cheapest options possible. I usually don’t have the liberty to wait until last-minute cheap offers or discounts pop up.

If you were to pass on travel advice to your fellow Globetrotters, what would it be?
Pack less and see more.

Thank you to Marju Kern – BJJ Globetrotters for making this interview!

Featured Camp Instructor: Jorgen Matsi – BJJ Globetrotters

Jorgen Matsi bjj

Jorgen Matsi – BJJ Globetrotters

Belt: Black
Profession: Personal coach / sport psychologist
Started training (year): 2003
City/country: Tartu, Estonia


Main achievements in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu:

Lots of (very mostly non-default:) medals on the regional scene



Which Globetrotters camps have you attended:

Leuven 2018, Heidelberg 2019, Tallinn 2019, Iceland 2021, Tallinn 2021, Spring Camp 2022, Beach Camp 2022, Zen Camp 2022


Which camp has been your favorite so far?

Heidelberg 2019



Favorite stories/moments from the camps?

Me getting my blackbelt totally unexpected in Tallinn 2019 was pretty cool. In general I like the overall camp vibe in every camp, not very specific moments. 


Your favorite class/classes to teach at camp?

I like to teach something conceptual every time. Mostly have been doing “wrestling in context of BJJ” stuff thus far.

Anything else you want to add to your profile:  I like to talk about things :) If anything I’m interested in interests you – I’m easy to find on the mats and in the good ol’ interwebs.


Jorgen Matsi – BJJ Globetrotters instructor


Trekking, the Camino and How the BJJ Globetrotters Network Brought Me Home

Dust Mop Jiu Jitsu: The Expat Files: Chapter Five: Boston BJJ-Newton, Massachusetts

-On focusing on the journey instead of the destination and the importance of being a beginner

This is Chapter 5 of what I’m calling the Expat Files. If you want to know more about what this project is, you can read more about it in the first article here.

After Denmark, Rachel and I made our way to Germany, Spain and Portugal. By the end of our four month journey, we had explored mountains, tried surfing and obtained official documents absolving us of our sins (Neither of us are Catholic, but it can’t hurt). Each place was amazing but we had a special mission for  Spain: the Camino de Santiago.

I’ve previously written about my love for trekking. Living out of a bag and only eating what you can carry gives you a simple daily structure . For the Camino:


7am: Wake up, roll up your sleeping bag, lace up your boots, wolf down a pastry, slam back an espresso and start walking
9am: Stop for second breakfast
9:30 am: Keep walking
1:00 pm: Lunch
1:30 pm: Keep walking
3 or 4 pm: Find your hostel, claim a bunk bed, take shower and a nap
5 pm: Get dinner with some strangers and have the best conversation of your life
8pm: Bed


It’s a hiking trail that’s like no other. You walk over the pyrenees, through the desert and then to the ocean. As a pilgrimage, these different parts of the trail have meanings. The first part, over the mountains, is good for the body. The second part, the Meseta, is devoid of scenery and it forces you to turn inward and examine your mind. The last, toward the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, is for the soul. 


Three years prior, I had started the Camino on my own. The whole thing takes six weeks, but in 2015, I only had three. I remember agonizing at the time about what I should do. Should I take a bus to the last bit? Perhaps I could skip the meseta. Maybe I could rent a bike.

I had fallen in with a group of hikers who gave me different advice. My assumption was that I would not be able to ever come back to Spain so I needed to get to Santiago now. I’ll never forget the conversation I had with this older French dude named Jerome.

Jerome: Ah so you will coupé (cut it) with a bus?

Me: I’m considering it

Jerome: But you will ruin it! Just walk to where you can and come back. You will see, it’s amazing! It will be just as you left it!

Me: But I’ll never be able to come back!

At the time, I was annoyed with him, but he was totally right. The best part of the Camino is starting it and looking forward to the journey. I remember meeting people who skipped the first few days so that they could make it to Santiago. I actually felt sorry for them. Like Jerome said, being a beginner is the best part. In contrast, the end of the Camino, in 2018,  was totally sad. The hope that we would reach Santiago is what got me out of bed each morning, now we didn’t have that. Rachel and I actually labeled it Post Camino Depression. But the beginning, the bonding with other travelers, the arduous hikes, is what made it special. 

After the trail, we flew to Boston from Barcelona. The cool thing is that we flew to Korea out of Los Angeles so since leaving the states, and then went to Europe and finally to Massachusetts. That meant that since leaving the USA for Ulsan in 2017 we had actually circumnavigated the globe. 


It had been six weeks since I had trained any Jiu JitsuBy the time we arrived in the states. Luckily I knew exactly where I could go. Boston Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy caught my eye years before going to Korea, but I was always too nervous to go in. But here I was, six months into training. I had already been brave enough to start the process and continue it in other people’s gyms. This would be my first foray into establishing myself as a BJJ practitioner in America. Interesting how for some, the globetrotters network brings them gyms all over the world. For me, it literally brought me home.

All that  confidence crashed after I stepped onto the mats and saw a wall of people wearing black belts. At Ulsan Fight Gym in Korea, my instructor was a purple belt. In Thailand, I met black belt instructors but nobody else was at that level. This was the first time I saw black belts learning from black belts. To this day, Boston BJJ is the most black belt heavy gym I’ve been to. 

The class was at 7 AM. I dragged myself out of bed to get there. In late November, a few guys were freezing at the door. The instructor, John, finally showed up late and herded us inside. Since none of the guys complained, I figured this must be normal. Nobody even noticed me enough to find out if I was a member. They just rushed on the mats and started a twenty-five minute game of King of the Guard.

If you haven’t played it, King of the Guard works like this:

  • Everyone pairs up with one person being put in guard
  • The person in guard has to pass
    • If he makes it, he stays down and somebody new comes to him
    • If he doesn’t he finds a new person
  • The person who has guard needs to sweep or submit
    • If he sweeps or submits, he stays where he is
    • If he gets passed, he gets up and finds a new person

I got swept and submitted less than 30 seconds with each person. It wasn’t even close. These guys were toying with me like a cat with a ball of yarn. 

One guy showed up late. He walked slowly, had wrinkles under his eyes and looked frail. He made the loudest old man noises as he stretched. Once he was on the mats, I walked over to him and he looked deep in my eyes. He spoke extremely slowly to me. “Listen. You are young. I am in my fifties. Okay? Be aware of our age differences and that I don’t heal as fast. OKAY?” Five seconds later I was in the tightest armbar I’ve ever felt. 

I had never felt such a gap in skill. In Korea most people were beating me, but it didn’t feel like a shutout. This felt like being in a tornado. I got swept and submitted by everyone in less than a minute. One guy put his hand over my mouth and nose. I remember asking him if it was a legal move. “…no. Just something we like to use for newcomers.” 



It’s not that black belts are inherently more athletic than everyone else. When you start Jiu Jitsu, you’re not used to moving around on the floor. The movements don’t have access to potential energy. Once your body gets used to that, you have a major advantage over somebody who isn’t. Think about what it’s like to run a race against somebody who doesn’t even know how to walk. 

With more advanced people, the intimidation comes more from the sense that they always seem to know something you don’t. Now think about how those people are with each other, how much misdirection they learn to get what they want against somebody who sees their moves coming a mile away. It’s this learning curve that gives Jiu Jitsu its mythic status as the martial art for the little guy. 

BJJ people love comparing jits to chess. “You get better by rolling with people who are better.” But these guys were honestly too far out of my league. I would get home feeling like I had never understood anything. They rarely even taught techniques unless the instructor felt like it. The schedule said they had a fundamentals class. I had not yet been to a gym that had separate classes for beginners. A prideful part of me didn’t want to think of myself as a beginner but I knew I had to give it a shot. 

I actually ended up really liking the beginner’s class. There’s a split in the Jiu Jitsu world over how much time should be devoted to warm ups. Some feel it robs you of valuable time you could be focusing on Jiu Jitsu. But our instructor, Alex, led them in an interesting way. He would say “20 jumping jacks.” First he would count to ten then we would count in unison from 11-20. When you are new to a gym and a group of people, yet you find yourself moving in the same way as them, you inevitably feel a connection. That team feeling is what was missing from the class with all the Black Belts. Those guys weren’t trying to be exclusive, but the reality is they had all probably known each other for at least 10 years. Just like on the Camino, it’s easier to connect with people who are on the same leg of the journey as you. 

Alex also explained some of the basic moves in a way that made me realize I had never understood them back in Ulsan. Alex’s class structure helped me feel like I did in Ulsan, that I was learning something new each day. (He’s also a good writer. Check out this article he wrote about Anthony Bourdain and BJJ or his sci-fi series on MMA. He writes about a dystopian world where wars are fought through MMA matches. The practices he describes in the book actually describe the kinds of methods he used at Boston BJJ).

I spent every day for almost a month at either the advanced or fundamentals class. And I I learned a lot. I like to think I was getting better, but I was more likely learning how to identify what I had been  previously doing wrong. Here again, I found it interesting to be around such advanced folks. The advice I got from black belts was great, but the advice I got from blue and purple belts was honestly more helpful. Those were the folks that were most recently in my shoes. 

Boston BJJ ended up becoming a second gym to me. I would soon move to Burlington, Vermont. My coach there had gotten his black belt from the Boston BJJ head coach, Roberto Maia, which meant I didn’t have to pay for drop ins. I would train there whenever I was visiting my parents or working in the area. I always looked forward to it as well. I still got crushed by the black belts each time, but I started learning from them as well. 

Unfortunately, I think they took a hit during the pandemic. I’m not sure the full story, but all I know is that they don’t exist at that location anymore. I hope they get back on their feet soon and I can see those folks again. Since they closed, I’ve had to look for other gyms to train when I visit my folks. At a few places, I’ve seen some of the Boston BJJ diaspora. I always approach them and commiserate about how much we miss the academy. 

The folks I walked with on the Camino DeSantiago will always have a special place in my heart. But similarly, the black belts who crushed me, the blue belts who mentored me and the white belts who grew with me will forever be a part of my BJJ journey. 


The Dust Mop Takeaway:


Part of the reason for me writing this blog is to reflect on what it feels like to be a white belt after so much time. When I started BJJ, I remember hoping that I would make it to blue belt before I got to the states. But there’s something comforting about being a white belt. Nobody expects anything from you so it’s a win-win scenario. If you do poorly, nobody looks disappointed, and if you do well, everyone seems impressed (or annoyed depending on who you roll with). It’s honestly something that I think I will miss if I get promoted, that feeling like I’ve got nothing to lose. 

At Boston BJJ, I learned to love being a beginner. I got the mindset that there’s always more to learn. Just like being on the camino, there’s always more trail to cover. It’s what inspires you to wake up at 7am, lace up your boots and get walking right away. For jits, it’s what inspires me to get to training five days a week.

My goal is to visit 100 gyms! If you ever want me to visit yours and write about what it’s like to learn from you, feel free to reach out at [email protected].

If you want to read my articles as soon as they’re published, you can follow me here.

Treat Everyone Like They Will Be A Black Belt

Dust Mop Jiu Jitsu: The Expat Files: Chapter Four: CSA-Copenhagen, Denmark

-On fitting in, reconnecting to nature and BJJ as a communal endeavor


This is Chapter 3 of what I’m calling the Expat Files. If you want to know more about what this project is, you can read more about it in the first article here.

After Thailand, Rachel and I went to Nepal. I found literally no traces of BJJ existing there. We spent two weeks there trekking and breathing fresh air. This was a detox we sorely needed. Ulsan, the city in Korea, where we had lived, was incredibly crowded. Most nights we had to keep our curtains closed to keep out the neon lights. The first time we slept in our apartment, we heard the screaming cries of a stumbling drunk. But for two weeks in Pokhara, we woke up and saw mountains for days. Missing Jits was honestly worth it. 

Rachel’s parents are both academics. Her mom gets consulting jobs all over the world to help museum’s with their exhibits. It’s really impressive because she can tell you all about the cafeteria in each one and what you should be ordering. Right after leaving Nepal, we met up with them in Copenhagen where she was working with the natural history museum. 

Copenhagen is a beautiful city with beautiful people. A little…too beautiful maybe. Let me explain. Rachel and I had spent a year where we were, quite obviously, not Korean. People just automatically knew to switch to English when they saw us, or, at the very least not try speaking Korean.  We thought that going to Europe would be the end of that but…no. People there all seemed to be a foot taller than me and incredibly stylish. We were planning a backpacking trip in Spain so we only had hiking clothing. But as the Danes rode their bikes through the streets, they all seemed like something out of a Gap commercial only wearing black or charcoal. I swear I saw a woman riding a bike with a scarf on where it waved behind her like a flag. Not a care in the world. No worry, for example, that it would turn into a game of tug of war between her neck and the bike chain. I think most people could tell without speaking to me that I wasn’t a local. I’m too short to be a Dane.

The food was amazing, if not a shock to the system. Good bread is hard to come by in Korea. Most apartments I saw in Ulsan didn’t even have an oven. And cheese options were limited as well. But here we were eating smoked salmon on the richest cheeses and the hartiest breads we’ve ever encountered. I lost a lot of weight in Korea not having access to that stuff. I gained it back in Denmark.

For Jiu Jitsu, I knew exactly where I wanted to go. CSA, home of the BJJ Globetrotters! I knew that was where the whole project of politics-free Jiu Jitsu started. I made sure to get myself over there. One morning, I hopped on what seemed like the world’s most advanced bikeshare and made my way to the class. (Biking in Denmark is awesome, and there are good views everywhere.)

When I arrived I saw a building that looked huge. I knew it couldn’t be 100 percent dedicated to BJJ. It turned out to be a community center with art studios, education offices and gym space. The hallways looked all the same and I wasn’t able to find CSA. I even stopped by a Karate dojo in the building wondering if they shared the mats with them. 

Finally, I found the place. They didn’t have a bathroom in the gym space so I went down the hall. It didn’t have a gender on the sign so I went in and saw a room full of doors, each leading to a private toilet. In the middle was the sink with the soap. I went into a toilet stall and changed into my rash guard. When I came out, I saw a woman washing her hands and I was taken aback. Up until that point in my life, I had literally never seen a public restroom set up that way. Why don’t we do that in the US? It would probably save space and make some culture war issues moot. It’s honestly seeing things like Danish bathrooms that make travel worth it.

Roger Huerta was the instructor for the day. He said he was just filling in for the jiu jitsu instructor. Although Adam Shahir Kayoom at Q23 is an MMA fighter, I had never had a class taught by someone who mostly taught striking. But I was intrigued. MMA is an interesting part of the jiu jitsu journey. Before doing BJJ, I had never been interested in the sport at all. But as I learned more about the history of the UFC and the way it brought grappling to the spotlight, I started to gain more perspective. The first UFC I ever made a point to watch had just happened the previous week. It was the infamous UFC 229: Connor McGregor vs. Khabib Nurmagamedov.  I had kept my eye on the media hype over it because it felt like the ultimate grappler versus striker setup. I had felt somehow vindicated when Khabib played with McGregor like a cat place with a ball of yarn. My discipline was legit enough to win.

Despite my budding interest in MMA, I was still unsure of what a BJJ class taught by a striker would entail. Roger was the nicest guy. It was me and three Danish guys. I remember one of them being super tall and the other guy being very large. I’ll never forget grappling with the latter and not being able to secure the ever-illusive triangle choke. He said, “Ya don’t worry about it. My neck is too fat. Everybody is telling me so.”

Most Danes I met spoke English better than me so their fluency didn’t really surprise me. Still, what surprised me was that the class was taught entirely in English. It made sense in Thailand since most people were expats. But I still can’t figure out if that’s how they normally do it or if they just switched as soon as I got in the class. Come to think of it, to this day (4/5/22), the last time I’ve been to a Jiu Jitsu class not taught in English was in Korea. 

Roger turned out to be a really fascinating person. After the class we had a conversation about life, fulfillment, mental health and training that covered a lot of ground. It felt like the kind of talk you have with a friend over a series of drinks but here we were sober, exhausted and getting into all of life’s mysteries. A few months later, he messaged me on my birthday. Everyone does that on facebook, but his last comment meant a lot to me. He was the first person to suggest that I could someday become a black belt. 

If you haven’t seen it, there’s an amazing ted talk called lollipop moments. In it, Drew Dudley advocates for thanking people for offhand comments that make us feel special. Even, or especially, when they can’t remember it themselves. 


“We celebrate birthdays, where all you have to do is not die for 365 days. Yet we let people who have made our lives better walk around without knowing it.” 


Roger might have just been being nice by suggesting that I might one day become a black belt. But my theory is that longevity in this sport has to be a communal endeavor. The common estimate is that it takes ten years to become a black belt. How can you possibly do that alone?

You need people to care that you stick with it and you need to be invested in their success and longevity as well. People care that I show up on the mats. I have to remember that and care that they show up as well. Treat everyone like they will be a black belt and you might find yourself becoming one faster.

So, this one’s for you Roger. Your prediction was a major lollipop moment.

My goal is to visit 100 gyms! If you ever want me to visit yours and write about what it’s like to learn from you, feel free to reach out at [email protected]

If you want to read my articles as soon as they’re published, you can follow me here.

Overcoming the Disappointing Part of Travel at Chiang Mai BJJ

Dust Mop Jiu Jitsu: The Expat Files: Chapter Three: Chiang Mai BJJ-Chiang Mai, Thailand

-On the disappointing nature of traveling without a purpose, the connection between BJJ and Trekking and the ways that Jiu Jitsu lets you borrow another life for a day.

This is Chapter 3 of what I’m calling the Expat Files. If you want to know more about what this project is, you can read more about it in the first article here.

Imagine you take a trip to Berlin. You’re there for three or four days. You see the Wall, Checkpoint Charlie, a number of museums and eat as many pretzels and brats as you can handle. By the time you leave, you ask yourself, “Did I really see Berlin?” You likely haven’t even scratched the surface. There’s always a sense that you could have done, seen or experienced more. It’s the disappointing part of travel that I rarely see mentioned.

 It’s one of the reasons I love trekking. You always have a goal: get to the next campsite. On trail, you meet amazing people and gain an intimate relationship with the landscape. As long as you made it, every other experience is a bonus.

Rachel and I had no real direction in Bangkok. It had been less than a week since we left Korea so we had no plans or goals. It was hard to see a purpose for us really being there except to say we had been in a new location. We felt aimless as we headed to our next location. 


We took a night train north to Chiang Mai. It’s one of those awesome romantic things that you hope to be able to do at least once in your life. You walk through your carriage and everyone gets their own bunk bed with curtains. To help us sleep, we took the most powerful drowsy pills the Korean medical system can give you. “If you’re flying,” Rachel’s doctor said, “only take them once you’re on the plane! People take them in terminals and miss their flights.” They hit us like bricks. We slept like babies. But we really didn’t know what they were. Prescriptions in Korea often just came in plastic bags. You would walk away from a pharmacy feeling like you’ve collected your fix from a drug dealer. It was only a month after leaving Thailand that we realized they were probably opiates.

Bangkok is loud, overwhelming and fairly polluted. Chiang Mai, on the other hand, is this beautiful, small city centered around a number of Buddhist temples. Definitely a more relaxed atmosphere. We tried to be as chill as possible. We saw the sites, went to a Muay Thai fight, got a couples massage and took a day trip to an elephant sanctuary.

These experiences were fun but there was still the Berlin problem. How could I have a goal that would allow me to “accomplish” the city? It’s harder in urban settings, there’s too many options.

Being from New England, I’ve been to New York City several times.  My favorite time going there was for a job interview. I woke up early like a New Yorkers, hit the subway and felt like I blended into the rhythm of the city. In Bangkok, I realized I had felt that way training at Q23. Figuring out the transport, adhering to the Thai schedule and doing the same drills as everyone else gave me the impression that I was borrowing another life instead of simply being a tourist. 

I used the BJJ Globetrotters network again to find Chiang Mai BJJ. Even before arriving at the studio, I could feel my new tourism strategy working. Getting there by foot allowed me to orient myself to the city. Also, I felt like I had a reason to be there.

Unlike the gym in Bangkok that was in a five star hotel, this one was on the second story of an apartment building. I went to two classes and both times felt a specific sensation: a rented, clean jiu jitsu gi hitting a body that’s already sticky with sweat. The humidity in Thailand is something else.  

Everybody there was so chill! I had more time there to meet people and talk with them. That’s something that didn’t happen much in Korea. Most people in the gym were expats. Both times I rolled with this nice British dude, I think his name was Daniel (second from the right on the top row). I remember he was planning on trekking in Nepal,  where Rachel and I were headed next. We rolled and I almost put him in a triangle choke, but it would honestly be another year before I made that work on anyone. Another guy was also from the UK but competed a lot in Israel. Hearing him talk about it, I was intrigued and intimidated. I remember thinking of the competition I pulled out of in Korea.

The guy to the left of Daniel, Kia (I think), was trying Jiu Jitsu for the first time. Bryan, the instructor, surprised me by pairing me up with Kia and asking me to explain some basics. I was thrilled! I had never taught anybody anything in BJJ before. 

He made it very clear that he was just trying and didn’t want to commit to anything. But as I explained the difference between being in guard and passing it, his eyes widened in amazement. I’ve explained the same concept several times over the years, it never gets old seeing the gears turn in people’s heads. I sometimes wonder where Kia is now and if he continued.

The expats in Chiang Mai were different. In Bangkok, the jiu-jitsu folks I met had been there for a long time. They had stable jobs and were married. But most people in Chiang Mai were just passing through on their way to mountains and other adventures. This was another important thing for me to see on my jiu jitsu journey. 

Previously, I had the impression that if you want to train, you really need to have a nine-to-five and carve out your schedule. But these folks trained in between, and sometimes as a part, of their adventures. Because of that you heard about places that they had trained before, either in their home country or other places. 

I had only previously experienced that on trekking trails. You share fires, campsites and beers with fellow hikers. There’s a natural comradery in everyone working toward a common goal. You know the trail will be over in a few days. You want more experiences and friendships like this and you ask your fellow travelers where else have they been or where they want to go. The imagination goes wild and you see the world as one big trail. Leaving Chiang Mai BJJ, I saw the opportunity to learn grappling, experience culture and share the journey with folks all over the world. 

I had never connected my love for trekking with my love for Jiu Jitsu. There’s a clear goal, a feeling of slow but constant progress and an affinity for people that are on the same journey. I once met a Rabbi who defined love as just that: people working toward a common goal.  


The Dust mop Takeaway: 

Getting the opportunity to teach Oren was what I’ll remember the most. It was the first time I taught anybody else in BJJ. 

For techniques, I remember my roll with Daniel. Bryan saw us and casually said, “you’re not going to get a triangle choke going that direction.” My body had pivoted the wrong way. I remember him as I watch newer folks struggle to configure themselves.

My goal is to visit 100 gyms! If you ever want me to visit yours and write about what it’s like to learn from you, feel free to reach out at [email protected]

If you want to read my articles as soon as they’re published, you can follow me here.

What It’s Like to Use the Globetrotter Network for the First Time: Q23 Bangkok

Dust Mop Jiu Jitsu: The Expat Files: Chapter Two: Q23-Bangkok, Thailand

On the pleasures of living out of a bag, trusting your commitment to BJJ and overcoming the fear to drop-in to another academy.

This is Chapter 2 of what I’m calling the Expat Files. If you want to know more about what this project is, you can read more about it in the first article here.

There’s a specific joy that comes with living out of a bag that’s small enough to be your carry-on. You feel like you’ve stripped down to your most basic essentials. Sadly, my bag that lasted me 10 years and 8 countries fell apart on the last day I left Korea. At the Daegu airport, I quickly found an outdoor store, and repacked my stuff. To save space, we only packed quick-dries, easy layers and, since I was still doing grad school, my laptop. For BJJ, I had decided against bringing my travel gi. All the no-gi clothing lends itself easily to hiking. I said a wistful goodbye to my favorite adventure bag and we were on our way!

After one year teaching abroad, Rachel and I were ready to slowly make our way back to the states. Our first stop was Bangkok, Thailand. We made no specific plans since we knew we would be physically and emotionally exhausted. Leaving our job as kindergarten teachers meant saying goodbye to a hundred small children screaming they loved us. Sitting at the airport, I remember reflecting on how many aspects of daily life would no longer be accessible to us. No more bathhouses, festivals about anything and everything or barbecue with unlimited side dishes (it’s just not the same anymore). My gut had grown accustomed to eating kimchi multiple times a day. Would I even have access to that in the states?

At that point I was in the habit of going to Jiu Jitsu three times a week. Would that be another thing that disappeared from my life like random street protests and little kids treating me like a jungle gym?  Not wanting to lose my momentum, I looked up places on the BJJ Globetrotters facebook group. The recommendations brought me to Adam Shahir Kayoom’s gym, Q23. While I was excited to go, I was definitely unsure about what it would be like to visit someone else’s gym. It took me almost 15 years from hearing about BJJ to finally go to a class and now I was just going to waltz into someone else’s club like it was no big deal. Despite my hesitations, something inside compelled me to go through with it.

Bangkok was so different from where we had taught. It’s a mixture between modern developed Asia with skyscrapers and public transport, but with the rustic vibe that comes with motorcycle taxis and floating markets. Getting inside from the noisy street felt like entering an airlock. The gym was on the fifth floor of a pretty ritzy looking hotel. High ceilings, floral patterns, saunas and people wearing tennis whites. It seemed like a country club until I found a door with the logo on it. Q23 operated in a small room and it reminded me of what I had at Ulsan Fight Gym. To date, it’s the fanciest setting I’ve seen for a BJJ gym but the room itself reminded me of what I had in Ulsan.

Adam was a nice guy as he registered me for the class and gave me the rental gi. I remember being fascinated by their routine. Like most gyms, they had some warm up movement drills. But they did partner shrimping and reverse shrimping through people’s legs which actually gave me more context for that specific movement. To this day, I enjoy showing that to new white belts who seem like they’re struggling to get movement right.

“Okay, let’s do some live rolling (Jits speak for sparring).” As soon as Adam said that,  everyone went to the wall to grab tennis balls. From there, they rolled while holding them in their hands. I watched from the sidelines since I was asked not to spar. If you don’t know Jiu-Jitsu, grips are extremely important. The gis we wear feel like bathrobes because you are allowed to grab the fabric. Holding tennis balls means focusing more on using your legs. Four years later, I have yet to try that. It’s always cool to see a gym do something unique. 

Unlike Ulsan Fight Gym, most people at Q23 were expats so Adam taught in English. It felt so strange to be in BJJ class and be able to understand everything.  Not just for the  lesson, but also the small talk. For context, all the international friends we made in Korea had the same experience:

  • We tuned out the conversations around us since we couldn’t understand them. 
  • We stopped whispering since we assumed most people couldn’t understand us. (It’s a dangerous assumption. Rachel and I got into some pretty embarrassing situations. We definitely had some Korean folks chime in on some very intimate conversations around our sex life…). 

The result is that when you return to the states, people think you speak way too loudly and you find the conversations around you incredibly distracting. The class at Q23 had both problems. I am positive they spoke at a normal volume, but to me it felt like I could hear every word in every sentence in every side conversation.  

Despite not getting to do everything, I had a great time. I was also proud of myself for getting to the class. My biggest worry with leaving Korea was that I wouldn’t keep training. Now I knew BJJ would be at least one thing that I wasn’t leaving behind. 

After the class, a few of us were chilling with Adam. We all laughed as he told us his daughter was getting into trouble in school for putting boys into submission holds. “They keep messing with her! I also keep on telling her that it’s going to make boys feel uncomfortable if you make it look that easy. I’m probably just encouraging her.” 

Except for Ho Chun and a few others, I had never really chatted with someone in a Jiu Jitsu gym. I also never worried about personality clashes since those only occur when you have the ability to communicate. Nobody I was friends with did BJJ and I didn’t know if I could make friends with someone who did. As a visitor, I didn’t know if people would be okay with me being at their gym or perceive it as a dojo storm. But everyone at Q23 was nice, and welcoming. I could see myself hanging out with them. 

I remember this British dude being my training partner. He offered  me a ride back to my hotel. He had been living in Bangkok for ten years, was married to a Thai woman and first came to teach English before moving on to doing some business distribution thing. Before doing BJJ, he trained some Muay Thai but found everyone too aggressive. He felt like Jiu Jistu was more welcoming. I had just met this guy, was in his car, drinking a coffee that he had just bought me. I had to agree that the folks who do BJJ are my kind of people.

Getting a ride, shooting the shit with the instructor and swapping BJJ stories would come in many more gyms. At each one, I imagined what it would like to stay and make it my permanent academy. What if I became a mainstay instead of a blip on the radar? What if I were there for birthdays, tournament wins and holidays? It’s not that hard to imagine that as a possibility. Later in the states, my strategy for finding friends would be joining a Jiu Jitsu gym. It has definitely paid off, but that’s for a later chapter. 


The Dust Mop takeaway: 

There’s a unique kind of insecurity that comes with starting Jiu Jitsu. People get instantly hooked. You might know you want to train forever, but you can’t ensure that you will be there one year later. Life and work might get in the way. But at some point, you do something that gives you evidence that you’ll be in this for the long haul. For me, I knew that getting my ass to a lesson in the first week post Korea was proof that I would continue on. Going to Q23 was proof. It was not a passing fad. I had gone out of my way, on a vacation, to train jiu jitsu. From then on, I was able to trust my own commitment.

This was also the first time I dropped into another community’s gym. Before starting BJJ in Korea, I had been scared to walk into a studio. After Korea, I was intimidated to step into somebody else’s. But since visiting Q23, I no longer have that fear. Instead, I had the feeling that these were all people I would want to know better if I had more time. I knew dropping into gyms was going to be a staple of my jiu jitsu journey as long as I train.

My goal is to visit 100 gyms! If you ever want me to visit yours and write about what it’s like to learn from you, feel free to reach out at [email protected]

If you want to read my articles as soon as they’re published, you can follow me here.