How To Survive Beer Camp

I’m here to tell you the legends are true. You might wonder how could it be possible for one person to train so hard, learn so many things, drink so much beer, have that much fun and live to tell the tale. Fear not my friends. With some simple guidelines you too can make it through the BJJ Globetrotters Summer Camp in Leuven, Belgium. A.K.A. Beer Camp.

Christian Graugart's

Christian Graugart’s day 1 class

The first challenge you will face is booking your ticket. Be sure to watch for the camp announcement and book early. This camp is filled with Summer camp veterans that have braved these lands before.

If possible, plan to arrive early. This will give you the advantage as you will know the layout of the land. You will also acclimate to the elevation to improve your performance on the mats and recovery after binge drinking/rolling. When your liver is prepared head to the unofficial Globetrotters bar Den Brosser and immediately  seek out anyone in BJJ/sports wear. The more Globetrotters you can meet the better. 4 livers are better than one. Wear your most recognizable BJJ attire. Possibly even your Gi. Begin posting early pics to the camp participants Facebook group to stir jealousy.

Home sweet home

Day one: remember you have a week of training and drinking ahead. Try to ease into it bit by bit. Then, you will fail miserably and end up exhausted on the mats sleeping in the corner followed later by drunkenly stumbling home while the sun comes up. It’s okay. It happens to everyone.

The next few days will be a blur as you try to soak up beautiful techniques and entertaining seminars with your new friends while avoiding the viscous sober predators that hunt the boozy Jiu Jiteiros such as yourself. Take ample amounts of pictures and videos and be sure to tag each person to increase Facebook likes. 

Laundry with Chris Haueter

Use NASA level organization skills to stuff laundry, naps, and dinner into 3 hours of free time each day. Bonus points for combining dinner with being social by signing up for the camp dinners.  

Okay! You’ve made it this far. Your body is sore all over in the best way. Your liver is screaming. Shut up liver you’re fine. You’ve got ample amounts of new techniques that you can’t wait to try on unassuming teammates in your home gym. We’re not finished yet! The camp will end with shenanigans, the largest most awesome open mat ever, and the worlds wildest Jiu Jitsu camp party that your Globetrotting mind can imagine. 

 Pro tip: book your next day flight in the evening and pack the night before. 

When all the dust settles, you will be a proud survivor of the worlds most awesome gathering of bjj people. You will have tons of new friends, you will have made your flight home, and you might be a proud owner of the legendary bar team patch.

Naples Italy: Pompeii, Jiu-Jitsu and Pizza!

Greetings from Naples Italy!

Hello! I have made it to Naples Italy! The ferry ride over was easy enough, although I didn’t get much sleep over the night and was really tired when I showed up to the hostel. I arrived at the hostel early in the morning but I had sent a message remarking about that when I booked it, hoping it would ok and now hoping I could get in to have a rest. Apparently they don’t read those messages about booking details at this hostel, not to bad mouth them as the rest of my stay was actually quite pleasant there but this was a bit annoying. So anyways, it wasn’t even 7am yet and I had to wait until 2pm before I could check in, so I found an outlet to pug in and charge my phone and curled up on a chair to rest a bit. After a short nap I decided to explore the area and take some pictures of the city, I was still really tired so I didn’t go too far but I did want to see what was around the hostel. I found a museum and checked it out, it was a great way to use up some time waiting to be allowed to check into the hostel, I will talk more about it in the sights section. Once I returned to the hostel I still had some time to waste so I pulled out my laptop and started doing some work online. I decided I should look up the status of my luggage while I’m at it, which looked to now be Naples and should be on it’s way to hostel. I finally checked into my room to get shower and some sleep, letting the front desk know that my luggage should be on the way. Everything was coming together.

After a good sleep I woke up and checked with the front desk to see if my luggage had been dropped off yet. It was no where to be found so I looked it up again and it said that indeed it was in Naples so I called the airport. It took a while to find the right number but once I got it I asked about my bag, it was there but it wasn’t being delivered. Apparently my bag had been there since 1030am and it was now after 6pm and I hadn’t been notified. I asked “When was I going to be notified to come pick up my luggage?” and the response I got was “Look, it’s here, are you coming to pick it up or not?” So obviously I don’t have a great review for Naples International Airport lost luggage department. I took a taxi to the airport to pick up the bag and was wanting to see exactly who was giving me the attitude on the phone, as it happens he was a tiny little man who was really apologetic when facing someone from across his desk. He had to deal with 3 big, loud and very upset Americans before me, so I figured he got what he deserved already. I picked up my bag, had it quickly searched as I signed off on customs for it and was on my way. Later I realized I had lost my tripod for my video camera, which was cheap and everything else was there so all in all it wasn’t so bad. I’ll give up a cheap tripod for my training gear and all my clothes.

The view coming in to Naples.

I will say one last thing about my lost luggage debacle, trying to fill out a lost items claim report is pretty much useless. I looked it up and there are a lot of things you have to do in order to claim any expenses or lost items, making it near impossible to actually make any claims. For instance you have to make the claim within a short time frame from when it happened but it needs to sent to a specific office my mail with copies of receipts etc, but after your trip, not during. So needless to say the $40 Euros I spent in taxis and the $20 CDN it cost for my tripod I never got back. Oh well, I got bigger things to worry about, like which pizza place should I eat at first?

Finally re-united with ole Big Green!

The sights!

Naples is full of things to see around the city, unfortunately I didn’t get a chance to see a lot of them especially the down town harbour area, which I wish I had ventured out to. I did however get to see a few good view points from around the hostel area .

I also checked out the Naples National Archaeological Museum which had some cool arches and columns and other building pieces, I’m guessing from old towns around the area or maybe even Pompeii, as well as many, many statues.

Then there was this section on phallic statues, sexual paintings, and well, flying penis wind chimes…

I also went out to Gino Sorbillo’s acclaimed as the best pizza in Naples, I planned to get there for an early lunch, which proves to be smart as there was quite the mob waiting when I left.

Sorbillo’s when I showed up, this space was full of waiting people when I left.

Of course there’s tons more photos on my Flickr account, so check it them out if you’re digging them!


I spent a day and went to see Pompeii, the city that was swallowed up by a volcano over night. It’s about an hour ride out of Naples but easy enough to get to, and very much worth the trek. One thing I didn’t think of is that Pompeii was indeed a full city and it’s a very big place to see. I would say be prepared to spend a least 3 hours or more of walking around there if you want to see everything.


O-Nami Jiu-Jitsu

When looking for places to train in Naples I asked the BJJ Globetrotters Facebook community and I was told of two places by several people, O-Nami Jiu-Jitsu was one of them. I contacted them and we kept in contact while I traveled and planned out my visit. I missed my first night training with the club because I spent way too long out in the sun walking around Pompeii but I made it out the next class. Through talking to the club I met the black belt, Renato Avallone who offered to pick me up and bring me to class. Renato picked me up on his scooter, which are very popular in Italy and apparently have the right of way to go anywhere, and gave me a little tour telling me about the city as we drove to the gym. Classes are held in two different locations, the night I came out it was held in a government sports building, a big building filled with gymnasiums and matted rooms for all kinds of sports, I believe the room we were using was also used for Judo.

I was too busy talking and rolling to get photos of the night, this is the only one I ended up with.

Unfortunately it was a slow night at the gym and there were only a few of us there so we just spent rounds grappling with one another. It was a great time, everyone there was friendly and happy to have me, we would talk between rounds about different things, my traveling, the club, or different techniques that did or didn’t work during the previous round. The rounds were tough, not that they were going hard crushing me but Renato is a black belt and his other students that came out this night were a brown belt and a very game white who I only got to roll with after several rounds with the other two. I had my hands full the entire time, mostly just trying to survive, and often times failing, but that’s all part of training. This would be the only time training with O-Nami, I wish we were able to train more than once and that I was able to meet more of the team. Renato was a great help and very friendly, even inviting me out for food after training the next time, but I was unable to make it as I had already promised to visit another gym. I will definitely have to visit again, thank you Renato for the great night! 

Ground Pressure Team

The second gym I was told I have to visit was Ground Pressure Team who train out of Naples Pro Fighting club. I sent out a message to the club and soon had a reply telling me I was more than welcome to come train at their gym anytime. I checked out the schedule, decided which day would be best to visit and set out to meet another gym. I took the transit to the gym and it was easy enough to find, provided you don’t miss the side street it’s on. Naples is very hilly and some streets branch off and suddenly go down hill while the main street continues uphill, and it’s easy enough to miss these little turn offs when navigating around the city. Anyways I found the gym and made it to class, the gym is a bit intimidating at first, right in front directly behind the front desk was a rather enthusiastic fitness class taking place and a quick tour showed lot of serious guys in the change room, I thought I may have my night cut our for myself, but they were all there for kickboxing. Then I met the Jiu-Jitsu guys and the instructor Cristian de Maio on the mats in the back of the gym, just relaxing and stretching all very chill compared to the rest of the gym. I introduced myself to everyone and they all seemed very happy to have a visitor.

After a quick warm up we got into working grips and entries for throws, the object was just to try off balancing your partner. I like doing this drill, in a world of guard pullers I don’t think grip fighting is trained near enough these days. I did ok to defend and attain grip control with a few students but then Prof. de Maio made me feel like a rag doll. After grip fighting we got into guard passing drills, working from passing to side, knee on belly, switch to other side, and I think I remember throwing in an armbar and choke too. I was teamed up with a young strong guy, an American who was living and going to school in Italy, he was very helpful with translating and showing me the drills, it was a good time training together, talking about the area and my travels and Jiu-Jitsu, I would have liked to roll with him and the other class members but my stomach started to act up and I by the time rolling came around I wasn’t feeling too well. I sat out and watched at the class rolled, taking pictures of the action I wish I was a part of, the guys all seemed to have a strong game and I’m sure I would have been put to the test there. This was the one and only time I was able to make it to Ground Pressure team and although I wasn’t able to roll I had a good time meeting and training with everyone and hope one day I can come back and finish an entire class, thank you for having me guys!

After a full schedule of pizza, Jiu-Jitsu, Pompeii and finally getting my luggage back it was time to head to one of the top cities on my list, not for Jiu-Jitsu but for sight seeing, Rome! You can be sure there’s going to be a lot of photos!

On my way to Rome!

Until next time,

see you on the mats!



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Buy a shirt at Panda’s Jiu-Jitsu Store.

Follow me and other traveling Jiu-Jitsueros at the BJJ Globetrotters blog section.

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Check out my full photo albums for each article at my Flickr account.

Add me and follow along on most social media @pandasodyssey

Shoes and Egos Outside – BJJ India

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu can be a pretty niche sport. But in India it’s really niche.

Delhi is the country’s capital with over 20 million people hurrying around its packed streets under smog covered skies.

Despite the mass of people I could only find one club, which by chance was a 15 minute walk from my hostel.

It’s located on a busy shopping street in New Delhi, near Panchsheel Park, a leafy suburb with opulent marble homes and private security.

On my first visit a map led me slightly short of the club. 

I held my gi top up to a man dressed in white linen, expecting him to point me towards the entrance.

Instead he thought I was a tourist in need of currency and led me down a flight of stairs to withdraw cash.

The club is located up a winding flight of concrete stairs, above a boxing gym which echoes with the crack of pads.

Outside is a doormat which reads “Egos and Shoes Outside” – a reminder of the sport’s values as students cross the threshold onto soft blue mats.

India, and Delhi in particular, is a place of insane hustle and bustle. There are so many sounds, smells and bodies; it was a relief to finally be in a place of calm.

I felt at home.

The club is a large white room with blue mats and padded walls around the bottom half. It’s decorated with belts, photos of students and images of martial arts greats.

During my visit the sessions focused on side control escapes. 

First technique, followed by drills, practice and a short shark tank game.

Generally I roll with larger people and rely on creating gaps to slip out from, often without applying a great amount of technique. 

These sessions gave me some good methods of escape, but also challenged me as many students were smaller or practiced in dealing with smaller people and my usual routine no longer worked.

Throughout my time in India people have stared, hassled and photographed me, but here the class felt warm, safe and welcoming.

I was treated just like every other student; they respected and trained kindly with me. They were positive and supportive.

The following night we learnt two new side control escapes, they were very different to anything I had gone through before, focusing on controlling arms before a strong hold was established.  

Fans are running constantly to combat the 35 degree days but it remains uncomfortably hot. 

The students here have got to be some of the most dedicated humans I’ve encountered, despite the heat and thick humidity they train for nearly two hours.

I adored Delhi and it was my time with this club that really made it.

1st Stop on Australian North BJJ Tour

Blog #1: Australian North BJJ Tour

Hello fellow BJJ Travelers! I am so excited to start my blog.
My name is Rob, I am a 38 yr old white belt. I have been playing BJJ for about 1-1/2 years and i am in love with it. I was born in Canada but i am also Australian and so it is in the remote Australian North Outback where my BJJ Globetrotting journey begins.

I am currently here: Karratha, Western Australia

In July of this year my contract at work ended and i decided the next chapter of my life would be a long journey “backpacking around the world doing jiu jitsu and stuff”……… using facebook I found out that there were BJJ Gyms located all over Austraila’s north (Karratha, Tom Price, Newman, Port Headland, Broome, Darwin, Mount Isa….and the list goes on). I decided then to become a backpacker (or camper really at this stage) and pack my swag (aka an austrlian single man’s tent) and pack my ute (truck) with some essentials and get going. This is the path i intend on taking over the next couple of months; it should allow me to visit Karratha, Port Headland, Broome, Darwin, Mount Isa, Cairns, Townsville, Brisbane (at least).

As side I should tell you that its Australian Winter this time of year; which means that the north is the most comfortable place to be (dry season, hot days & warm nights). And i’m basically in search of seeing Crocodiles in the wild; because I don’t actually think you’ve seen the outback until that happens, hahaha. I’m also on the hunt of living next to pristine beaches & visiting gorges and waterfalls where possible, and of course the ultimate desire of finding awesome places to play Jiu Jitsu.

My journey starts in Karratha where there are 2 BJJ Gyms. Renegade Karratha and Karratha Jiu Jitsu.

Renegade is my home gym that I must leave so i am proud to present it to the BJJ community. It is an affiliate of Australian Elite Team (AET) who is one of the largest BJJ clubs in Australia. Renegade has teams in Adelaide, Brisbane and Karratha. It’s headquarters are located in Melbourne. Each group offers MMA, Jiu Jitsu, and a great kids program….a big hit because bullying is a big issue in Australia.

The club offers something for everyone; there are three childrens classes (anti-bullying and two Junior programs) as well as a fundmentals and advanced adult BJJ & self defence class. They also offer an MMA and nogi class. The owner & head coach staff is Camerin Coles; Cam has been doing Jiu Jitsu in remote North Australia for years and his passion for the sport is clear to see.
The club is extremely welcoming and friendly and enforces a feeling of community and encouragement for anyone to learn. A great thing they do is they introduce and aplaud in and out every visitor. Along with the trecherous “Circle” for big events (birthdays, weddings, babies and leavers)……. I will miss this club forever! Oss.

The other BJJ club in town is Karratha Jiu Jitsu. It is run by 4s Purple Belt Brian Thompson and it is an affiliate of a club in Perth. I spent the last 3 weeks here and it was a superp experience. The smaller class sizes resulted in a lot of one-on-one attention that i was greatful for. I really liked the focus on fitness via BJJ specific warm-up drills which left you exhausted; and then similarly reinforced again during the technique portion of the class (after being clearly explained). By the time i’d get to rolling I wasl always good & fatigued. I was super glad i visited with the other club in Ktown (its the BJJGlobetrotter way!).

Sorry i don’t have any personal photos of Karratha this time. I took the one below in hopes of showcasing the beach and the large Iron Ore wharf in the background. I will do better haha. It is a great place to visit. What i like most besides some of the best people is the fringing reefs that can be found around the islands. It is here that i’ve swam with more sharks and turtles than I could ever count and once I was lucky enough to swim beside a Dugong (sea cow) which to me was the most spectacular and beautiful underwater experience i’ve had yet. To find out more about karratha look here:

A bit more about me:
For the past 1-1/2 years i have been lucky enough to visit 4 Countries where i’ve trained Jiu Jitsu (Japan/New Zealand/Australia/USA). Every time I visit a new club I am blown away by the opportunity to experience different styles; and new friendships made. It is for this reason that i have joined the BJJGlobetrotter Movement and I hope the joy of doing this never ends for me . Until next blog (BROOME); OSS!

West Coast Best Coast part 2: LA, Pacific Coast Highway and Yosemite

We were sad to leave San Diego and Atos in the end, but we were excited to start our road trip up the West Coast, stopping by LA to train at 10th Planet HQ, then through Big Sur to Yosemite for a few days off training for my birthday. 


10th Planet HQ

In LA we chose to train at 10th Planet HQ in downtown LA, which took us about an hour to drive to from where we were staying in Long Beach (it’s also on a bit of a quiet street which took us by surprise). A day pass will put you back $30 and you can only buy it online and not in the gym itself, which is basically just the big mat space and the bathrooms/showers.

We wanted to meet the man Eddie Bravo himself (we had spent the morning watching the recent mini-doco on him ‘Building an Empire’ as well as the hilarious ‘Flat Earth’ Joe Rogan interview with him in preparation), so we arrived at the gym in the evening so we could take one of his classes – he teaches the advanced classes on Monday to Thursday nights, as well as the morning classes on Tuesdays and Thursday’s. However, the advanced class moves fast and unless you’re very familiar with the 10th Planet style, terminology and know the set warm-ups, try go to the Fundamentals class first as you will get more out of it.

Alessia was a bit nervous as she isn’t too familiar with the 10th Planet style, and while I’ve always been a big fan – my brother Gavin, who introduced me to BJJ in the first place, was obsessed and was always trying out rubber guard and lock down on me as a white belt – and even though I’ve also trained a little bit with the guys in London and Amsterdam, to be honest the advanced class was too ambitious for us technically. With some guesswork we somehow managed to follow along enough to not slow the class down though.

It was like 35 degrees in the gym as the air-con was broken

When sparring time came, things felt more familiar and I had some fun rounds with the guys there. I managed to catch a few subs while only being heel-hooked once. Before leaving London my coach Ross was heavily focused on heel-hooks and counters in preparation for his Polaris fight with Oliver Taza in August, so that definitely helped a lot in those rounds at HQ.

Leg lock city

It was cool to meet Eddie – He seemed like a nice guy and was welcoming enough, although we didn’t get to talk to him much and he wasn’t rolling himself due to injury. The students in the class were more friendly and talkative though. Nathan Orchard and Phil Schwartz were also there visiting, and I had a really good round with Phil who gave me his card and invited us to train with them if we ever passed through their way.


Disneyland and Six Flags

LA was crowded, huge and expensive, so we decided to go to Disneyland while we were there for more crowds, more driving and to spend more money. It was totally worth it in the end though as we had a lot of fun and it felt like being a kid again.

Sleeping beauty castle

Suns out, guns out

The rides were awesome (Indiana Jones ???) although a bit more entertaining for kids than adults, and Alessia said she wanted more intense roller coasters so we ended up going to Six Flags Magic Mountain the next day to get more of an adrenalin kick. It turned out to be 45 degrees Celsius that day, so fortunately that kept the crowds away. Unfortunately it meant we were reduced to a sloth-like, lethargic state somewhere between kidney failure and heat stroke in between rides. But those rides, they were insane – Even though it was Alessia’s idea she was freaking out on most of the rides. Our favourite was easily the Full Throttle where you accelerate to 70mph in a second ?.

We ended up staying in Long Beach because it was cheaper, but we didn’t account for LA traffic so it took us forever to drive anywhere. We briefly did the usual tourist stuff like visit Hollywood, drive through Beverly Hills, hike up to the Griffith Observatory for the view, but we weren’t really loving LA, so we decided not to stay too long.

Alessia posing ‘naturally’ at Via Rodeo

This one’s for you Freddie


Pacific Coast Highway and Big Sur

After a few days in LA we packed up the car and started heading up the coast along the infamous Pacific Coast Highway (PCH), which traces the epic coastline from LA to San Francisco. It’s an extremely popular route, but unfortunately due to a major bridge collapse and severe landslides the past year, a long stretch near the middle of the route around the Big Sur area is closed off to vehicular traffic while they work on the repairs. The area in between is effectively an island virtually cut off from the rest of the region until the infrastructure is restored. That particular part of the coast also happens to be some of the most beautiful in all of California, and this has hit the local communities which rely on the tourism pretty hard – but also given birth to a few unique opportunities for those still keen to visit.

After going as far up the coast as we could from LA, stopping in beautiful Santa Barbara for lunch and Pismo Beach for cinnamon rolls on the boardwalk, we detoured inland to the 101 and continued North to Aromas, a small town where we spent the night.

Pretty Pismo Beach

The next day we drove back to the coast near Monterrey, on the North side of the PCH closure, and worked our way down to Pfeiffer Big Sur National Park.

Walking through the giant Redwoods

After a short but steep 40 minute hike, we arrived in Loma Vista in the closed area and rented electric bikes from a company called Big Sur Adventures ($50 for a half day), and rode down one of the most epic parts of the PCH which is closed off to everyone else, ending at the McWay Falls.
In normal times, the PCH would be full of cars and impossible to enjoy at a leisurely pace. Now we had it all to ourselves, the only thing breaking the peace and serenity being the occasional ranger car and noisy seals.

Alessia on her RadRover

McWay Falls

Spot of road rage


Yosemite National Park

After spending a couple days in the area, we borrowed some camping equipment from a friend and set off for Yosemite National Park. I’d always heard stories of how beautiful it is, so I was dying to go and really excited to be spending my birthday there. Apparently everyone in the States had also heard those stories, as the park gets insanely busy in Summer, with some people booking their camping sites 6 months in advance. All the grounds inside the park were full, but we managed to snag one just 5 minutes drive from the Big Oak Flat Road entrance. We arrived around lunch time, checked into the campground, set up our tent and headed off the to park to do the Mist Trail up to the epic Vernal Falls and Nevada Falls and back. We started hiking at 4pm so we had the trail pretty much all to ourselves, which was absolutely incredible. We got soaked in the falls and arrived back down at the trailhead just after sunset and started the long drive back to camp where we had a dinner of 50c instant noodles cooked on a tiny camp stove to reward ourselves. ???

The Mist Trail

Nevada Falls

Over the next few days the hike up to Cathedral Lakes through icy forests, climb to the top of Lemberts Dome for a stunning 360 panorama of the park, and check out the views from Taft Point, the Fissures and Glacier Point. There’s just so much to do in the park you’d ideally need to spend a few weeks there to do it all properly.
I really wanted to do Half Dome, but we hadn’t gotten permits in advance and we didn’t really have enough time – while you can squeeze it into one day it’s a tough 12 hours and best done as a two day trek (one for next time!).

Cathedral Peak

Ice all over the trail

The view from Lemberts Dome

Glacier Point

One other thing Yosemite is also famous for its Black Bears, there are signs everywhere warning people to keep their food in secure bear-proof bins and to be wary of any encounters. On our second day in the park, while hiking back down from Lembert’s Dome we spotted a deer running across the trail in front of us and started joking that maybe a bear was following it, only to turn around and eat those words as there was indeed a bear seemingly following the deer. To be fair, it looked profoundly disinterested in us, but I didn’t get a chance to take a photo. Alessia was starting to freak out, so we started hiking down the trail at double speed, talking loudly and clapping our hands to make noise while Alessia was repeating ‘don’t look at it!’ any time I turned around to see if it was still there or following. As if by not looking at it, it wasn’t real ???

Bear-proof food bins

While the park was completely full, we were quite lucky that all the trails we did felt quite empty. On the last day we did some of the more touristy spots that you could drive to and found mini-hordes of families who were definitely not doing much hiking or exercise, but could probably do with some. But for the most part, it felt like we had the park to ourselves and it was a peaceful interlude from the pace of the rest of our trip to date. We regretfully left Yosemite for what would be the last leg of our trip in the States: San Francisco and training at Caio Terra’s academy in San Jose.

But maybe one day we’ll be back (i’m looking at you, Half Dome!)


Marcus and Alessia

Instagram @marcust.bjj and @alessiabjj


The Beach and the Valley

Had you asked me a year ago that I’d be waking up on the shore of the Pacific, traveling the country, living my dream… I’d probably have laughed in your face. Had you said that I was going to be practicing the sport that I loved while doing so, I’d have laughed harder. 

Waking up in LA was a trip. The City of Angels. La La Land. The Big Orange. Much like I mentioned in the first few posts I made, the vastness of some of these cities can be claustrophobic. So much to do, so little time. 

After training at the Gracie Academy, I decided to spend a few days hanging around the city and exploring. First stop? Venice Beach. My mind raced with the thought of what I could do; swim, explore the sights, meet people, etc. After driving up and down the boardwalk for a few hours, I finally found a parking spot. I left my car, made my way to the beach, and gazed off into the distance. The boardwalk bustled with street performers, tourists, merchants of all types, etc. I met a guy who sold carved out “Hobo” coins; I saw a troupe of acrobatic street performers who coaxed $20, $50, and even $100 bills into huge garbage bags; I even visited a store that sold scrap metal sculptures, including a life-sized “Predator” build. 




Venice Beach. Santa Monica. Los Angeles. All areas in which reality seems to suspend itself. It was almost inspirational seeing people who truly followed their dreams. It’s as if no matter how old you are, you can become whoever you’ve always wanted to be. Considering I was doing the same (i.e., dropping everything to travel the country and train), I felt like I’d already assimilated into the community.

Before leaving LA, I had one last thing to do: train on the beach. I’ve spent hours on YouTube watching videos of Kron, the Ribero brothers, Rickson, and all of the old school Gracies training on the shores of the Pacific and on the beaches of Rio. I’ve envied that. As luck/fate would have it? I rolled into LA on the weekend of an event that I’d been interested ever since I first scrolled past their Instagram in the summer of 2015: Jiu Jitsu in the Park.

JJITP as a concept is nothing new; it’s literally taking some mats, hauling them into an outdoor area like a park, and getting down to business. That said, Jiu Jitsu in the Park as a business has taken it to a whole new level. They have built an event so well run, so interesting, and JAM PACKED full of jiu jitsu, it’s almost unfathomable.


Getting all registered!


After a night spent sleeping on the side of the Pacific Coast Highway, I made my way to the event. When I first pulled into the parking lot of Malibu Bluffs Park, about 30 minutes north of LA, I was taken aback by the sheer beauty of the location. The mats themselves, situated under a canopy of off-white tents, lied no more than 100 yards from the cool, deep indigo waters of the ocean. I approached the registration tent, paid the five dollar mat fee, and filled out my waivers. For five dollars, this open mat format was incredible. I was one the first person on the mats that day, along with another gent, Jeff, from a 10th Planet school not far from Malibu. I was donning my black globetrotters gi (GREAT choice for the blazing Malibu sun, by the way), and he wore the fancy rash guard, shorts, and spats typical of 10th Planet. We rolled, and he swiftly snagged a leg lock. Game on. 


Gi? NoGi? No difference! Photo courtesy of Mike Frausto @mikefrausto @fraustocreative


That was the first of many rolls I had during my two hours training. I trained with guys from all over Southern California: Ribeiro Jiu Jitsu in San Diego, AOJ, City BJJ in San Francisco, and even a purple belt that trained out of his garage in a small town halfway between San Diego and LA. As always, we weren’t strangers. We all spoke a language of BJJ. I will say that I was likely the only person from New York at the event! Everyone who heard I was traveling the country, training jiu jitsu, living out of my car, etc., all thought I was living the dream! It was amazing.


Rollin’ the day away! @fraustocreative


The day was split up by a few superfights; some kids, some adults, some women, some men. I watched the kid super fight… and was just shocked. I always say stuff like, “If only I’d have started training when I was that young…” And these children reinforced that. Watching the future of BJJ invert, throwing triangles, impolite transitions… it made me feel old. I loved it.


That look when you realize you just got berimboloed by a 9 year old. @fraustocreative


Now… let’s talk about acai for a second. I’ll admit, I’ve always been apprehensive about a lot of the more “fad” things in BJJ: 10th Planet, Foam Rollers, Vegan vs. Keto, etc. With that, Acai is something that’s always been one of those “Whatever. How good can it be?” Kinda things. Well, like everything I’m hesitant about, I gave it a shot considering they had an all organic Acai stand at the park with the event. Well, here are the results…



10 minutes later.


After leaving Jiu Jitsu in the Park, I stopped at a small seafood shack a few minutes up the road from the park along Coastal Highway 1: Malibu Seafood. I had arranged to meet with a friend of my dad’s for lunch while I was in the area, and I’m glad I did! Meeting someone my father grew up with for the first time was awesome; hearing stories about the old man is always fun. He was supportive of this trip from the start, and knowing I always had a support system back home kept me going on the hard days.


If you look closely, the waters of the Pacific are off in the distance!


Following a quick lunch at Malibu Seafood, I started north. My destination? Well, the place that inspired this trip in the first place: Yosemite National Park. You see, in addition to my BJJ, I cross train with rock climbing when I have the time to do so. After watching the documentary “Valley Uprising” in the summer of 2016 (it’s on Netflix: watch it. Watch it now.), I made the decision to road trip across the country.

I drove north on the PCH from Malibu. For a few hours, I hugged the coast; I watched sea cliffs grow larger, curves in the road become more abundant, and speed limits slow. The scenery was unbelievable. In a moment so typical of a globetrotters trip, I decided to alter my itinerary a slightly; instead of taking the fastest route possible from San Fransisco (my next journey after Yosemite) to Oregon, I decided I’d ride the PCH from south to north. Best decision I could’ve made, but more on that in a later post. I drove north from Malibu into the evening. I blasted the Beach Boys’ “Surfing’ the USA” as I drove, and I felt true joy. 


To Yoesmite I go!


As night fell, the road became quiet, and an eerie sense of loneliness fell over me. Traveling alone on the coast in the dead of night… it was creepy, to say the least. As I ascended another hill, coming around a bend, I was stopped at a roadblock: a landslide had shut the road down. Unsure of where I should go, as my cell service had ceased, I stopped at a small motel to ask the best way back to the highway.

“Back 30 miles.”

Damn. It took me another hour to get back to the highway, and another two to get to the rest area I stopped at about two hours outside of Yosemite. As the coast disappeared, farmland did the opposite. I drove along valleys surrounded by farms and cornfields. I woke the next morning, made the two hour drive to Merced, and prepared for four days in the park!

I wish I could put into words how excited I was as I drove through the park entrance. 45 minutes more and I’d be centered in Yosemite Valley: the birthplace of American rock climbing as a whole. I zigzagged along the winding roads of YNP, through huge oak trees and even a controlled forest fire. Then…


4,000 miles for this view…


Tunnel View. I drove 4,000 miles from New York, down to North Carolina, up to Tennessee, sat through a tornado, drove across deserts in Texas, New Mexico, Utah, and Arizona, then up the California coast, JUST to see this view. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t shed a tear.

For four days, I explored Yosemite. I could do an entire post just about my time there, but I’ll give the footnotes. I sat at the foot of Sentinel Rock, one of the biggest faces in YNP, with a beer in my hand and a bowl of ramen in the other. I sat at the base of 2,500 foot granite walls, watching the sunset bear down on the valley. On my second day there, I spent the day climbing with Peter, a guy whose number I’d gotten from a board at Camp 4. Anyone whose climbed in the Valley knows the importance of Camp 4. We bouldered, and ran up some multi pitch climbs near Lower Yosemite Falls. On my third day, I spent the day solo hiking the Yosemite Falls trail: 7.2 miles round trip, 3,000ft. vertical gain. I sat on the edge of Yosemite Creek, downing a cold tub of Campbell’s Chunky Beef Sirloin soup as the raging waters flowed towards the 2,500 foot drop to the valley floor. I slept in my Jeep on the road by El Cap meadow. On my last day? I touched the bottom of El Cap for the first time. It was June 15th, 2017. Mark my words: by September 21st, 2025, I’ll climb that beast of a rock. 


Best dinner location yet!

El Cap and my trusty steed!

Scenery that keeps getting better!


I talked about rock climbing and it’s parallels to BJJ in my Joshua Tree post, so I’ll spare the philosophy, but I will say this: BJJ has gifted me with life lessons that I don’t think I would’ve gotten anywhere else. I’m a completely different person now compared to when I started training four years ago. One of these life lessons is this: 

Although pressure can be uncomfortable at times, you can always find a way out. Set your goals, figure out how to reach them, and then do it.


And of course: repping BJJ Globetrotters in one of the world’s most beautiful places!


From Yosemite, I drove west to San Fransisco before going north to Oregon. But that’s a story for another day. Until next time! Oss!

Los Angeles week 2 – Dee

Well we are at the end of our time in LA, as we will head down to San Diego on Monday, after a quick stop in Anaheim to visit Disneyland.

Our time in LA feels to have passed very quickly, I am sure I will be saying this statement I few times over our trip and then again at the end.

We have kept ourselves busy with all things touristy, such as the walk to, sorry to Hike to Hollywood sign – at no point did this feel like a walk – Adam found a Read more

Palermo Sicily Italy

Greetings From Palermo Sicily Italy!

Hello! I finally made it to Palermo, after the longest day in transit I’ve had to date. I’ll get into the whole debacle and giant mess I got into traveling to Palermo in a minute but first let me just say that the Island of Sicily is amazing and if you’re heading to Italy you must head down and visit Sicily as well! The sun, the sights, the food and most importantly the people, Sicily is definitely on my list of places to visit again! Now let’s go over how I got there and the trials I went through. It’s a long story so bare with me.

Casablanca Airport And The Luggage Debacle… 

Like I said earlier, getting to Palermo was one long, hard trek. I’ve dealt with over nights, rough rides and not sleeping before and they were longer travels but this was worse than those for the stress alone. I left the hotel in Marrakesh early in the morning, it was still dark when I got to the airport. I had a short connection over to Casablanca then from there to Rome and then to Palermo. There was a 8 or 9 hour layover in Casablanca and if I had saw that (remember I had to book the ticket in a hurry in order to make my flight to Morocco) when I booked it I would have just taken a later train into the Casablanca airport instead, but then I wouldn’t have this adventure to tell you about. So I check in at the airport in Marrakesh and the steward for Royal Air Maroc tells me that while I’ll have to re-check in at Casablanca my luggage will go on and I’ll see it in Palermo. That alone sounded some warning bells. I should have stopped and packed a day bag right there before sending my luggage away. I usually always pack a day bag with a gi and a days worth of clothes in it to carry onto the plane, but I guess being tired and not having any traveling problems lately I had my guard down.

I made the short flight over to Casablanca and was looking forward to finding somewhere to grab breakfast, as I hadn’t eaten yet, and working away on the blog. Little did I know the shit storm I was about to walk into and how that little simple plan would not work. As I needed to check in with the new airline, Alitalia, I didn’t have my connection ticket to head into the lounge area, instead I was briskly told ‘No! Get out of line! Go!’ As he pointed back towards the end of the line. After some confusion it seems there was another hall to go down in the opposite direction where the connection check in desks are. I got all this from other people in line as the security guard checking tickets just kept repeating ‘No! Go!’ I make my way to the connection desks and ask around about where I am to get my new ticket and continue on. The connection area seemed mostly run by Royal Air Maroc, who told me Alitalia would be there soon to give me my ticket, so I sat down and waited, and waited…

If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram you might remember me posting as the day went on how upset I became as the idiotcracy built up. I waited for a few hours, asking different stewards if they were Alitalia or could help find them whenever a new airline showed up, only to be told ‘no, you have to wait’. Finally I asked the manager of the connection area, a manager from Royal Air Maroc, if he could help me since all I wanted to do was find a place to sit down and have some food. It was now 11 and I had been up since 5 to make the flight, I had been sitting there since 7:45. The manager told me there was nothing he could do, that I would have to wait until an hour before my flight, which wasn’t for another 6 hours or so. When I asked him what I was supposed to do to get some food he responded with “It’s not my problem. Our airline did our job of getting you here. Now you’re someone else’s problem. There’s nothing I can do.” Or rather there was nothing he would do, after all that would involve caring for your costumers. I can’t believe that Royal Air Maroc is supposed to be a ‘4 star airline’ with this kind of costumer service. I was also told by someone else if I went over to the passport control and customs that I would be let out and then I could go around to the front desks and sort out my ticket problem. So I set off to do that.

I get to the passport control area and wait in line for a long time. When I finally got to the front I explained my case to the passport security guard about just needing to enter the front of the airport. Apparently this was a big problem as the authorities at the Marrakesh airport stamped my passport, meaning I had left the country. As far as the passport security guard was concerned the only way I could re-enter the country, which is what I needed to do in order to exit the airport and enter again through the front, was if the customs agents were to cancel my exit stamp. I don’t why I couldn’t just get the passport re-stamped for entering and exiting again but either way I was sent over to another line. This lone was shorter, with way less organization as the agents in their offices didn’t seem to care about anyone problems or want to deal with them. When I finally got the attention of one of the agents I told them my situation. Another agent came in to listen and they both started asking me questions. ‘Where is your plane ticket? Where are you going? What is you problem?’ They didn’t seem to understand my situation and I tried several times to explain. Finally they tell me they can’t reverse the stamp and I can’t leave the airport since my passport has been stamped for exiting the country. When I asked what I was supposed to do and where I was supposed to go for food I was told “Just go up and around” so I left their office and searched for this ‘up and around’ staircase.  As I walked the hallways I realized they meant go through the connection area, which I couldn’t do since I didn’t have my connecting ticket, which I couldn’t get since the airline didn’t have anyone at the connection area and no one would call them for me. I was stuck in a loop of stupid uncaring and unhelpful people.

Unable to fix my situation I was brimming with rage and sat down waiting, trying to use the shitty airport internet to figure out a way to solve this problem, away from having to talk to anyone. As I sat there, going on 8 hours with no food, no ticket and no help I noticed people who were being deported were being fed. They were being kicked out of the country and because they were waiting for a few hours they were given a hot meal and water, but me, I could rot there and it wouldn’t be anyone’s problem because, after all, Royal Air Maroc had did their job of getting me in this situation. As I was sitting there, furious at the shitty airline and my shitty situation a member of the cleaning staff had noticed I’ve been there all day. He asked me why I was still there and I told him, perhaps a bit over zealously, and told him how I had been sitting there with help or food all day. His answer was simple “Do you want food? I’ll get you some food” and with me giving him some money he left to get me some food from the cafeteria. That’s right, no one who’s job is it to help the customers at the airport, not the stewards, the managers, the passport of customs guards or clerks or anyone of the dozen or more people I talked helped me the slightest, it was the cleaning staff that did that job for them. As far as I know he may have been the one to tell the Alitalia airline I was down there too.

I was sitting and eating the fried rice and fish he had gotten me that I was ever so grateful for I heard an announcement that my flight was loading. I quickly went over to the managers office and asked them to call up and let Alitalia know I was down there, stranded without a ticket to get to my flight. They actually responded with “I can’t help you, it’s not my airline” that’s right, the staff of Royal Air Maroc at the Casablanca airport were willing to let me miss my flight on the the principle that ‘their job was done’ when they stranded me at the airport 8 hours ago. In fact one of the stewards was questioning their manager not helping me at this point, so it was becoming clear that the managers were seen as assholes by more than just me. This is when finally a steward from Alitalia showed up. He ran down and quickly got on a computer to check me in and print off a ticket for me. As this was going on he asked ‘Why not just leave the airport and come in through the front like you were supposed to?’ First off, supposed to? when the hell was the memo of this apparent list of proper actions coming out, because I was never given any instructions on how to get my new ticket what so ever or this whole shit show might have been avoided. I gave him the full story of why and how I was stuck down there. Apparently this is an on going problem at the Marrakesh airport of them stamping passports for connections that don’t require it, effectively blocking them from being able to spend their layover in any comfort and even potentially blocking them from making the connection. As for my dealing with the managers of Royal Air Maroc, the steward’s reply was “Wow! What a piece of…work!” As he looked over at them and just shook his head in disappointment. My ticket was printed and we were off, the Steward actually took my bag and raced me to the gate where the plane was waiting for me. I was the last on the flight. My long struggle to get out of the shit hole that a shitty airline had put me in was over. It would be clear sailing, or flying, from here on out. Or so I thought…

The plane landed in Rome, late. My connection had started loading almost 10 minutes before I landed. I was going to have to make one of those mad dashes across the airport you see on movies. As I got off the plane ready to make this dash I saw that there were stewards waiting with signs of my next flight number on it. They were, as I suspected, there to escort us directly to our waiting flight. Or so the said. The stewards guided us into the airport to the customs area and got us to the front of the line, after that they just stood there. I thought maybe they were waiting for the rest of the people making the connection, but as it happened they were just standing there, their work was done, it was now up to us to hurry across the airport. The stewards told me which gate I was supposed to go to and I was off, it felt like the airport went on forever as I raced across it to finally make it to the proper gate. Luckily everyone made the flight and we were off on a short flight to Palermo to finally end this long day of traveling. We landed and I messaged my host, Ruben, that I would be out soon. Soon ended up being a bit longer than expected. I exited the plane and made my way to the luggage pick up area, only to wait, and wait, and no backpack showed up. I was not the only one, as it happens about half the the people who rushed to make the connection, from my guess, also lost their luggage. I was quite mad at first that this would happen when allegedly my bag was sent directly off to the destination, but while in line waiting for a long time to finally report my lost bag I had cooled off and just wanted the day to end. I made my report with all the information I could give them and left Ruben’s number as a contact as my phone was out of data or minutes.

As the visit went on there would be more work to do online to track my bag and finally find it. It took a week to get and I wasn’t staying in Palermo that long, so I didn’t get my backpack back until Naples. Without me packing a day bag to carry on with me that meant I was without any training gear and only had the clothes on my back for this visit. This of course meant I was only training in no gi for the next few days. Once I got out of the airport and met Ruben he drove me around the town to see a bit of it and we grabbed some pizza. My first slice of real Italian pizza. It was pretty good, and little of the city I saw that night was beautiful, I could see that after all the shit I went through I was going to be alright.

Flying into Rome while on my way to Palermo.

The Sights!

While I was staying with Ruben and Andreina it was a whirlwind of sightseeing and training. The usual day would start with them taking me out somewhere to see the city, then straight to class, then off to more of the city, eating and meeting with friends. Ruben was constantly setting up plans to show me another place around Palermo and we even set out to Trapani, a city an hour away, to train with their friends and sister club there and show me more of Sicily. Here’s some pictures I took while out seeing this beautiful place, I’ll try and label all the places the best I can.

Massimo Theater.

I believe this is call ‘Four Kings Square’ each corner was made like. I have a panoramic of it on Flickr.

The Palermo Cathedral.

The landscape was awesome to see as we drove around, the hills and mountains that surrounded the roads and buildings were impressive to a visitor like me. So I took a few random pictures while we drove around.  

When I was in Trapani I was brought to this amazing town that’s built on top of a mountain and has all sorts of castles and churches and the best possible view of Trapani and the coast. Erice. If you’re visiting Sicily you have to come out to the west side and visit Palermo and since you’re already that close you might as well go visit Trapani and Erice.

And of course Ruben brought me to the beach to see the beautiful view and crystal clear water.

I have many more photos for you to see at my Flickr account, check them out!

MatSide BJJ Palermo

Ruben, who is a purple belt, runs the MatSide BJJ Palermo club which is in an old school gym that also has wrestling classes by an Olympian who competed and won in some competitions in Canada and all over back in his days. The wrestling class was full of take down techniques, some of which I’ve seen before but there were all kinds of small details I was being shown to make them better. One thing I’ve learned on this odyssey, one of many, is that I really need to work on using my body and body weight better. The re-occurring strong points for wresting take downs and control is using your full body as a force to keep them from moving any other way than you want. small things that help keeping your weight on them or into them. These details I’m still learning and trying to work on as I travel, I really do believe training in different classes like Judo, Wrestling, Catch-As-Catch-Can, or Sambo only help build a stronger, more complete game

For Ruben’s classes there was a common theme he would work on, with working on the base movement and adding to it or going over the options from that movement or position. As I was visiting we were going over various open guard passing movements, one class was working off stepping into the open guard and sitting in a combat base position, capturing a leg. Ruben and I had a lot of fun bouncing ideas back and forth as we trained, he’s always thinking and studying what positions he gets into from what movements. The rest of the club is a wide range of different styles and skill levels, all were very enthusiastic and eager to train and roll. Some had experience in other martial arts and were new to the ground game like Benny Cannata who is an Italian boxing league champion who is now training for MMA at MatSide with Ruben, he’ll be a killer ground and pound artist in the next year for sure. It was a good training with everyone, I had to be on my toes all the time because each person was so different. In the end I really enjoyed training and rolling with everyone, I learned a a lot about my own game as well as made some good friends.

The class at wrestling, Benny the boxer is the guy in the white shirt.

Mad Monkey Academy/MatSide BJJ Trapani 

One day Ruben brought me out to train for a noontime class then after lunch he and another student hit the weights for an hour and then we met with Andreina and other clubs members and all piled into the car and headed to another gym to train at that evening in Trapani. The Mad Monkey Academy, which is the MatSide BJJ Trapani club, is in the Wolf Fighter Trapani gym which is a primarily kickboxing gym. The gym is set up with puzzle mats covering the entire floor with some heavy bags along one side and a boxing ring in the corner. The class for Trapani seemed a lot younger, many kids who were newer to BJJ. The class there is run by a blue belt who trains under Ruben and they were more than happy to have us show up and teach. Ruben was showing more of the open guard to combat base that we were working on, having played with some things earlier that day we had new tricks to add and show this eager class ready to soak up any details. Nadir, the blue belt, and I worked together going over the techniques. He’s a bigger guy and we had similar traits and a similar style so it made perfect sense to work together and exchange tips. Lucky that I had been working on the techniques earlier that day and troubleshooting them working for me so I was able to help him out and give some pointers.

The gang in Trapani after class. Ruben is in the white shirt, Nadir is in the back in the black shirt.

I had a few matches with some of the class after class. the kids were eager to impress the visiting blue belt and were gunning for me, luckily they had little experience so I just worked defense, letting them get take down or a guard pass and then working from there to sweep and attack. One big thing that I noticed was the lack of grips and control, they’re were so set on passing or attacking they wouldn’t time the time to set the position or fully control me while passing my guard. That’s something that comes with time and is been a big topic I’ve been working myself during this journey. Grips and controlling techniques are key and I love seeing new ways to control someone and work my slow Panda climbing game. I work on all the grips I can while rolling so when someone misses controlling my legs and goes straight for wrist grabs or try to run around my guard I notice it. Now I do anyways. I guess since my mind is always working on controlling and grip techniques my awareness of the training partners grips and controlling techniques.

I don’t know any Italian but I’m pretty sure the night went well.

After class Nadir and some of his students as well as the whole group from Palermo went out for food and showing me around the city and more food and more sights and next you it was 4am. It was one seriously long day but amazing at the same time, I got so much training in and meeting great people and seeing some great places and eating good food, all in one day. It’s not something I could do often but it was a blast! As we were walking around Trapani Nadir was telling me of the history of the city and the sights, as well as telling me what we would see tomorrow. It really wished I had a proper camera and could take night pictures that night. I stayed that night at Nadir’s and the next morning we were off to show me more sights before heading back to Palermo, I’ve got to say Nadir made me really feel welcomed, thanks for the tour, the food and the hospitality!

Trapani at night, wish I have a proper camera and could take night photos.

Torre Ligny, the most western point of Trapani. Apparently it marks the separation of two different seas.

Thanks again everyone I met in Palermo and Trapani for all the great times, and thank you Ruben and Andreina for everything you have done looking out for me and making this an amazing visit!  

Ruben, this guy is always willing help and host, go visit and train with this awesome guy!

Andreina, thanks for everything!

I was off to catch the ferry to Naples, but Ruben wasn’t able to join me there as he had new guests arriving to pick up at the airport at the same time. Andreina gave me a drive to the harbour, it was rush hour so we had a few set backs getting there but I got on the boat just in time. Shortly after leaving Sicily for Naples I get a text message from Ruben, it was a screenshot of a message he received from the airport that my bag had finally been found and landed in Palermo, now on it way to Naples. After a crazy trip to Sicily and a whirlwind of a visit, which was way too short, I was off to see some amazing sights and re-unite with my backpack, but that’s another story.

I’m on a boat! On my way to Naples.

Quite the view leaving such a beautiful Island.

Until next time,

see you on the mats!



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West Coast, best coast part one: San Diego

After the heat and crowds of New York, San Diego was a literal breath of fresh air. It’s the 2nd largest city in California but it feels very spread out and livable, the downside is that you need to drive everywhere and traffic can get heavy during rush hour, just like anywhere else.

Pacific Beach


Because it was mid Summer and 4th of July was just around the corner, we didn’t have a lot of options for accommodation. We had been speaking to Dean Lister via email about potentially staying with him, as he used to run a fighters house with affordable accommodation, but he has since closed it down unfortunately, and was out of the country anyway. That was a shame as I’m a big fan – his K.A.T.C.H instructionals have had a big impact on my leg lock game.

Instead, we managed to find an Airbnb in Chula Vista just a short drive South of the city and close to the Mexican border, where we stayed with a French couple and their enormous, beautiful dog Mafalda.

Mafalda made our stay

First thing we did was head to the beach of course, but after that it was time to train. The first night we went to Victory MMA, we knew Dean Lister was out of town but wanted to take one of Jeff Glover’s advanced classes. It was $20 for a day pass which lets you take as many classes as you want. We were really impressed with the gym facilities, they were huge! 3 mat spaces, a boxing ring as well as the usual. As soon as we arrived we ran into Jeff Glover, but unfortunately it looked like he had literally just hurt himself as he was holding an ice pack to his leg and limping a bit, but still taught the class anyway. We went through some drills very much in his style – literally trying to confuse and distract your opponent with speed, explosiveness and feints from various positions. It was fun but very different. Afterwards we were split over two mats for sparring, and I had a few good rounds with some purple belts but unfortunately all the higher belts were sitting out as they had trained hard in the class before it seems.

After training at Victory MMA

The next morning we decided to go to Atos, where we ended up staying at for the rest of our time in San Diego, despite original plans to try out other gyms. It’s a bit further out than some of the other gyms so you definitely need to drive.

The price is whopping $60 for a day pass, $175 for a weekly, or $350 for a month. But don’t let the cost scare you away, as we can attest to the fact it is 100% worth it. You do have to wear a white gi with no club/affiliation patches (you can rent one for $10 which Alessia had to do), and a black rashguard. When you get there you can see why they have the uniform policy though – the gym is beautiful. The black and blue mat space is elevated and with lots of natural light, with a secondary mat around the corner. Rows of trophies line the wall, and you can feel the intensity in the air as everyone there is so committed to their training.

The awesome mat space at Atos HQ

Professor Galvao takes the main morning and evening classes, and all the classes are filmed professionally for his website. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that he is an incredible teacher, with the entire class was hanging off his every word because he puts so much detail into every technique. Even moves that we had seen before he managed to add his own personal touch and details to it in ways we hadn’t thought about before. Not only that, he came across as an incredibly friendly, approachable and humble guy – even mopping the mats himself after class.

With Galvao. What a legend.

Sparring was some of the most intense I’ve ever come across. Pick anyone in the gym and chances are they have won gold at Worlds or Pans etc. I managed to roll with Josh Hinger, Pablo Mantovani and many other incredible fighters. Special mention to Conner DeAngelis, a beastly heavyweight purple belt who put me to sleep during our roll – that’s the first time I’ve ever not tapped in time, the choke was that tight. I remember waking up and Andre joking that he’s heard it’s like having a nap in the middle of the round so I should be refreshed – and in fact I did a little bit ?

Josh Hinger

Even though the training is very intense there and almost everyone is a serious competitor or athlete, there is still a very friendly and supportive vibe in the gym, and they were all incredibly welcoming to us. The Friday night warm-up was a long game of dodge ball which was loads of fun. Alessia was also really happy since there was a strong ladies contingent on the mat – down to Angelica’s influence most likely, she runs a Ladies Only classes twice a week but unfortunately we didn’t have time to go.

We also met a Swedish couple Karl and Elina, who had been staying there for a month just to train. In fact it seemed like quite a lot of people had moved to San Diego purely to train at Atos, whether for a month or permanently. And we could understand why. The training at Atos was a whole other level, and both Alessia and I absolutely loved it and took a lot away from the experience. We seriously considered changing our plans and staying in San Diego to train another week, but sadly in the end it was too last minute and impractical. We’ve both made a deal though, that after this trip we want to move to San Diego for a few months just to train, I hope we can make it happen.

The rest of our time in San Diego was spent at the various beaches – our favorite was La Jolla Cove where the Sea Lions and Seals chill out on the rocks, play on the beach and swim next to you in the ocean (don’t get too close though).

Snorkeling at La Jolla

Seals. Seals everywhere.

La Jolla truly was a gem

Old town was awesome, the historic area was preserved and reconstructed to keep things like they would have been during the 1800s and is a great day out.

Old town by day

Old town by night

San Diego Zoo was the biggest I’d ever been to and with lots of space in the enclosures for the animals, which seemed to be well looked after.

Who did it better?

We also spent 4th of July in historic Coronado, watching the parade and chilling at the beach, before heading to Old Town again for the rest of the day and fish tacos.

The historic Coronado Hotel

I have to take a moment here to dwell on the fish tacos. Amazing. All food in San Diego is pretty incredible – being so close to the border you can find Mexican food everywhere, with some places being so authentic the staff literally don’t speak English and they only serve beef head tacos (with Alessia being vegetarian, needless to say we didn’t end up eating there ?). But fish tacos. I don’t know how many fish we consumed in the end but it was somewhere between a school and a species. The place we would highly recommend is Pacific Beach Fish Shop, halfway between Atos and Pacific Beach ??? ?. Also, Aunt Emma’s Pancake House in Chula Vista for huge stacks of pancakes on the cheap. Unbelievable.

Pancake heaven

We were sad to leave San Diego, but excited to start our road trip up the West Coast to LA (via Disneyland), the Pacific Coast Highway and Yosemite National Park to San Francisco. Till next time!






Washington D.C

     We decided that it would be cool to spend the 4th of July, the nations birthday, in the nation’s capitol, Washington D.C. We stayed at a campground about 30 minutes outside of D.C. at a state park. From there we drove to a nearby train station and got on the subway, which was a new experience for my family and I. None of us had ever ridden one before so learning how the whole process works was an experience in itself. Luckily, someone passing by could tell we were having some difficulties and offered his assistance. So now that we had transportation under control, we headed to the National Mall for our first day of sightseeing.

     The National Mall is a national park in downtown D.C. and spans over 2 miles. Since it was our first day there we decided to visit some of the attractions that were easy to get to and in walking distance to the subway station. The Smithsonian actually has 19 different attractions in the city and our first stop was the Natural History Museum. My family and I enjoyed all the exhibits; my wife’s favorite was definitely the Hope Diamond. The Hope Diamond is a 45.5-carat diamond and has an estimated value of 200-250 million dollars. I’m pretty certain she took like three hundred pictures of it alone.

    From there we went to the Air and Space Museum, my son’s favorite stop that day. Not only do they have a large collection of space memorabilia they also have a large room full of hands on activities for kids which teach them about aerodynamics, draft, lift, and other aspects of flying that he really enjoyed, so did the rest of the family but him especially. In fact the only drawback was that apparently a ton of people decided it would be a good time to visit the capitol as well; so everything we went to do there were huge lines. That was a constant throughout the week by the way.

     The next day we went to some of the memorials in the National Mall. The Lincoln Memorial was a good time, tons of people and very hot, but was fun teaching my kids why he was such an important President in the United States’ history. From there we went to the Vietnam and Korean War Memorials, and was actually able to find some information about some of my family members that lost their lives in those wars. From there we went to the Washington Monument, a 515-foot tall obelisk built to commemorate George Washington, the first President of the US. We were not able to go up inside the monument because there is a faulty elevator, which a park ranger informed me, should be fixed by the summer of 2019. Our last stop for the day was a quick photo outside the White House.

     Our third day we went to the International Spy Museum that was pretty entertaining. Its full of spy memorabilia and has a bunch of video interviews with former spies from all over the world. It’s a very James Bond type of attraction, and there is actually a large portion of the museum dedicated to the 007 films.

     The evening of our third day I finally got some time to train. There are quite a few gyms in the D.C. area but I knew of one that I absolutely had to visit and that was Matt Larsen’s Combatives Fitness. Professor Larsen is a former US Army Ranger and one of the founders of the Modern Army Combatives Program, which if you have read any of my other blogs, know that’s where I got my start in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Matt started training jiu jitsu under the Gracie family in Torence, CA, and eventually earned his black belt from Romero “Jacare” Cavalcanti under the Alliance flag. I feel it’s important to mention that Matt was also inducted into the Black Belt Magazine Hall of Fame. Not only is Matt a friend, but also I was promoted by one of his black belts, Professor Tim Farris. Anytime I get a chance to train with Matt is a good time and this one was no different. I attended the nogi class and ended up staying for both the basic and adult classes. I was so exhausted from all the sightseeing that by the end of training I could hardly move.

Professor Larsen with Professor Jacare and Professor Helio

     After training, and about a gallon and a half of water, my family and I went on a nighttime cruise of the Potomac River. It was really cool to see the sights lit up in the night sky and hear the information provided by the tour guides.

     The next day was the fourth of July; we decided it would be appropriate to spend the day at Mount Vernon, a large plantation where George Washington lived with his wife and two grandchildren. The day consisted of a lot of walking, a lot of sweating, and learning all kids of historical facts about Mount Vernon as well as a military demonstration from the timeframe, oh, and the things my kids loved the most, free birthday cake!

     Our last day we went to the Arlington National Cemetery which is the United States’ largest national military cemetery and is the final resting place of more than 400,000 people from the US and 11 other countries. I went there to visit some of my friends that I served with that lost their lives and because I wanted my son to see the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. If you have never had a chance to witness this ceremony, I strongly encourage you to do so. It is quite moving and respectful.

     All in all, during our time in D.C. we walked 34 miles; saw all the major tourist attractions, met people from nine different countries and 14 different states. To say we enjoyed our time there would be an understatement. We were exhausted, sunburnt, and cranky by the end of our stay but the memories made with my family during this trip were all, without a doubt, worth it.

Welcome to America…Los Angeles Week 1

The time had come…

On Tuesday night we were all packed up and managed to get everything into 3 bags under 23kg. We made the trip to the airport said our goodbyes to Dee’s Mum and we’re off. The first leg of the trip, the red eye to Brisbane was quite a long one. The lovely lady behind me decided she would flip out and start boxing the back of my chair. She was obviously not happy that I was planning on getting some sleep during this first leg. Arriving in Brisbane  we transferred over to the international terminal to get on the flight to Los Angeles. The kids were doing quite well as they had managed to sleep most of the flight from Perth. The 13hr flight was fairly uneventful mixed between sleeping and watching movies it didn’t seem to take that long.

Before our flight out to LA

Arriving in LAX we were expecting a long delay getting through border security, it may of been that we arrived early in the Read more

Bringing the Greenland gi to life.

In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, a few major countries occupy the spotlight. Brazil, of course, tops the list, but the U.S. receives a lot of attention as well. Japan is often in the conversation for obvious reasons, but it doesn’t get nearly as much attention as the first two. And recently, we’ve started to see a little bit more love for Russia’s contributions to grappling, but that is still relatively small.

For the rest of the world? Well, they often become footnotes in the culture of BJJ. Designers and gym owners are quick to reference the major BJJ countries in artwork and in products, but the smaller scenes, where jiu-jitsu has just recently started to blossom and make a difference in the communities there, are overlooked.

That’s one of the big reasons we love traveling with BJJ Globetrotters. We get to visit these great jiu-jitsu communities and meet people that might never be on the cover of a magazine but are doing amazing things for their students and training partners and have incredible stories to tell.

Greenland is one of these places. The people who call Greenland home are hardy. The country is rugged with difficult winters and short-lived springs. With limited natural resources, even basic foods like beef need to be imported. And like many native groups, Greenland has its share of social problems and challenges that are made even more difficult by the sometimes harsh environment.

While I spent time with friends and great people I couldn’t help but feel desolate. Roads ended at the city limits, and the only ways of reaching other towns was skimobile, boat, or plane. Alcoholism and suicide are huge issues there. We were warned that the government is trying to fight by incredibly high alcohol tax.

It’s not all bleak though. The local culture is rich, and the injection of BJJ has brought some new hope as well. After apologizing for his poor English, a gentlemen we promoted to blue belt on the last day of camp told us how he has been struggling with alcohol abuse since he was 12. And now in his 20s, BJJ is the only thing he has found that helps him stay sober.

The sum of these experiences laid the tinder for a new gi, and we needed a certain globetrotter to create the spark.

Once you have done the legwork of perfecting your cut and sizing, designing new gis is pretty straightforward. You pick the weave, pick the color, decide on stitching and accents, and choose what patches or embroidery go where. With a talented designer, you can do complete this process in a few days, and any subsequent changes are made after the factory produces a sample.

That’s how it works most of the time. The gi I am about to show you had a similar design process, but instead of it taking place inside an office or coffee shop, we were on a boat off the coast of Greenland on a whale-watching trip. I never thought I would ever be in Greenland, much less design a gi there. It all started with a message from my friend Christian Graugart.

He was arranging a trip to visit an old student that had started a BJJ school in Nuuk, the capital of Greenland, and wanted to bring some black belt friends with him. A few brave souls volunteered, and after some serious flight searches, we ended up in Nuuk. I wrote a blog about our epic layover in Reykjavik here and the Greenland trip here.

If you haven’t heard about Christian, he literally wrote the book on BJJ travel and nowadays spends his time planning amazing BJJ camps all over the world. Hillary and I have been to 9 out of 27 of the camps, and are trying to hold on to our top 10 standing in the camp high score list.

Christian usually makes camp gis and suggested that we make a collaboration project. His biggest stipulation: We had to have an inverted polar bear.

Most of the design work was done aboard that boat while we waited on whale sightings. Weave was an easy choice. It’s usually pretty cold there, so a 550 GSM pearl weave felt right. Both of our gis usually have shoulder embroidery, so those were a given. We used the polar bear art done by Hillary instead of the usual panda and incorporated Christian’s BJJ Globetrotters logo. For the ribbon, we got Christian’s usual designer to etch the epic landscape was saw from the boat. For the final detail, we took inspiration from the colorful national outfit as a shoulder liner for the inside of the gi and added the Greenland flag.

This was a unique design experience. And as we prepare to launch it tomorrow (7/14/2017), we are excited to report that the fledgling gym we visited in Nuuk has doubled in size since last year. We are sending the guys from Nuuk some uniforms for their club and sharing with you the story behind the gi. There are thousands of powerful jiu-jitsu stories that have yet to be told, and in future gis with Christian, we hope to tell at least some of them.


Special Limited Edition
BJJ Globetrotters X Inverted Gear Collab
Available Now

Perth – The best and worst start to the trip

First the Good

So we started out the trip with the drive that we have done so many times I have lost count…..The 1194 kilometer drive from Newman to Perth is rather uneventful apart from the odd kangaroo trying to become a hood ornament. The trip began with the 3am wake up and it mainly consisted of me driving the whole journey with Dee, Lilly and Kobe drifting in and out of consciousness while they watched movies and snacked. Both Lilly and Kobe take the long trip like champs and never complain or start the chant of “are we there yet??”

Moving over for this big load

The following day we made it to the Submission Factory (my parent club) for a session with Black belts James and Vic. It was good to get on the mats as we Read more

Pomalo- Time Doesn’t Exist

The country: Croatia 
Gyms visited: Black Dragon Zagreb, Alliance BD Split, Jungle BJJ Split
Atmosphere: Chill vibes and bring lots of water

I’ve never been more tempted to buy a boat and float the rest of my life away. Touched down in Zagreb the capital of Croatia for one week followed by a week on the Croatian Ibiza and ended with a week in the happening coastal city of Split. 

Touring the capital

Zagreb is home to Black Dragon which is a team with an awesome mat space filled with variety of skill and personality. My first day I was welcomed by a small group for open mat and got to chatting much more than usual about my travels and their life in Croatia. The rest of my week here was opens mats of good rolls followed by a short conversation. Zagreb is the most aesthetically pleasing city I’ve been to thus far in my last month in Europe. The main square is a buzzing crowd filled with happy faces and plenty to keep you busy and tipsy in the evening. 

Team Black Dragon Zagreb

My second week I ran away to the island of Pag to a place they call the Croatian Ibiza. Insert a week of beach parties, boat parties, drunk foreigners, and any other party destination stereotype. I ended up missing a great Croatian seminar and tournament opportunity because I already had my accommodation booked here and in hindsight I probably should have just left a bit early.  

Now back to the training…

Split was my favorite part of Croatia. The coast line is really something amazing here. There’s blue waters sprinkled with islands and the coast is jagged with green trees and white limestone.  Spending almost a month in cities I missed the beach life and chill atmosphere of a coastal city. The team I first met here was Alliance Black Dragon Split which I was put in touch with from friends in Black Dragon Zagreb. The mats here had the highest concentration of skill on a small space of my trip so far. Still, they were very casual and maintained the coastal vibe with less formalities and just enjoying the training while putting hard work in.

Learned a ton and had a great time at Alliance BD Split

The scheduling was very convenient here as I was able to train at Alliance Tue, Thur, Sat and at Jungle BJJ Mon, Wed, Fri. Training at Jungle BJJ which is a member of the BJJ Globetrotters community really gave me an appreciation for everything BJJ Globetrotters is doing for BJJ.  Each time I trained here there was also an additional traveler coming to the class. The guys here are very welcoming and used to travelers in and out of the doors. A real treat here was getting a class from a visiting Brazilian black belt that decided to get some training in while on vacation. Jungle BJJ is doing all the right things by reaching out with open arms to invite people to come train in beautiful Split, Croatia. I highly recommend making a detour if you’re ever near the area to come see the coastline, feel the atmosphere, and train at Jungle BJJ! 

Jungle BJJ Split team and Fabricio Martins all the way from brazil

That’s 3 weeks of Croatia in a nutshell! Bonus content includes acai bowls, quad riding, fresh sushi, wild nighlife, beautiful island beaches, and several new Croatian BJJ techniques.

Next stop Budapest! 

Recovering in Lisbon

I’m six months in and almost halfway through my year-long trip. For the next 30 days, I’ll be living, working and training in Portugal – mostly Lisbon.


Dealing with Sickness and Injuries

I started my BJJ packed adventure six months ago in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. I hit the ground running with training sessions 4 to 5 times a week at Monarchy MMA for the whole month. Unfortunately, that was the most consistent I have been since.

I only trained once in Vietnam because of pneumonia; then lost almost two weeks because of another cold in Bangkok; another two weeks gone in Serbia because of an arm-crush induced hyper-extended elbow. Now, I just got back on the mat at one of the Lisbon Gracie Barra locations and my knee popped. – I feel more like a human punching bag than an athlete at this point.

By far, the worst part of these setbacks is losing my flow and trying to get it back after such inconsistent training. Anyone who’s trained for a while knows the feeling of not being able to even remember moves that you used effortlessly execute a few weeks before.

These past few months have been a major reminder of the need for humility in this sport. I’m trying to stay positive and using these gaps in training as an opportunity to relearn and reaffirm more basic techniques that I took for granted before. I know that I can always rely on fundamentals when I’m out of shape and forget advanced sweeps and submissions.

For now, I’ll nurse my knee for a few more days and try to get back to rolling as soon as possible.


Downtime Adventures in Portugal

Since I’ll have to take it easy for some time, I’m planning a few non-athletic adventures. This weekend, I’m participating in a local start-up event to boost my entrepreneurial skill set. Right after, I’ll be renting a camper van with a few buddies and driving up Portugal’s coast for a few days. It even has Wifi so I can literally work on the road. After that, if my knee is feeling better, I’m hoping to become an even more stereotypical BJJ bum by learning to surf. By the time all this is done, I should be healthy enough to start training again!

Rocking my custom blazer from Vietnam and a mustache during my layover in Munich.


Berlin, Germany.


Berlin is somewhere I’ve wanted to visit since learning about the Second World War in high school. As I planned the trip, I started to hear amazing things about Berlin – it’s constantly touted as a haven for self-expression, liberalism and arts.


Catching the train in was an experience in itself – the rail network is massive and my grasp of the German language is non-existent at this point. I managed to get on a train going in the wrong direction and go a few stops before realizing my mistake. Thankfully with a quick platform change and some advice from some of the rail staff – I’m going back in the right direction – towards my home for the next week.

The hostel I chose is amazing. They’ve refurbished and repurposed an old building and it’s filled with single beds rather than the bunks you’d usually find in a dorm. That doesn’t seem like a big deal to anybody reading this from the comfort of their home – but it is.


I’m now free to fall into a deep sleep free from the movements of the punters that would usually sleep above or below in a bunk dorm room. Downstairs, a library bar that sells cheap beer on tap and has walls adorned with beautiful books on all topics stares out invitingly, imploring you to get involved in the German tradition of having a Bier (it’s always Bier O’clock here, it seems).


I’m blessed again with a room full of cool people who are keen to explore the city together and we instantly form a little family.


“Berlin will never be Berlin”.

When I first arrived I got a bike and rode around the central part of the city to visit a few of the famous historical sites. I knew about a few of them but it didn’t do much for me. It just seems like I was looking at a lot of nice buildings and some historical sites that I had a vague knowledge of, but without knowing more I left wondering if maybe I’d gone to the wrong places.


A few people from my room went on a walking tour of the city so I decided to tag along and put a bit of context to what I’d seen the day before. My god it was a good decision. Our guide walked us to the majority of the major historical attractions in the city (I’d missed a bunch), giving a rich history of how Berlin had changed over the centuries and what it had endured in recent times.

Berlin has been a revolving door for different expressions of culture and politics over time.

Originally known for their religious and cultural diversity and openness to ideas, successive World Wars and Soviet occupation drastically altered the cultural, philosophical and political landscape of the city. It’s fascinating to learn about the many faces this city has possessed over time and to see what it’s developed into today.

As our guide said: “Paris will always be Paris, Rome will always be Rome, but Berlin will never be Berlin”.

Freedom of Expression

What struck me about Berlin was the freedom the population has to express themselves, and the willingness with which they do. The city’s culture is one of acceptance and open-mindedness, which has created in environment in which art, music and various counter-cultures have flourished. I saw some whacky things in Berlin (one side of a park is a nude side, generally filled with old dudes) but nobody seemed to bat an eye-lid. It’s just another day in Berlin, where vastly different groups of people live side-by-side.


The city itself is beautiful, littered with green parks and beautiful architecture both new and old. Walls are adorned with artwork so bright and colourful it catches your eyes from a hundred metres, spruiking political messages and philosophical musings that make you laugh and ponder at the same time.

Then there’s the historical sites. The Berlin Wall. Brandenburger Tor. The concentration camps. Checkpoint Charlie. There’s so much to see, I felt like I was only scratching the surface.

I was in Berlin for the Mauerpark markets that occur on Sundays. We wandered through stalls filled with anything and everything you can imagine, fantastic foods from every corner of the globe and clothes to suit all tastes. After sampling the food we wandered through the park itself. The beautiful weather saw countless people bathing in the sun’s rays, laying in the green grass and listening to the various performers that littered the park.


It seemed like every corner of the park boasted a different act, ranging from acrobatics to acoustic trios – yet none of the noise seemed to interrupt the other performers. I wandered over to a percussion performance and it was like walking into a nightclub – just sunny, and in the middle of a park. People danced where they stood, sipping beers. Whiffs of marijuana floated through the air as everyone stood side-by-side, appreciating the awesome performance the duo were putting on. Some people’s bodies pulsed in rhythym with the percussion, seemingly possessed by the rattles and bangs of the drums and symbols. Others simply jumped up and down with their hands in the air, big goofy smiles on their faces. A happy, sunny place where art the everyday intersected. (If you want to check out a video of this, go to my instagram @oliwilson).


The police rolled through and at first I was disappointed, thinking they’d shut down the performance that had morphed into an impromptu dance party, telling people to pour their drinks out and move on. But it wasn’t so. They nodded and walked through calmly, picked up a couple of bottles and shook their fingers at the youths selling beers without a license.


Again, the liberalism of this part of Europe struck me. Certain things they do here are so strictly regulated and policed at home – but for what? People here seem to be doing just fine while they’re drinking beers in the park. Far from the raucous parties I’m sure policymakers envision when they ban these things, the beers just seemed to lubricate people to the point where they got along better. No aggression. No problems. Just a great time and a great phenomenon to observe.


A Divided City

Staring at the Berlin wall, I was struck by what a crazy experience it must have been for half the population of the city. For those that survived the war and must have finally thought they were free, I can’t fathom what it must have been like to watch the wall go up and divide them from their friends, families and the opportunities that the west offered. The wall has transformed from a symbol of oppression and a division between ideologies to a representation of what Berlin has become today.


The murals all along the East Side Gallery are beautiful. They poke fun at human psychology and politics. Transport you to other weird dimensions. As we stood there a building over the road was being covered in paint by four artists on scaffoldings. And this whole scene was looked over by a Soviet-era building, a stark reminder of the not-so-distant past.


The Training

I was meant to drop in and visit a mutual friend Markus at his academy, but he was due to be away for the week I was there. I was also having trouble navigating the transport system (this culminated in a 60 Euro fine – but we’ll pretend that never happened). I had a quick search on Google, and it turns out there was an academy right near where I was staying. I hired a bike and managed to find my way to BJJ Akademie.

I ended up spending my time in Berlin training exclusively here. Rob Nestor runs a great school with really technical classes filled with drills and useful sequences. To add to that, the whole crew is really welcoming and the level is high, making it a really enjoyable place to train. I’m really enjoying the focus on drilling– it gives us plenty of time to get the move down properly and really embed them into our psyche. I learned a lot of things that I’ll keep drilling. Each session I leave buzzing, putting me in a great mood for the afternoon or evening’s activities.


I met some pretty cool people rolling here, including a Muay Thai world champion (NAME) visiting from another city in Germany. It’s such a blessing visiting all these different gyms and experiencing their different approaches to both learning and sparring.


Jiujitsu and quality training aside, it’s a good feeling to be welcomed into a gym with such open arms and to meet a wide range of quality people. There’s nothing like a solid boost of endorphins and a couple of cheeky sweeps to add to an already awesome stay in a great city.


The famous nightlife

Berlin’s famed for its nightlife, and while I didn’t dabble too much I did get to experience it. Beer is cheap and plentiful (I was handed a beer straight after training on one occasion), and the people are free to party for the entire weekend if they want to. It wasn’t rare for me to be getting up to go for a jog or a walk and to see people stumbling home in the sunrise.


One of the staff at the hostel invited us to come to a pop-up, underground rap club. We thought it sounded pretty fun, so a big international group of us tagged along. It was a crazy night. It was shoulder to shoulder in the almost pitch-black club, the crowd pulsing to loud music and bumping into each other up the front. Despite the rowdy vibe, the whole place was filled with super friendly people, and the beers were cheap. Everyone in the club knew the words to the songs better than any of us who spoke English natively. By the end of the night, our group would become one of those I’d seen earlier in the week – walking home as the sun rose, drenched in sweat as if we’d just rolled for an hour.


The next day it was a sore and sorry goodbye for our little crew, and I was off to the East to visit Poland.

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Exploring the Balkans Part 1

The Balkans, what a fantastic part of the world!

But how did we get here?

Last time we wrote we were in Krakow, Poland, about to head on a tour of Auschwitz. For those who haven’t been, it’s a heavy day but well worth it. 

From here we jumped on a train to arguably the most beautiful city in the world, Prague. With its incredible old town, cobble stone streets and of course Charles bridge, it was great fun just getting lost here. Now there are a lot great street performers around Europe, but Sven from Sweden takes the cake. 

We also tracked down the narrowest street in the world (apparently). 

Budapest was our next destination, where we stayed a few days longer than originally planned, this was mainly because we met a great bunch of people who helped show us what Budapest was like at 4am! We did manage an early night to get up at 3am and watch the sunrise overlooking the parliament building . Even threw in a cheeky photo shoot with a Gi and rash guard.

A stop over in Pec (southern Hungary) we booked ourselves an apartment with no one else to influence us to party! Here we found a gym to do some open mat, was good to have another roll! 

Two days later we are in Croatia! Zagreb, Split, Hvar and Dubrovnik (No spoilers you Game of Thrones fans… Katherine is half way through reading the books!!) Of course we made the most of being on the coast with as many swims as possible. The Croatian coast was a great place to chill out and get away from the heat. 

Mostar, Bosnia was our next stop, where they are known for the famous Mostar bridge. This thing is 25 metres high and people are crazy enough to jump of it! I must admit that the idea entered my mind, then exited as soon as I saw a local make the jump! Mostar is a small but very pretty village, and home to the most difficult cobble stone street I have ever walked on. If you find yourself in Mostar, be sure to visit the sniper tower, this used to be an old bank that in the war- (1992-1995) was destroyed and became a sniper tower. From here and around town you still see bullet holes covering buildings. 

Next stop, Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro. After an interesting taxi ride we found ourselves at Waterfall Niagara. This is a local swimming spot with a restaurant and a small water fall, perfect to get away from the heat!

It was in Podgorica that we began to realize the further south we went, the cheap things got. A pint of beer was now sitting around 1 Euro, and we found a large pizza (which was delicious) for 1.5 Euros. That’s a far cry from what we pay in New Zealand.

Albania was our next destination, and were we in for a culture shock. However, this place turned out to be one of the most amazing places I have ever been.

As we are still traveling through the Balkans, I will leave the rest of our story for Part 2.

One very exciting piece of news is that we are both going to the Heidelberg Camp at the end of August! Cant wait to see you all there!!



Jamie and Kathey 





Lost in the ‘Dam: Amsterdam

Amsterdam is a fascinating city. The central part of town is laid out in a big semi-circle and it boasts one of the best networks of bike paths and trams I’ve ever encountered. Peppered with lush green parks and colourful buildings that overlook the canals, what I see is very different to what I’d imagined before I arrived.

The bus drops us way outside town after what we’ll call an ‘interesting’ overnight journey from London, so I make my way into town and find the hostel I’ll call home for the next couple of days. After dumping my bags, I lace up my running shoes and go to discover Amsterdam.

It’s beautiful. Colourful bikes in their hundreds whiz past, riding through the very green Vondelpark on their way into the city centre. Old and new exist right next to each other, classical architecture juxtaposed with modern. There’s art galleries everywhere, outdoor gymnasiums in the parks (praise the lord!) and the infamous red-light district. It’s a melting pot of so many different cultures that comes together in a way that’s uniquely European.


Using more ‘conservative’ logic might suggest that such ready access to so many of life’s vices would result in a somewhat unsafe or unrefined city, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. The Dutch have really embraced the concept of ‘freedom’, and allow people to make decisions as rational adults as to what they do, or do not partake it. It’s refreshing and – to me – very visible in the way things work. It’s clean, the people are friendly and everything works harmoniously.

The city is rich in culture of all kinds. Blues and jazz bands play music in the many bars that dot the canals. You can spend hours walking through the streets, poking your head through the windows of the many small art galleries in the uptown area. If it’s more your style, you can drop into an electronic dance club downtown and party until the sunrise.


If classical European culture is more your style you can poke your head into one of the many museums, or just wander around checking out some of the most intricately adorned architecture the mind can conceive. The classical art galleries near where I’m staying are something to behold as well. Seeing Van Gogh’s works in person introduce you to an artistic prowess and depth of colour that just aren’t possible to grasp unless you’re right up close.

I’m really enjoying meeting people from all over the world as well. In the ‘smoking room’ at our hostel, you constantly find yourself in discussions ranging from philosophy and politics to something as trivial as what ‘grits’ are (for the Aussie readers: It’s like porridge, but not. Confusing, I know). I’ve learned a lot about different people’s native cultures and their thought processes that form their opinions on a range of issues. It’s really informative about why a lot of things in the world as they are and has changed my mind about certain things, because I’ve been able to better understand things from other perspectives.

In a time where it seems like people with different ideologies, beliefs and opinions are more interested in shouting each over each other than debating, it’s refreshing to see people opening their minds to other points of view – learning together.


This theme of different perspectives continued in my time on the mats in Amsterdam. I chose to roll at 10th Planet because I’ve always been interested in Eddie Bravo’s system, and I respect their open-mindedness and ability to create new techniques.


The first day I rocked up to the gym, I was lucky enough to catch Ben Saunders giving a seminar. He ran through some sweet techniques ranging from wrestling to a sweet submission chain from the guard that was easily transferred to MMA. I couldn’t be more thrilled because they were effective tweaks to some classic submissions with that 10th Planet twist[er].

I think it’s so important to train with strikes in mind. Sports jiujitsu is great, but drilling techniques that stop your opponent striking you effectively, and that use strikes, as openings for submissions are so important in staying true to jiujitsu’s roots as an effective form of self-defence. After the seminar we rolled for about an hour, finishing up at around 1130pm! It’s so refreshing to train at a leglock friendly gym yet again.


It was great to be exposed to the different techniques and approaches they use in the 10th planet system. A lot of things that we’re taught not to do in jiujitsu, they use and do so effectively. From technical points as small as the way to grip the wrist (hint: it involves the fingers and looks like how you’d use a baseball bat) to how they finish armbars, they have a lot of different tweaks to positions backed up by interesting justifications and of course – efficacy. On top of this, I learned some positions that I hadn’t had a lot of experience with, and that I’ll be able to use as an effective addition to my game.


On top of all the technical benefits, the crew at the gym were all legends. Very welcoming and friendly people. I’ve said it before, but it’s so cool to train with somebody you look up to like Ben Saunders and he’s a super humble, nice guy to boot.


Amsterdam’s been a great start to the first leg of mainland Europe, and from here it’s onto another hub of art and liberalism – Berlin. That is, after one missed bus and an expensive train ticket.

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Day 122. Copenhagen, Denmark. Summer Camp 2017

My first BJJ Globetrotter Camp. When I first decided to travel around the world this was the first thing I booked, it was also one of the cheapest camps. All I had to do was travel to Copenhagen, lodging not included in price. I didn’t know what to expect for my first Jiu Jitsu camp. I kept my mind open and trained as much as my mind and body let me.  At the end of the camp I gained many friends and invitations to different gyms all over Europe.


Peter from Sweden, Nick from Wisconsin, Patrick from London,

Some of my favorite tips from the Copenhagen Camp Information Guide by Daniel Bertina. Pace yourself, take notes and be social. Six days of 8-9 hours of Jiu Jitsu is a lot for anyone.  I didn’t want to burn myself out so I went to open mat at least once a day and I attended an average of 2.5 classes.  I would have liked to have attended more classes but it will just be a goal for next time.  I took notes for the classes that I did attend.  A tip that I will do next time is record myself doing the moves again in sequence with a partner to accompany the written notes. I should have been more social during the camp. This is one aspect that I did not take advantage until the end of the camp which was too late.  Next time I will attend the welcome meeting/ Jiu Jitsu speed dating, dinners and a few drink afterwards. The trick is to have a right balance of socializing and rest for the next days training sessions/classes.  As you can tell I’m already convinced that I will attend another camp.  The next important question is which one?

Nikita from Ukraine and Brian from the US.

A rolled with the original BJJ Globetrotter on the last day, Christian Graugart. Many years ago he went on a trip around the world to train Jiu Jitsu in as many different gyms as possible. It spawned into the friendly travel community we now know. He is not the first to make Jiu Jitsu camps but his BJJ Globetrotter brand has the most amount with 10 camps in different locales around the world. I felt honored to roll with him. He rolls like a black belt, relaxed and very composed against a lower belt, like myself. Although very playful and fun. A very approachable guy, it was interesting to pick his brain about the camps and his travels.

I trained everyday during the camp. I didn’t go to every class even though I wanted to. I socialized more on the last few nights. I should have went out more in the beginning especially for the Jiu Jitsu speed dating session to meet people.  I should have recorded myself summarizing the techniques I just learned. A Gopro is good but my iTouch with a tripod would have been fine. I met people from all over the world and received many invitations from gyms and gave out just as many.  I wonder when and where my next BJJ Globetrotter camp will be?


My Two Days in Rome

We left the cruise ship Saturday morning and drove into Rome. We couldn’t check into the hotel right away. Our hotel was right outside the Patheon. I thought it looked like a Greek temple and it was super cool. I had read about it in a Rome book my mom got me. We headed off to St. Peter’s Basilica after we dropped our bags off at the hotel.

I was surprised how big the Basilica was and how many people were there (the line for the Vatican followed the big walls that surround the Vatican — all the way around the corner!). We found out where we were supposed to meet our group tour, and we grabbed lunch first. I had cheese pizza. This pizza was the best ever! We went back to St. Peter’s for our tour. I didn’t know it but we were walking up to the inside of the dome. Mommy didn’t look down because she was afraid of heights. Then we kept climbing about 300 stairs to get to the very top, outside the dome. You could see EVERYTHING up there. Me and dad were taking pictures like crazy. Mom was holding on to the walls, trying not to look. She said she’d look at the pictures later. Then we had to walk DOWN the 300 steps! My legs were so tired! I needed a gelato (this time it was coconut and tiramisu), and mom and dad got a granita.

After that, we went back to the hotel to hang out and rest. For dinner we went to the Piazza Navona and I saw a funny clown playing tricks on people to get money. There were street performers doing magic tricks too. It was fun to watch. I had pasta with bacon — it was REALLY good — the best pasta I have ever had!

The next day we went inside the Pantheon. There weren’t as many people in the morning as we had seen the day before. The Pantheon was really big and amazing. After that I went to train jiu jitsu at Flow Jiu Jitsu Rome with Professor Andrea Verdemare. He looked a lot like Coach James from Ojai Valley MMA. There was a solid yellow belt with him for me to train with. The boy’s name was also Andrea — there seem to be a lot of Andrea’s in this part of the world! We worked on spider guard. It was really fun. It was super helpful and I learned a lot of cool tricks. I think I can really use what he taught me. It was a really nice gym — and there was a pool! I got to spend and hour and a half training. I REALLY needed to train.

After training, Professor Andrea said we should get popsicles. He said when he comes to LA next, he was going to challenge me to eat a 4×4 burger from In-N-Out. I’m going to have to train hard for THAT challenge! (He sounds a lot like Coach James too!)

Later that day, we went to the Coliseum. It was PAAAAAACKED! The Coliseum was super amazing and we saw what the floor looked like when it was first built. Then we headed to Trevi Fountain for dinner. I got the bacon pasta AGAIN. This time it was as good as the night before. Dad got a steak that was as big as my head — well, that’s what he said anyway. I was happy that I had such a yummy last meal in Rome.

Overall, this trip was really good. My favorite place was actually Athens because I want to spend more time there. There is still more I want to see there — and there was good training (but I had good training at every stop!). I can’t wait to see my new friends at Pans and Worlds next year! I’ll be cheering for them.

It was a fun trip, but I’m glad to be headed home.