Memories of 99 Globetrotters camps

As we get ready for our 100th camp in a few days, I thought it would be fun to look back at some favorite memories from the last 12 years of this crazy adventure. While we’ve primarily focused on Jiu Jitsu at the camps, technique and rolling can be a bit boring to write about, so here is a non-exhaustive list, in random order, of memorable events from the last 99 camps!

The First Ever Camp

It was somehow coordinated that around 20 people—most of them I had met on a recent trip around the world—would all come train with us in Copenhagen for a week. Royce Gracie happened to be in town as well and he was actually the first instructor we ever hired for a camp. We had such an amazing time, and I knew right away that I had stumbled onto something special that I wanted to do more. They came back the next summer, brought some friends along, and the rest is history. I don’t have a single picture or video from that camp so you’re gonna have to do with the original spreadsheet of participants!

Fight Show in the Carlsberg Breweries

Our club in Copenhagen basically started out as a drinking club with a Jiu Jitsu problem and later turned into a Jiu Jitsu club with a drinking problem. We wanted to throw some big, fun parties, but we were poor. Early on, we realized that the camps could be a way to fund these dreams. One summer, we rented the recently closed Carlsberg Breweries buildings in Copenhagen and hosted a big summer party for the camp and our club’s members. We had a cage installed and ran some memorable matches; one of the kids from the club fought the teacher of the kids’ team. MMA rules. In suits. What a night!

Vodka & Violence

One of the first camps we did outside of Denmark was in El Salvador. Random, I know, but I wanted to go surfing. It was a small camp with only 20 people in a private house by the beach. We had a lot of spare time just relaxing in the garden during the day. Our beloved camper friend Oksana came all the way from Russia and didn’t speak any English. One day she was away with half the camp for sightseeing, and we decided to make a little film for her, completely in Google Translated Russian. And so, the movie trailer “Vodka & Violence” was born. I took us all day to film it because we laughed so much and had to film every scene so many times.

Swimming in the freezing ocean in Greenland

It’s already crazy enough to think that we hosted two camps in Greenland, of all places. The most remote, wild, and spectacular place I’ve ever visited. It’s expensive to get there, so I thought I would make the camp free for participants. To avoid too many people signing up for a free camp without being serious about actually going, I required a deposit that they would ONLY get back if they jumped in the ocean in Greenland during camp. Spoiler alert: Tons of people still signed up, then immediately realized that Greenland is far away and difficult to get to. I kept my word and only refunded those who got in the slushy waves with us! The camp itself was a truly amazing experience as we rolled with the locals, sailed with random fishermen to whale watch and got to know the life of people living in this special place.


A handful of campers managed to put together a band and played live at the final open mat of the 2019 Summer Camp in Heidelberg, Germany. How often do you get to have a mosh pit at your open mat?

Summer Camp 2013 party & Fight Night

It was our club’s 10 year anniversary and we decided to have a big camp with a big party to end it. It was an epic location with a cage on the dance floor, where I had the silly idea to fight MMA against my long term training partner. Now veteran camp instructor Halldor from Iceland was only 16 at the time but his parents wrote a nice little handwritten note to us that said “It’s ok, Halldor can fight”. And so he got in the ring for an amateur MMA fight at the end up camp.

The First and Only UK Camp

It was the warmest week in 10 years in Bournemouth, and the camp was a beautiful, hilarious train wreck. Only one of the four big celebrity names we had on the poster actually showed up for the camp, but we had a fantastic time nonetheless.

Vikings vs. Tourists

It started as kind of a joke but ended up becoming a big tradition in Iceland: The Vikings vs. Tourists competition in traditional Icelandic wrestling, Glima. The old fighting art is struggling to stay alive, but we’re doing our part to help it as we once a year step up to get smashed by the Vikings and collect those sweet silver medals for Instagram.

“The Gentle Art of Travel” Documentary

Hands down the biggest side project we’ve ever done at the camps. Little did we know about a global pandemic lurking just around the corner, but it somehow made the long-awaited premiere an even more special experience. After two and a half years of work, we finally showed the film in a movie theater in Reykjavik, Iceland, followed by showings in Germany and Estonia before we made the film public on YouTube.

Open mat in a 1000-year old church

At the Castle Camp in Italy we had our own, private little church that dates back around 1000 years. One a rainy day, we pulled the mats in and it was perfect for an open mat!

Diving Contest Almost Became a Dying Contest

Our early camps in Belgium were in a sports hall with a swimming pool. An impromptu diving competition got us banned, but it didn’t stop us from doing it again at several other camps in everything from Olympic-sized pools to kiddie pools. It all ended in Arizona where someone dived from a giant ladder into a tiny pool, making everyone stop breathing for several seconds. She survived, but the diving competition was put to rest forever.

The Assassination Game

The assassination game started with squirt guns at the USA Camp, but we quickly realized that the Zen Camp in Poland was the perfect setting for this if we played it with plastic ninja swords. Countless hours have been spent hiding in bushes and trees, waiting for a target to come by.

We rented a Castle. Six times.

I had an old checklist of things I wanted to try and do in life, and one of them was to rent a castle. It took almost 10 years before the camps made that possible. It was supposed to be a one-off, but we ended up having Castle Camps five times in Italy and Portugal. Those were small, intimate camps with only a few people and lots of food and wine.

Hosted Two Weddings

It happens that people meet at camps, and somehow it also happened that some of these people decided to get married at camp. Why not!

Forest Fisticuffs

The wrestling show at the USA Camp in Maine was a random idea one year, but it quickly became a new tradition that I think will keep happening for many years to come.

Cabin Parties

During the pandemic, we really missed our pub crawls at the European city camps. We still managed to do some camps in the US, and that’s when we got the idea to do a “pub crawl” between the cabins of the USA Camp in Maine. The moment we found ourselves dancing in a tiny, wooden cabin with a DJ and decorations all over, we knew this would have to become a staple of that camp.

Scooter Race

A horribly bad idea, but to everyone’s surprise, nobody got hurt during a giant race on electric scooters at the Beach Camp in Pärnu, Estonia. Not sure we’ll do that again, though!

Plague Camp

Just months before the pandemic, we had a Winter Camp where pretty much everyone got sick with a horrible fever. At some point, we just gave up waiting it out, and the open mats were a battlefield of fever hallucinations. Many of us got tested for antibodies later on, and it wasn’t COVID, so we’d like to believe we did the whole pandemic thing before it became cool for the rest of the world. Can you spot the special guest on the group photo?

50th Camp Party

The 50th camp in 2019 was celebrated in style with an epic party in Heidelberg, Germany. We somehow negotiated an all-you-can-drink deal with the place at a very good price and ended up literally drying out the bar. The staff was very impressed; the manager, not so much.

Black Belt Promotions

While we do belt evaluations and promotions at camp now and then, it’s something that we keep to a minimum. Over the course of 99 camps, we’ve promoted only four black belts, as far as I remember. Each time, it has of course been a very special moment, as it’s always someone who has been part of the camps for many years. Honorary mention goes to Giles Garcia, who got his black belt disguised as a pizza, with no clue what was waiting for him in the box!

Dodgeball Championships

At the USA camps in Maine and Arizona, we’ve had some epic dodgeball tournaments. Nothing comes close to the moment when Seb from the UK—who is slightly disabled—took out an entire opposing team on his own and sprained his ankle in the process. The victory scene was straight out of Rocky, and we don’t have any pictures of it because everyone was lost in the moment.

Someone Borrowed a Flag

There are many ways the camps have made their mark on the world. One of them was when a certain iconic flag was missing from a certain iconic castle in a certain Central European country. Legend says that a group of people (who may or may not have been campers) spotted it from a bar and decided to go borrow it in the middle of the night, scaling a castle wall that had up until that moment defended the city from invaders since medieval times. The flag was returned safely with an apology note a few days later.

The Party Camp

Everyone who went will testify that this was one of the wildest camps ever. Distortion was a street festival in Copenhagen where more than half a million people partied in the streets every day for a week. It was pure madness, and I don’t think there’s anything like it anywhere in the world. So we decided to host a camp during the same week where both Gianni Grippo and Kenan Cornelius were teaching. Incredibly enough, we actually managed to train quite a lot every single day!

Snowman Competition

When a team of Icelandic guys signed up for the first-ever snowman competition at the Winter Camp, we knew we could expect something out of the ordinary. Look at how proud they are of their art piece!

Kids’ Disco Night

We have done a lot of fun things for grownups at camp, but at the summer version of the Austria Camp, we’ve been trying to do the same for kids. One of the most fun things we’ve hosted has been the kids’ disco night. It’s approximately an hour of dancing with balloons, costumes, and glowsticks, but we often hear from the kids that they felt like it was all night long and the best night of their lives. So cute!

The First Winter Camp

The first Winter Camp in 2015 was a complete mess. We didn’t have much experience yet in organizing camps, and it showed. We all had a great time, but I slept a total of two hours in three nights and I was pretty sure I was going to pass out on the last day when I found myself basically all alone to load mats onto a truck and drive them to three different Judo clubs around the area. The later Winter Camps became better and better organized, and the only few little things we can report from there are minor occurrences, such as setting a bar on fire.

Techno Bunker

Where and how the Techno Bunker exactly started, I am not sure. But it has become a tradition that has spanned many of our camps now. Usually kicking off at midnight at some point during a camp week, it’s a lights-off, glow-in-the-dark, techno open mat.

There are many more fantastic memories I could add to this list but I will have to stick with this. Here is a little bonus slideshow with photos of good times at camps that I stumbled over when researching for this article:

Next stop is our one-hundredth camp, starting in two days. I am currently sitting in a strange, small castle hotel next to a highway just outside of Rome, finishing up this article before we head to the camp tomorrow, early in the morning. It’s been a long and wild ride to get to this milestone and I often stop to think how on earth we ended up here.

I deeply appreciate each and every one of you who decided to join us along the way, whether for a little bit or for many years.

Thank you ❤️


Featured affiliated academy: SBG Orkney, BJJ Scotland

SBG Orkney, BJJ Scotland

Where is the gym located?
St Mary’s, Orkney Islands.

How many people train there?
25-30 current active members.

Is the gym growing – if so by how many new members each month or year?
Yes, but slowly. Approximately one new member every month or two.

What are the highest and lowest belt grades training?
The lowest is white belt, and the highest are two purple belts, including the head coach (4-stripes purple).

When did the SBG Orkney, BJJ Scotland open?
December 2022.

Some facts about you:

Name: Mick McDaid
Age: 49
Belt: Purple
Profession: Support Worker (Mental Health)
Years in BJJ: 9
Other martial arts: Muay Thai, MMA
Currently living in: Orkney
Originally from: Brighton, UK


Please tell us the story of how your gym came into existence
Mick moved to Orkney from the south coast of the UK with his partner for a quieter life and a more scenic location. Although he knew that there was no BJJ club, he was aware of other martial arts clubs, and was planning on getting involved with them for some training and the possibility of starting some BJJ classes. Fortunately, Mick met a few folk that did indeed end up getting together for some unofficial grappling. As Mick was a purple belt, he was able to register with the UKBJJA as an instructor and obtain instructor and club insurance. He managed to source a community hall who were willing to offer the storage of mats and provide some availability to get a schedule together. Also, on the mainland of Scotland close to Orkney, there are some quality SBG gyms, so for this and other reasons, Mick contacted and affiliated with SBG.

Tell us about the people that train in SBG Orkney, BJJ Scotland – who are they?
Although there was already a small group with some grappling experience here, we ran some beginner courses and managed to gain and retain a good number of now-committed regulars. We recently held our first grading event and had SBG UK president and third-degree black belt Casey Jones visit us to oversee things and provide a weekend of seminars. We have a Judo brown belt, Thomas, who is now a BJJ blue belt and he teaches some of our classes. Scott has vast standup experience and teaches our standup classes. We also have another purple belt, Ryan, who recently relocated here and has now started teaching a few classes.

Why do they train?
The main reason people seem to be interested in joining is due to the popularity and effectiveness of BJJ in the UFC. We also now run a couple of striking classes, and some people come and start off with those and slowly get involved with the ground game. Others just seem to be looking for a new hobby, exercise, and social group to connect with.

What are some of the challenges of running a BJJ gym in general, and in your area specifically?
All of the people who are involved in the running of the club all work full-time, and some have families with young children. So keeping on top of the admin and finances whilst trying to continue the growth of the club can be challenging. This is obviously on top of preparing and running the classes, which can at times be time- and energy-consuming.

As we’re hiring community space, there are also numerous issues with this. We have to set our mats out and put them back away for each class, and at times we also have to cancel some of our classes due to other events taking place in the hall. We’re also restricted with the range of classes that we can offer due to availability. We are actively looking for our own exclusive premises so that we can install permanent equipment and offer a wider range of classes. However, it has been proving a challenge to find somewhere so far.


How do you see the future for BJJ in your area?
Some of our members have and/or are now looking at getting involved in competing. So we’re hoping to start getting a competition team together and attending some regular comps. Our current training space is also slightly out of town, so hopefully we’ll get our own venue in a more central part of the mainland here, which we would hope would attract and retain more members.

What’s the best thing about SBG Orkney, BJJ Scotland
The comradeship and close community ties.

What would you recommend Globetrotters to see in your area apart from the inside of your gym?
Fantastic sandy beaches and clean, clear (and cold) waters. Plenty of wildlife and scenic walks. There are plenty of attractions, and neolithic and archaeological sites to visit. There is also a lot of First and Second World War heritage.


Thanks for sharing! If you’d like to visit SBG Orkney, BJJ Scotland you can contact them here.

Featured Traveller: Monika Leżańska – BJJ Globetrotters

Monika Leżańska - BJJ Globetrotters

Age: 33

Belt: Blue

Profession: Cloud support engineer for a data governance solution at a big IT company. Used to be an English teacher once upon a time (yes, I sang baby shark with a bunch of 7 year olds). Also had a one-night gig as a waitress at a strip club during my student days.

How many years in BJJ: First contact in 2018, training regularly since Sept 2021.

Other martial arts: Joined karate classes during the 90s karate boom in Poland, but my parents signed me out after a couple of classes for fear I was going to beat up boys at school (spoiler alert, I still did). My dad taught me some boxing principles (he is a boxing instructor by education), which I eagerly tested on the boys. In high school I took up capoeira for one year. I earned the first corda (white-yellow), but never learned my Capoeira name (the coach gives you a name after the batizado, first graduation).

Where do you live: Right now Puerto de Sagunto, Valencia, Spain, is the place I call home. But Spain in general.

Where are you from: An absolutely grim shithole in central Poland, Grojec. It was my life’s mission to get away from the place. If it weren’t for my parents who still live there, I’d probably never go back. Other than this, Poland is a pretty cool place to be from, and many people genuinely believe in the legendary Polish power.

Other fun or curious information you would like to share: Although I was a highly independent and capable child, my mom had spoon fed me until the age of 9. I knew perfectly well how to operate cutlery, but why bother if someone could do it for me? I had a low appetite anyway. The only thing that would do the trick and make me eat by myself was to threaten to tell my school “fiance”.

As a kid, I was madly in love with Ricky Martin (him being gay wasn’t common knowledge back then, thank god). I fulfilled my childhood dream by going to his concert in Barcelona a few years ago, and he was as dashing as ever.

I would do fashion shows for my parents using towels and scarves. Once I even employed my grandma and great grandma, who were seamstresses, to sew clothes based on my designs. There were items for me, my mom, and even some sort of a thong for my dad 🤣

I drove alone from Poland to Spain and back, which gave me serious driving trauma.

Monika Leżańska – BJJ Globetrotters


Tell us what inspired you to travel and train?
I’ve always been inspired to travel, so traveling and training was a natural step, especially since before Jiu Jitsu I did Crossfit for a while, where visiting other gyms is also a common thing. I have zero motivation to work out by myself, and I am not disciplined at all when I travel, so it feels good to throw in some Jiu Jitsu training here and there for my physical and mental well-being.

Gyms feel like home, regardless of the country. When I enter a gym, I am back in my comfort zone and I know what to do and how to behave. Everything is familiar and the people are not strangers – they are my training partners. It balances out the constant novelty of traveling.

Tell us about your most recent travel and your upcoming travel – where have you been and where are you going?
I’ve been on a traveling streak for the past 10 years (unleashing the beast started with ditching my ex, doing my first solo hitchhiking trip from Warsaw to Gdańsk in Poland, and going on the Erasmus exchange to Lisbon), and even more now that I work remotely and can afford more traveling. As I’m writing this, I’m sitting on a plane back from Poland after the Zen Camp to Valencia. The camp was an opportunity for me to rediscover Poland and look at it through the eyes of a tourist for the first time – and it’s so beautiful in spring. I went sailing in the Lake District (Mazury) in the north of the country, and overall I felt reconnected with my roots. Before Pärnu (Beach Camp) in July, I’m planning to visit Finland for the first time (long live matsurfing). In the meantime I’ll do some short trips with my camper van. Spain is a paradise on earth for caravaning and hiking, and my region – Comunidad Valenciana – is especially abundant in calas (small sheltered beaches) and pozas (natural pools).

Monika Leżańska – BJJ Globetrotters

What are the things you enjoy about travelling?
Because I get bored and become restless quickly, I enjoy the novelty, the thrill of an unfamiliar place, the feeling that anything can happen. The renewed sense of awe towards ordinary things – just walking down the street in a new place, watching people have a coffee etc. The change of routine, clearing my mind of daily worries. Also, I find the experience of traveling from one place to another almost meditative. I never get bored at the airport, on a plane, or in the car. I am not in my usual place (with my usual thoughts), not yet at the destination – it’s some sort of in-between space-time where there is nothing to do and I’m alone with random thoughts…

I am a huge advocate for couchsurfing, which I use both as a host and surfer. Over 50 people must have surfed my couch in Lisbon. There were 2-week streaks where I just washed bedsheets over and over, because every 2-3 days I had new visitors.
Thanks to couchsurfing I met people I would probably never meet in normal life and I got to peek into their daily lives, hear their stories, learn their recipes, and compare our habits and languages. I saw places I would never see otherwise. I visited bars and restaurants and natural spots hidden from tourists. In Thailand, I got to do a road-trip with two Thai girls. We camped at a natural park with a bunch of other locals, where I was the only foreigner.

With some of the couchsurfers I’ve built friendships that lasted for years, some of them until today. I even got my first teaching job through couchsurfing.

Can you give us some examples of experiences you had that make it worth traveling and training?
Globetrotters camps! To the camps I owe so many amazing people with whom I became friends. Like Jakub Siberski (aka. The Last Man Standing) – we visit each other and have so many adventures together (yet we remember so few)! I got to see my idol Craig Jones at a seminar in Thailand <3.

I enjoy the sense of belonging to a Jiu Jitsu community. The people are genuinely happy to receive visitors at their gyms; I have always felt very welcome. It’s a great way of measuring my level not just against people from my club, but a wider population of athletes with a variety of different styles. I learned a lot of useful things and tricks from other practitioners and coaches. Visiting other gyms also helped me mentally before competitions by removing the fear of facing strangers. I step onto the mats with more confidence and one less layer of anxiety.

What has so far been the most surprising experience for you when traveling?
I had so many adventures, big, small, weird, strange, and heartwarming, that it’s hard to pick a few.

I got close to getting married in Marrakesh so that we could stay in one room with a male Moroccan friend. According to Moroccan law, a man and a woman cannot share a room unless married (it applies to Moroccan citizens only). I even went to the washroom to wash my feet: my thought process was that one shouldn’t get married with dirty feet 🤣🤣🤣

Almost got arrested for wearing shorts in Rome. Okay, not me but my ex, and getting arrested was probably out of the question. My ex had a habit of pulling up the legs of his shorts (a habit shared by many Crossfit people, someone please explain). On that hot August day he was wearing a long tank top, which combined must have made him look like he was not wearing any shorts at all. Clearly it must have been a violation of some Roman street rule (no male shall bare his legs in public or something), because we got approached by the polizia, who first inspected his lower body and instructed him to pull down the legs of his shorts so that they cover his thighs. The polizia-men were totally fine, however, with my tiny shorts barely covering my butt. Viva l’Italia!

In some small Spanish village we struck up a chat with a local, and when he found out that I was Polish he started reciting Witold Gombrowicz (a modernist Polish writer) from memory and explained that he learned the language by himself because he really enjoyed his writing. Mind blown.

Among the people I hosted on couchsurfing, there was one psychologist specializing in dreams. I am usually a very rational, down-to-earth person, but I do acknowledge there are things beyond our comprehension. We talked a lot about sleep-related phenomena, like lucid dreaming. During her visit, I experienced it for the first time, without trying or exercising. It was a thrilling experience. We also had a very interesting dream-therapy session, which made an unpleasant recurrent dream I used to have go away.

Monika Leżańska – BJJ Globetrotters

Are you a budget traveller – and if so how do you plan for a cheap trip?
If there was an award for budget traveling, Polish people would get it without a doubt. The desire to travel and explore is so deep, it’s really impressive how far we can stretch our tiny PLN budgets. I managed to travel a lot as a student by means of couchsurfing, staying in the biggest dorms in the cheapest hostels (some places I’d rather forget), sleeping in my car, wild camping sometimes (illegal in most of Europe), traveling to where I had friends; no taxis, only public transport, getting food and drinks from supermarkets rather than eating out, doing stuff that is free, planning things ahead and doing research to avoid tourist traps, choosing options for locals rather than for tourists (eg. a hotel-provided taxi in Marrakech is 4 times more expensive than one hailed in the streets). Traveling with hand-luggage and being smart about packing.

Even though now I don’t need to be so disciplined and I seek more comfort when traveling, the above habits are still my default and I can choose to break them to treat myself, or when I am tired etc. The accommodation is a secondary thing to me, I don’t travel to spend time in a room. So as long as I have a bed and a shower (will pay extra for no cockroaches), I am good. I definitely spend more on experiences now, like trips, classes, sports activities, cultural or historical attractions, but overall the student mentality allows me to travel a lot and not ruin myself in a blink.

If you were to pass on travel advice to your fellow Globetrotters, what would it be?
I think Globetrotters are a bunch well versed in the art of traveling, so I’m not sure what else I could share. I can highly recommend couchsurfing (or matsurfing); people are often shy or worried about staying at a stranger’s place, but in my experience the pros outweigh the cons. Same for hostels. I also love traveling alone – I very rarely travel with other people, and as much fun as it is to travel with company, I find those solitary trips more enriching and I usually do more things and I am motivated to be more active and outgoing. Also, get a van :D I absolutely love my #vanlife trips, the freedom to sleep wherever I want and just roam around.

Thank you to Monika Leżańska – BJJ Globetrotters for making this interview

The Grapple Travel Show

Hey Everyone!

I finally published the first (pilot) episode of The Grapple Travel Show featuring the small gym I currently train at.

If you enjoy it I’d love to hear from you, especially if you have any ideas on how I can change and improve it for future episodes.

I’m currently editing the first official episode, which is on a BJJ Globetrotter affiliated gym in London called Wave BJJ and I have a few more gyms filmed and in the edit stage, plus a number of gyms on my future itinerary.

You’ll see from the pilot intro that I’m converting a school bus into a home so I can travel to gyms across Europe and even further afield in future. This is a huge project but it’s slowly manifesting and it’s the dream of travelling and training across borders that keeps me going.

That’s all for now but I’ll be back here with more project updates when I’ve published episode one 😃

Happy training,



Featured affiliated academy: BJJ North, Iceland

BJJ North, Iceland

Where is the gym located?
Húsavík, Iceland. It’s a small town with a population of 2500 people. The closest big town/city is Akureyri.

How many people train there?
Around 25 people, which makes 1% of the population of Húsavík.

Is the gym growing – if so by how many new members each month or year?
It has grown on average by 5-10 people a year. During the summer we see an increase in members, as well as some people who move into town just for the season.

What are the highest and lowest belt grades training?
The practitioners are white-purple. The coaches are both brown belts.

When did BJJ North, Iceland open?
Early 2021, just in time for Covid closures.

Some facts about you:

Name: Andri Dan Traustason
Age: 32
Belt: Brown
Profession: CFO
Years in BJJ: 15 (with a few years’ break)
Other martial arts: Dabbled in kickboxing years ago
Currently living in: Húsavík
Originally from: Húsavík

Name: Kristján Gunnar Óskarsson
Age: 35
Belt: Brown
Profession: Psychologist
Years in BJJ: Almost 9
Other martial arts: No
Currently living in: Húsavík
Originally from: Húsavík

Please tell us the story of how your gym came into existence
Both of us moved back to Húsavík a few years ago, after living elsewhere for several years to pursue higher education and work. After moving back to town, we wanted to start a club both to introduce other people to the sport, and frankly for an opportunity to train ourselves.

Within a few months, a decent amount of mats had been bought, a room in the town’s gymnasium was booked, and the first beginner’s course was advertised. From that point onwards, the club has kept growing. We have now moved the club to a new space, built a subframe under the mats, and grown the overall mat area.

Tell us about the people that train in the gym – who are they?
It is a diverse group of people, aged 16-48, from several nationalities and backgrounds. Most are hobbyists, but there are a few competitive practitioners that have gotten podium finishes in tournaments, most recently in the last Icelandic National Championship.

Why do they train in BJJ North, Iceland?
Aside from their passion for BJJ and interest in improving their skills, they train for their health, wellbeing, and entertainment.

What are some of the challenges of running a BJJ gym in general, and in your area specifically?
Since the club is run on a volunteer basis, the classical issues of funding etc. are less important for us than many other clubs. In our case, the issues are usually related to the specific circumstances of the club. For instance, the diversity of the practitioners is of immense value for the club, but it also brings certain challenges. Since we have a relatively small group but a large spread in technical capacity (white to purple), it can be challenging to set up classes in a way that benefits everyone.

How do you see the future for BJJ in your area?
The number of practitioners has grown a lot since the club was founded, but the growth has tapered off now as the group has become more established. We currently only have classes for adults, but this is likely to change soon. Later this year, the club will start offering classes for children and teenagers, which will boost our numbers again.

Having said that, we are happy with the reach of the club. A large percentage of the adult population of the town (≈2-4%) either currently trains with the club or has given a beginner’s course a try, so we are happy with how the sport has spread within the town in just a few years. Assuming we manage to maintain some growth, BJJ will become one of the biggest sports in the area soon.

What’s the best thing about BJJ North, Iceland?
How personal and close-nit it is. Everyone is welcome so long as they treat others with respect.

What would you recommend Globetrotters to see in your area apart from the inside of your gym?
Húsavík is very well placed as a hub for sightseeing in the area. The town is located on the shore of Skjálfandi Bay, which is world renowned for its whale population and whale watching. So much so that it was recently named a Hope Spot by Mission Blue. Additionally, the town is within a short driving distance of many amazing nature spots, including Dettifoss (UNESCO site and Europe’s most powerful waterfall), Mývatn, and geothermal hot spots.


Thanks for sharing! If you’d like to visit BJJ North, Iceland you can contact them here.

Featured Traveller: Baloo Peinkofer – BJJ Globetrotters

Baloo Peinkofer BJJ

Age: 29

Belt: Brown

Profession: Manager for the municipal department for roads and parks

How many years in BJJ: 11 (although the Covid years make this sound weird)

Other martial arts: I’ve done a few years of judo, and during my first year of BJJ I was lucky enough to have an Iranian family where the uncle taught freestyle wrestling move to my town. He only spoke Persian except for when he told you your technique was off, but you can’t really be picky when it comes to freestyle as a European.

Where do you live: My last residence was a small village called Kuivakangas outside of Övertorneå. It’s on the Swedish side of the border with Finland, and pretty much smack dab on the Arctic Circle.

Where are you from: I was born in Germany, but we moved to the south of Sweden when I was three years old as my parents had bought a house in the middle of the Scandinavian woods.

Other fun or curious information you would like to share: Yeah, my name really is Baloo. Just in case that wasn’t unique enough, Falco, the name of the 80s pop artist, takes up some space in my passport as well.

Baloo Peinkofer – BJJ Globetrotters

Tell us what inspired you to travel and train?
Originally my parents. They did more during their early 20s than many people do in a lifetime. The amount of chutzpah it takes for a lot of their travels (some of which was with a small kid) is something I can only hope to exhibit some day.

I never got around to travel during my 20s. I spent all my time either training or studying. Then I kind of hit a wall. My studies weren’t going anywhere, and Covid put the BJJ academy in a coma. So I moved north, met my current girlfriend who already had plans to travel, and after roughly two years of working and saving up, we went for it.

Tell us about your most recent travel and your upcoming travel – where have you been and where are you going?
I’m currently writing this in Singapore, where we arrived after island-hopping through Thailand and travelling southwards along the west coast of Malaysia. On the 6th we’ll leave for Cebu, Philippines. Beyond that, we’re looking to see as much as possible of southeast Asia. Thereafter, we’ll assess the situation, see where we are budget-wise, and what we feel like. Provided the circumstances are right, we’ll most likely head for South America.

Baloo Peinkofer – BJJ Globetrotters

What are the things you enjoy about travelling?
Meeting people, eating new food, and seeing new things. Also, there seems to be a certain element of randomness that comes with travel, and it can lead to some surreal experiences.

Can you give us some examples of experiences you had that makes it worth traveling and training?
When it comes to training I’ve been unlucky so far. I caught ringworm on my final session at home, and it’s been a stubborn one. Thus, unfortunately I haven’t been able to train yet. Still, there have been some cool experiences that stand out.

For one, a friend of mine recently bought a traditional wooden Malay sailboat for one euro (long story) and he is sailing it back from Langkawi, Malaysia to Sweden at the end of the summer. We got the chance to spend a couple of days on the ship, help out, and just get a glimpse of everyday life at sea.

Another, rather surreal experience was when we went to what turned out to be a sex toy shop in Singapore (granted, there was the neon sign saying “Pow Pow” but you couldn’t really see in, and we had to know for sure). The lady working was immensely helpful but spoke no English, so she just walked after us explaining via Google Translate what everything was for and did. We didn’t buy anything.

On another, more general and serious note, I have friends spread out over several countries and cities. That is something I am incredibly thankful for.

What has so far been the most surprising experience for you when traveling?
The vast array of stuff you can get at markets in bigger cities. More than half my packing list could probably have been covered with half a day in Bangkok’s Chinatown. It definitely would have been cheaper as well.

Baloo Peinkofer – BJJ Globetrotters

Are you a budget traveller – and if so how do you plan for a cheap trip?
Yes, we try to keep costs down and extend our travels as long as possible. That being said, you don’t want to limit yourself to the point where there isn’t much to look back on afterwards.

Not being too picky about accommodation, choosing street food hawkers over restaurants, going with the slower travel options (like busses or ferries) instead of flying gets you pretty far. Also, don’t be like me and stay four nights in Singapore. There is no reason unless you really want to drain your wallet.

If you were to pass on travel advice to your fellow Globetrotters, what would it be?
It sounds cliché, but just go for it. You can spend so much time planning, looking things up, trying to puzzle together the perfect route. In the end though you have to buy the ticket and take the ride. Don’t overthink things, in other words.

Thank you to Baloo Peinkofer – BJJ Globetrotters for making this interview!

Featured Camp Instructor: Joshua Macri – BJJ Globetrotters

Joshua Macri BJJ

Joshua Macri – BJJ Globetrotters

Age: 40
Belt: Black
Profession: BJJ Instructor

Started training (year): 2006
City/country: Weaverville, NC USA


Main achievements in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu:

The things I’m most proud of in my BJJ career are related to teaching.  I ran a huge Jiu Jitsu school for 6 years where I was able to start teaching kids and helping them love BJJ.  I’m most proud of having started my own school after that and building a gym culture I really enjoy.  I suppose it’s notable that I lived in the closet of a BJJ school for 3 years.  I haven’t really done anything super flashy and that’s not really my style.  I just love that I’ve done something cool for 18 years and met a lot of awesome people along the way. 



Which Globetrotters camps have you attended:

I have attended USA Camp 3 times, Arizona Camp twice, Beach Camp, Zen Camp, and Winter Camp.  USA Camp is my favorite and Winter Camp is a close second.  All the camps are great but I like when we all stay in the same place.


Which camp has been your favorite so far?

USA Camp is my favorite and Winter Camp is a close second.  All the camps are great but I like when we all stay in the same place.

Joshua Macri – BJJ Globetrotters Winter Camp


Favorite stories/moments from the camps?

My favorite story from USA Camp is actually really tame compared to the camp.  Jay Pages sat with us all through our lobster dinner and we were just spraying lobster juice everywhere.  Jay just casually says “yea I am deathly allergic to shellfish” and then just keeps hanging out.  I was pretty sure I had found my people.  

  My favorite story from Winter  Camp was when a legion of middle aged people descended upon an Austrian dance club.  All the kids were basically well behaved and having a nice time and then we all showed up drunk.  Next thing you know there are mostly naked old guys hanging from the ceiling and crowd surfing for no apparent reason.  I was found wandering around in my t shirt trying to figure out where the hostile was.  Good times. 


The best part of every camp is the friends you make.  I’m writing this from the airport on my way to visit Angel who I met at USA camp.  My traveling companion is Frederik, a Swede I met in Arizona and then again in Parnu.  I’ve made lifelong friends at these camps and that’s the wildest story by far. 

Joshua Macri – BJJ Globetrotters camp

Your favorite class/classes to teach at camp? 

My favorite classes to teach so far have been Creativity in Submissions and Arm Drag Hub.  It’s my goal to teach different stuff each time so every class feels like my favorite.


Anything else you want to add to your profile:

 I love visitors from globetrotters at my gym.  If you are a coach then please come out and have a seminar.  If you are a student then please come visit.  We will train hard and go see some pretty things in the NC mountains. 


Joshua Macri – BJJ Globetrotters instructor

Featured Camp Instructor: Robin Javorek – BJJ Globetrotters

Robin Javorek BJJ

Robin Javorek – BJJ Globetrotters

Age: 44
Belt: Black belt
Profession:  Gym owner (former teacher PE and math)

Started training (year): BJJ in 2009, but martial arts in 1987 (with judo)
City/country: Frýdek-Místek, Czech Republic


Main achievements in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu:

My main achievement wasn’t in competition. It was establish my own team and next 10 affiliates gym in 10 different cities.



Which Globetrotters camps have you attended:

Caribbean (2019, 2023, 2024), Iceland (2022), Zen (2022), Pärnu 2023, Winter (2024)


Which camp has been your favorite so far?


Robin Javorek – BJJ Globetrotters Caribbean Camp


Favorite stories/moments from the camps?

In almost every camp I’ve made a strong friendship with someone. We are still in contact. For me this is one of the best think in jiujitsu – people around it.

Your favorite class/classes to teach at camp? 

Steal the Soul aka Kesa Gatame. I’ve taught it 3 times. I love it because this position is rare in BJJ and underestimated.


Anything else you want to add to your profile: Jiu-Jitsu is not about fighting. This is just medium for connecting people.


Robin Javorek – BJJ Globetrotters instructor

Featured affiliated academy: Stadium MMA, Florida

Stadium MMA, Florida

Where is the gym located?
We are located in Port Orange, Florida, the city right next to the world famous Daytona Beach.

How many people train there?
We currently have 45 consistent members training with us.

Is the gym growing – if so by how many new members each month or year?
The gym is growing, we add around 10 new members a month.

What are the highest and lowest belt grades training?
We have all skill levels training here, from “never stepped on the mats” white belts to black belts.

When did Stadium MMA, Florida open?
I opened the gym two years ago this month (March).

Some facts about you:

Name: Kelly Green
Age: 49
Belt: Brown
Profession: Gym owner
Years in BJJ: 14
Other martial arts: Besides BJJ I also have trained Muay Thai in combination with MMA since day 1
Currently living in: Port Orange, Florida, USA
Originally from: Rochester, New York


Please tell us the story of how your gym came into existence
I had moved to Thailand to live and train permanently, and was back visiting my sister to get a new visa. She asked me to stay for a few months and then we got the Covid shutdown. This threw a wrench in my living in Thailand, and when I was fed up with cancelled flights and regulations changing daily I decided to move back to Florida where I had lived many years ago. I wanted to share all that I learned training at Wand Fight Team in Las Vegas and my time living and training in Thailand. I flew down to Florida for a week and found the location to open my gym.

Tell us about the people that train in Stadium MMA, Florida – who are they?
The students are from all walks of life, like most of the gyms. We definitely see more of the very new to combat sports type of people. We pride ourselves on being a place without cliques and where everyone feels confident and welcome.

Why do they train?
The people who train at Stadium MMA are just like all of us. They all train for their own reasons, from getting in better shape, mental well being, and some to test themselves and compete in combat sports.

What are some of the challenges of running a BJJ gym in general, and in your area specifically?
The biggest hurdle in running a BJJ gym is the same as any business that has competition – making yourself stand apart from the rest.


How do you see the future for BJJ in your area?
BJJ in our area will continue growing, and we hope that anyone with interest will give it a shot and find a spot in the perfect gym.

What’s the best thing about Stadium MMA, Florida?
The best thing about our gym would be our students and the acceptance of anyone with an interest in giving training a shot, no matter what their personal reasons are. Everyone is welcome here.

What would you recommend Globetrotters to see in your area apart from the inside of your gym?
We are in Florida, so the beach of course! We’re also within an hour or so of all the theme parks and the Space Centre. There’s tons of stuff to do in the area.


Thanks for sharing! If you’d like to visit Stadium MMA, Florida you can contact them here.

Featured Traveller: Josh Collins – BJJ Globetrotters

Josh Collins - BJJ Globetrotters

Age: 27

Belt: Blue (awarded in November)

Profession: Freelance photographer

How many years in BJJ: Two years in May

Other martial arts: None

Where do you live: Bristol, UK

Where are you from: Bristol, UK

Other fun or curious information you would like to share: I’m a freelance photographer, and most of what I photograph is live music, concerts and events. It’s really fun doing what I do, but I would love to widen my portfolio by photographing more subject matter such as BJJ. I follow Attack The Back on Instagram and get inspired by the photography that he captures at BJJ comps and events all over the world!

Aside from BJJ, I’m an avid cyclist. I live in a city, riding hard and fast on my fixed gear. Weaving through traffic and paying lots of attention to road laws, regulations and traffic lights… I used to skateboard a lot more, but then I broke my arm, had a metal plate inserted to fix it, lost confidence, and was never able to get back to the standard that I had and wanted. Cycling and BJJ felt more rewarding than falling over hundreds of times. I found them both to be more rewarding, as I feel like I have and still am progressing more.

Josh Collins – BJJ Globetrotters

Tell us what inspired you to travel and train?
Travelling is something I’ve always wanted to do. Luckily for me so does my partner, so it was a natural thing for us both to save up money and want to do it together. We both want to see the world, and for us there seemed like no better way than to do it together.

In terms of my whole life BJJ is still a relatively new thing for me, but it has become a huge part of my life very quickly. If I didn’t train while I was travelling, I feel like I would miss my gym, my fellow grapplers, and lose some of my ability as a grappler. In addition, through my gym back home I’ve met people that have travelled and trained. They recommended doing it because you can learn so much from different instructors, gyms, and sparring partners.

Tell us about your most recent travel and your upcoming travel – where have you been and where are you going?
For a while my partner and I have been saving to go travelling. Cambodia has always been a place we’ve wanted to go because we’re interested in the history and culture of the country. We are travelling through South East Asia. So far we’ve spent a month in Thailand and are currently in Laos. After that we’ll be making our way through Cambodia into the south of Vietnam and flying home from the north.

Josh Collins – BJJ Globetrotters

What are the things you enjoy about travelling?
While studying at university and for a few years afterwards I worked as a Chef. Through that I developed a love for food and lots of different cuisines. I enjoy trying new foods, then attempting to make them myself back in the UK and learning how to recreate them.

Experiencing new (to me) cultures is amazing, seeing how people live their lives on the other side of the world. Coming from the UK the routine is wake up, go to work for most of the day, go train, shower, eat, sleep and repeat. It’s great to break out of that and spend more time learning.

Can you give us some examples of experiences you had that makes it worth traveling and training?
I’ve met so many great people that have shared their knowledge with me. We might not speak the same language, but sharing the same love for grappling allows us to communicate regardless. Visiting different gyms has opened me up to new ways of training, learning, and even teaching. I didn’t know I was capable of teaching BJJ, as I still feel like a beginner. While travelling, I’ve been able to share the techniques I feel confident in and see the results when others execute them.

It’s a small world, you might meet someone that knows someone that you know.

What has so far been the most surprising experience for you when traveling?
Discovering how much I am interested in history and how long I can spend in a museum, or talking to someone and finding out more about them. In Chiang Mai, whilst in a temple, I spoke with a monk for about 2 hours. We had a really organic conversation where we both enlightened one another and shared stories of each of our countries and cultures. Nop, the monk, asked me “If you could choose an animal to describe yourself what would you pick?” I said a heron, because I like the idea of flying and seeing things from a different perspective. Plus herons probably have the longest legs for a bird, so they’re most likely to ride a bike.

Also how friendly people are and can be, whether it’s the BJJ community or not. I was at a gym and when we were leaving someone I sparred with offered me a lift back to my hostel on the back of his moped. Thank you Harry if you read this!

Josh Collins – BJJ Globetrotters

Are you a budget traveller – and if so how do you plan for a cheap trip?
I’m definitely a budget traveller.

  1. Save up as much as you can within your means before you leave.
  2. Stay in hostels. You might meet more people this way too. I’ve stayed in a few cheap hotels too, and as long as you have a bed, a mosquito net, and running water you don’t really need anything else. Have a look around for options you can afford.
  3. Eat local and street food. Ask hotels and other travellers for recommendations.
  4. Use public transport and local travel agencies. When booking travel between cities/countries I found it best to go to the travel agents and book in person rather than online. I won’t name names, but I used a very popular online service and ended up never being picked up from my accommodation. I missed all my connections and in turn two days worth of accommodation to and from the Thai-Laos border.

If you were to pass on travel advice to your fellow Globetrotters, what would it be?

  1. First off I’d like to repeat the advice Professor Mario Saeed back at Trojan Free Fighters Bristol said to me before I left: Be open minded, and not just on the mats. Make the most of it and have a good time.
  2. Coach Mark McLelland (shout out and congrats on his recently awarded black belt), now professor, recommended the Globetrotters FB group to me and to make a post in the group about my travels to get up to date grappling and travel recommendations. I’d say the same.
  3. Don’t plan too far in advance. Plans can change or you might get delayed.
  4. Prepare for long uncomfortable journeys.
  5. Ask questions.
  6. Embrace the culture wherever you are.
  7. Respect people, respect the places you visit.
  8. Pack a super light gi and nogi gear if you have the space. I got the Globetrotters gi and it’s been great.

Thank you to Josh Collins – BJJ Globetrotters for making this interview!

Featured Camp Instructor: Arnoud Terpstra – BJJ Globetrotters

Arnoud Terpstra BJJ

Arnoud Terpstra – BJJ Globetrotters

Age: 33
Belt: Black belt
Profession: Jiu-Jitsu coach, Breath coach

Started training (year): 2008
City/country: Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Main achievements in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu:

I won some medals here and there and trained at some cool places. But nothing comes close to seeing my students grow and succeed. Starting my academy and giving others a place to train and work on themselves, but also providing people a sense of community, a chance to form friendships and see new places is the most fulfilling thing there is. This is my main achievement and ongoing goal.




Which Globetrotters camps have you attended:

I’ve been to two camps so far: Spring Camp in Tallinn and Summer Camp in Heidelberg. So I’m still new to the whole Globetrotters family!


Arnoud Terpstra – BJJ Globetrotters instructor


Which camp has been your favorite so far?

Tough choice! Both were amazing experiences! It would be a coin toss. Maybe Heidelberg was the slight favorite because I could take my dog with me, haha.


Favorite stories/moments from the camps?

So far I had two similar experiences at the camps, where I walked around on the mat and when things suddenly hit you. You look around, taking it all in, seeing hundreds of like-minded people from all over the world doing what they love and connecting with each other. It’s hard to describe, but it made me realize that these camps are something truly special and that it is so much more than just training jiu-jitsu together. And that for me, when I think about it, these jiu-jitsu camps are – strangely enough – not that much about jiu-jitsu but more about other things.


Your favorite class/classes to teach at camp? 

So far I’ve only taught one class, on the front headlock and arm-in chokes. People seemed to like that class so it will definitely be an option for Spring Camp. But overall, I’m a huge fan of the ideas that guys like Priit Mihkelson, Chris Paines and Wim Deputter teach. It’s material that I like to teach to my students at home as well. But, me teaching that material at camps would just make a cheap rip-off of those guys so I will come up with something else ;). Hey, I might even teach a class on the twister this year haha. I have to come up with something else!


Arnoud Terpstra – BJJ Globetrotters Summer Camp


Anything else you want to add to your profile: I am really looking forward to this camp, joining some cool classes, meeting new people and seeing old friends! Also, if you happen to find yourself in The Netherlands, I invite you to pay a visit to our gym. We welcome all visitors and love having students/instructors over from other teams! See you all soon! *does shaka*.


Arnoud Terpstra – BJJ Globetrotters instructor

Featured affiliated academy: Black Dog BJJ, Wigan

BJJ Wigan

Where is the gym located?
Wigan, UK

How many people train there?
Currently 12

Is the gym growing – if so by how many new members each month or year?
Slowly but surely yes! We only opened in November in a new town with zero students!

What are the highest and lowest belt grades training?
Highest is purple, lowest is a fresh white belt.

When did Black Dog BJJ, Wigan open?
Mid November ’23.

Some facts about you:

Name: Alex Riley
Age: 34
Belt: Purple
Profession: Human Factors Engineer
Years in BJJ: 6
Other martial arts: I’ve dabbled for years in Japanese Jiu Jitsu, Kickboxing, and a little Catch Wrestling prior to BJJ
Currently living in: Standish, UK
Originally from: Atherton, UK

Please tell us the story of how your gym came into existence
Myself and my friend (and coach at Black Dog) Oly were both members of another large affiliation gym in another town. I coached and Oly was a friend and student. I was moving to another town, I also have a daughter on the way so I wanted to train closer home. There were a number of issues with the old gym (Jiu Jitsu politics and other issues) that personally clashed with my beliefs (that I share with BJJ Globetrotters) and also were making me not enjoy my Jiu Jitsu (to the point I almost quit).

So myself and Oly decided to set up a small club so we could continue to train and teach in an open and inclusive community with zero politics and most importantly ENJOY JIU JITSU AGAIN!

Tell us about the people that train in the gym – who are they?
We only have a small membership so far but already have a great mix of people! Ages range from 19-54. We have members who are young lads who look like they could be great competitors if they choose to go that route, and others just enjoy learning, rolling, and meeting new people through jiu jitsu! We’re proud that almost all of our students are completely new to Jiu Jitsu, with no previous experience. They’re learning quickly and we’ve had the chance to bring them into the world of BJJ Globetrotters straight away! A few have already enquired about coming on camps with myself and Oly this year.

Why do they train in Black Dog BJJ, Wigan?
Some have jobs that require physical contact so they initially came to us with self defence in mind, but now have fallen in love with the enjoyment of the sport! Others have come to us wanting to know the “secrets’ or “invisible jiu jitsu” but again once they start training and rolling they learn to enjoy the process rather than just the destination!

What are some of the challenges of running a BJJ gym in general, and in your area specifically?
There are definitely a lot of challenges! As a new gym, it’s really just getting the word out there! We don’t have the finances of bigger affiliate gyms to advertise to everyone. Plus myself and Oly both have day jobs so managing that and trying to run a gym can be exhausting but fun.

How do you see the future for BJJ in your area?
There are some very good gyms in the surrounding areas, plus we have a very strong Catch Wrestling pedigree in Wigan so in my opinion the future is bright. Plus with the success of our local UFC champion Tom Aspinall, Jiu Jitsu is in the spotlight. I’m hoping more people are inspired by him and come and give Jiu Jitsu a try, whether that be at Black Dog or anywhere else. It would just be great if more people got into Jiu Jitsu!

What’s the best thing about Black Dog BJJ, Wigan?
We have a lot of fun, don’t take ourselves too seriously (as anyone who’s met us at camps know!), and we’re approachable and have a friendly atmosphere, so anyone can walk in and train.

What would you recommend Globetrotters to see in your area apart from the inside of your gym?
Some people in the BJJ Globetrotters Facebook group may have seen my sarcastic recommendations before! But there are some great areas of natural beauty to go on hikes all around Wigan. The club itself is nestled in the Haigh Estate (a woodland estate near Haigh Hall, originally dating back before the 12th century).


Thanks for sharing! If you’d like to visit Black Dog BJJ, Wigan you can contact them here.

Featured Traveller: J.P. Maechler – BJJ Globetrotters

J.P. Maechler - BJJ Globetrotters

J.P. Maechler – BJJ Globetrotters

Age: 37

Belt: Purple for a long time :-)

Profession: Mechanical Engineer

How many years in BJJ: Around ten

Other martial arts: I did five years of Muay Thai before starting BJJ and two years of Judo when I was young. (Shouldn’t have stopped Judo… would help me now for BJJ)

Where do you live: Zürich, Switzerland

Where are you from: Zürich

Other fun or curious information you would like to share: I look grumpy but if you get to know me I’m a nice person ;-) I also blog about my travels at

Tell us what inspired you to travel and train?
I love to travel. In my early twenties I started to explore Europe, and soon I made it to the US. For me it was clear that I needed to see more of the world. So I told myself that I would take every opportunity to travel for as long as possible. Shortly after I started BJJ I went to a bachelor party in Vegas, and right afterwards I went to LA and Miami. A teammate told me I should train while I’m in the US, because especially those places are hosting some of the best in the world. For me it was the first time in another gym, since the club I trained in at that time didn’t allow us to train in other gyms. From that time on it was clear that I would include training to my travels.

Tell us about your most recent travel and your upcoming travel – where have you been and where are you going?
I just came back from a 6.5-week trip through Southeast Asia. I visited Cambodia, Vietnam, and Thailand, and in total I managed to train in 12 academies during that time.

The next thing planned is a trip to Florida and the Bahamas.

J.P. Maechler – BJJ Globetrotters

What are the things you enjoy about travelling?
It’s easier to get in touch with local people while training. I love to learn about new cultures, the history of the countries, and of course I always try local food.

Can you give us some examples of experiences you had that makes it worth traveling and training?
At the end of 2022 I went to Central and South America. I planned my trip as far as Mexico, where I met a friend I made once at a BJJ camp, and during my time there (in Guadalajara) I planned how to continue.

I had the phone number of a black belt in Medellin from Christian, so I messaged him and told him I’ll be there in around 2 weeks. He said that I was welcome to train when I’m there, and asked me where I will go before coming to Medellin. I told him Panama, and a second later I had the number of a black belt in Panama City. I then contacted that guy and went to PC for training.

While I was there he also asked me about my plans and I said maybe Bocas del Toro. “Amazing, a student of mine has a gym there and another one has a guest house!” He gave me the number and I was ready for Bocas. In Bocas the trainer gave me a number of a guy in Quito, and in Medellin I got another number for Riobamba. More or less my entire trip took form thanks to the BJJ community. Every place I went, I had someone I knew who showed me the local stuff.

What has so far been the most surprising experience for you when traveling?
In Manaus I trained at the gym of my friend’s sister. Even though we couldn’t really communicate they were super friendly, and after training they asked me to go for an açaí. We drove somewhere where I wouldn’t go on my own. We stopped in front of a garage and I saw a sign I recognized from somewhere. We entered and it was her father. For me it was the first time in my life seeing a Coral Belt. We took some pictures and he invited me for wrestling training the day after. Then we all went for an açaí and the sister also invited me to a party the gym was throwing the next day.

J.P. Maechler – BJJ Globetrotters

Are you a budget traveller – and if so how do you plan for a cheap trip?
I try to do something in between. I like to save money and find affordable accommodation, but I can’t stay for too long in a shared dorm. Also I try to avoid long bus rides – for journeys like that I normally end up in an airplane.

If you were to pass on travel advice to your fellow Globetrotters, what would it be?
Always check if you need a visa with your passport, or if there are any other restrictions for entering a country. More than once I had trouble entering. Look in advance for places to train and ask the community for information. Be open-minded and good things will happen.

Thank you to J.P. Maechler – BJJ Globetrotters for making this interview!

Featured affiliated academy: Abstract Jiu Jitsu, Houston

Abstract Jiu Jitsu, Houston

Where is the gym located?
Abstract is located in Kingwood, about 25 minutes north of Houston TX.

How many people train there?
So we have two parts to the business model. One part is of course Jiu-Jitsu which entails 4-6 year-old classes, 7 and up classes, women only, and adult gi/nogi classes. This would be close to 100 to 120 members. The other side is the acrobatics side where we work with a large amount of competitive dancers, cheerleaders, and gymnasts in the area. This program has between 90 and 120 students as well.

So 200 to 240 or so students total.

Is the gym growing – if so by how many new members each month or year?
We have grown a lot the last few months. We recently moved into a space nearly five times as big as our last one. I would say we’ve had 5 to 10 new members added each month.

What are the highest and lowest belt grades training?
White through black.

When did Abstract Jiu Jitsu, Houston open?

Some facts about you:

Name: Mat Brooks
Age: 34
Belt: Black
Profession: Acro coach and head Jiu-Jitsu instructor
Years in BJJ: 15
Other martial arts: Nope
Currently living in: Kingwood, TX, USA
Originally from: Sugarland, TX

Please tell us the story of how your gym came into existence
I trained under a local instructor until I was a purple or brown belt. It eventually came to light he was doing plenty of questionable things, so I couldn’t stay. I helped a friend when he opened his own space, but that quickly turned sour due to poor work effort and all the bad stuff Jiu-Jitsu culture can do to someone. I quit at brown for nearly a year. During that time me and my two friends Garrick Chan and Pedro Hermosa stayed in contact and often talked about Jiu-Jitsu. We talked about possibly opening our own classes mostly to train ourselves, since all the Jiu-Jitsu in the area was pretty bad. I linked up with a local karate studio and they let us work out of there from 9:30pm to 11pm two nights a week. That turned into some morning classes as well. Just us training turned into about 10 students before… a flood came and destroyed all of our mats.

We decided then that if we were going to do this we should find a space for lease. We made an LLC and found a spot. Signed a lease and I used the money from my father’s passing to furnish it. That was about one month before Covid. Lockdown shut us down for a month and then we started back up. After a year we expanded into double the space (2k) and worked the next two years building our acro program and kids/adults Jiu-Jitsu programs.

Fast forward to now. We have opened a 10k square foot space that is nearly everything we wanted it to be. I do this full time with two great friends/owners nearly every day. Life is good and moving in the right direction.

Tell us about the people that train in the gym – who are they?
We have a lot of interesting people in this space. From homeschool kids doing Jiu-Jitsu and dance working on becoming a better athlete. Moms and dads of these kids that have started training and become an integral part of this ecosystem. Young adults from several walks of life that train competitively or just to get a workout in. We have a solid group and I can’t say enough good things about them. We wouldn’t be here at all without the local support.

Why do they train in Abstract Jiu Jitsu, Houston?
Health, mental stability, because their kids train. Most just seem to like the community and time they get to spend together.

What are some of the challenges of running a BJJ gym in general, and in your area specifically?
Honestly we haven’t encountered too many aside from people just not liking the contact of the sport. The acrobatics side of this business has really helped give us time to grow. Like all good things there is a specific amount of time needed to grow.

How do you see the future for BJJ in your area?
Things are bright in this area. We are lucky to be in a spot easily accessible from several communities. We have a long lease so we are not going anywhere soon. Our goal is to show these kids and adults another outlet to be and live like an athlete aside from the usual means.

What’s the best thing about Abstract Jiu Jitsu, Houston?
How open and welcoming it is. You would feel lovely just walking in and seeing how open and clean it is. The amount of free space really shines here and gives you room to relax.

What would you recommend Globetrotters to see in your area apart from the inside of your gym?
Houston has some of the best Vietnamese, Indian, and BBQ around. There is a ton of food to explore not too far away. Aside from that, Houston doesn’t have a huge amount of nature to see or anything too great. I don’t say that in a bad way, but Houston is for the food experience for sure.


Thanks for sharing! If you’d like to visit Abstract Jiu Jitsu, Houston you can contact them here.

Featured Traveller: Tomás Barry – BJJ Globetrotters

Tomás Barry BJJ

Age: 29

Belt: Blue

Profession: Software Engineer

How many years in BJJ: I had my first class in September 2017

Other martial arts: I have had very short stints trying boxing and Muay Thai. I have vague memories of doing karate as a kid too. But with the time that I have, I chose to focus on BJJ. Originally it was a way to keep active and meet people when I moved countries.

Where do you live: London, England. I moved here in July 2017.

Where are you from: Dublin, Ireland

Other fun or curious information you would like to share: I have a lot of metal in my body – 18 screws and a pair of rods through most of my spine. I had scoliosis etc. as a kid, so at 16 I had a pretty major operation (two actually) to get it corrected. A bonus was that I became three inches taller overnight! It doesn’t really affect me day-to-day or in BJJ. I know my limits and there are certain movements that are troublesome (my berimbolos are not a pretty sight) but I have found a way to train around it.

I also really enjoy running. It took quite a while for me to actively enjoy it but I have found it to be one of the best things for my BJJ cardio without taxing the body as much as just doing more rounds and now I have it as a core part of my weekly activity.

One day I would like to get into teaching BJJ. If I wasn’t a software engineer I probably would be a teacher. Right now, I’m just focused on collecting as much knowledge as I can from people in the BJJ community.

Tomás Barry – BJJ Globetrotters

Tell us what inspired you to travel and train?
I tend to travel quite a bit throughout the year. Whether that’s going back to Ireland or somewhere further afield, I wanted to find a way to keep training while I was gone. The first gym I ever went to was CVA JiuJitsu in Edinburgh, and Ben Fletcher who runs it was extremely welcoming. From that experience I realised that I could learn a broad range of styles of BJJ by dropping into gyms when I’m on the road. So far I’ve been to about 35 academies across 23 countries.

I’m not a competitor, but what I’ve found is that by training in a new gym your “game” is put to the test in a similar way (without the pressure of a competition). You will naturally build a game and instincts around, and for, people at your own gym but when you train in a new gym this all goes out the window and you can really see how effective your BJJ is.

Tell us about your most recent travel and your upcoming travel – where have you been and where are you going?
I’ve travelled quite a bit in December and January. I spent some of December in Colombia. After the new year I came back to London as I then had to hop over to the west of Ireland where I was the best man at a wedding followed immediately by a trip out to the Caribbean camp. I’m looking forward to a more settled February (although I do have to travel back to Ireland one more time).

I have two other camps booked for 2024 already – Maine and Camp 100. On top of that I’ll be visiting a friend in Rome and I would really like to do some interrailing around a bit of Europe. You’ll see me posting on the Globetrotters Facebook page looking for suggestions on where to train.

Tomás Barry – BJJ Globetrotters

What are the things you enjoy about travelling?
It’s a bit cliche, but I love to meet new people and learn about the history of a place. It really opens your eyes to what the world has to offer. We also have such a strange community that is both incredibly niche but simultaneously spans the entire globe – you can always find somewhere to train.

Can you give us some examples of experiences you had that makes it worth traveling and training?
If it wasn’t for Globetrotters I don’t think I would ever have visited the Faroe Islands. That was such a surreal trip and I am very glad that I did it.

One of my favourite memories actually is from Estonia when I posted into the Globetrotters group to see if any other early arrivals wanted to meet me in the local Irish pub (I’m yet to find somewhere that does not have an Irish pub) to watch the All-Ireland Hurling final. I counted 6 different nationalities coming to watch a sport that they’d never seen before. It was really fun to share that experience with others.

What has so far been the most surprising experience for you when traveling?
We’re not all that different from one another – we all want to live happy and fulfilling lives and although that may be an obvious statement, until you see the diversity that this world has to offer and the breadth of people that inhabit it you won’t truly appreciate how special it is to be able to connect with people from all corners of the globe.

When it comes to training, I have found it amazing that there is such a wide variety of people and styles. I can’t think of any other sport where you can do one round with a brand new white belt and the next with a top level professional competitor. It’s pretty wild.

Tomás Barry – BJJ Globetrotters

Are you a budget traveller – and if so how do you plan for a cheap trip?
I’m not a budget traveller but I am conscious of my spending. Ideally everything would be cheap but some things are worth opening your budget on and balancing elsewhere – if I have to spend a bit more on accommodation but I’ll save time and money on daily commuting it can work out as a net positive. I’m also more willing to bite the bullet on a ticket/expense while travelling if it’s going to be a now or never type thing. Saying that, you need to find what works for you and what is important to you. Fancy restaurants aren’t my jam but I have had really good experiences with guided tours. If I’m going somewhere more remote where the apartment is essentially just the bed then I will go cheaper.

If you were to pass on travel advice to your fellow Globetrotters, what would it be?
Be open. Even if you visit somewhere that you ultimately don’t like, you will have had an experience. Use the Globetrotter community! A few of the gyms that I have visited have come as a result of me asking in the Facebook group or people that I’ve met at camps. Word of mouth is still the best way to get a recommendation. Try not to spend your time sleeping in – you can do that at home.

Thank you to Tomás Barry – BJJ Globetrotters for making this interview!

Featured Camp Instructor: Aaron Esdon – BJJ Globetrotters

Aaron Esdon bjj

Aaron Esdon – BJJ Globetrotters

Age: 43
Belt: Black
Profession: Criminal Intelligence Analyst/Jiu Jitsu Instructor

Started training (year): 2014
City/country: London, Ontario, Canada


Main achievements in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu:

Prior to 2020, I would’ve said hitting the jiu-jitsu podium over 40 times at all belt levels, including a bronze medal at the Pan IBJJF Jiu-Jitsu No-Gi Championships was my main achievement. 

Then the global pandemic hit and my perspective changed.  It was during that time that I had the opportunity to open my own jiu-jitsu academy in London, Ontario.

In a million years, I would never have fully appreciated the fulfillment in developing and growing an academy from virtually nothing.  

During the last three years, the amazing people I have met, and the experiences I have been fortunate enough to experience have truly opened my eyes to what achievement really means.

Aaron Esdon – BJJ Globetrotters


Which Globetrotters camps have you attended:

Arizona Camp 2021, 2022, 2023.  Maine USA Camp 2022, 2023.  Zen Camp Spring 2024.


Which camp has been your favorite so far?

Maine USA Camp 2023 was, without a doubt, my favorite.  Being able to instruct a class at such a special place for so many incredible people is a memory I will cherish forever.  On top of instructing, it was my first opportunity to bring two of my students and show them what makes Globetrotter’s camps so special.


Aaron Esdon- BJJ instructor


Favorite stories/moments from the camps?

Without a doubt, receiving my black belt from Professor Jay Pages and Professor Matt McPeake a the Arizona Camp in 2023 was a camp highlight for me.  I was floored and has no idea such an honour would be bestowed upon me in front of nearly 300 people.  Being able to share such a special moment with so many friendly and welcoming practitioners truly made it one of the most special moments in my entire jiu-jitsu journey.  


Your favorite class/classes to teach at camp? 


Aaron Esdon – BJJ Globetrotters USA Camp

Anything half guard is such an enjoyable teaching experience for me.   As a white belt I quickly became drawn to other half guard practitioners like Lucas Leite and love exploring all the details of both bottom and top half guard concepts and techniques.  The position is so fundamental in all aspects of training that I find it best for teaching in the large groups often seen at camp.   This is even true for my favorite half guard class to teach – Octopus Half Guard.


Anything else you want to add to your profile: I know it goes without saying, but Platinum BJJ in London Ontario is the most welcoming academy in the area.   If you’re ever in our neck of the woods, please drop by for a class or our famous open mat.   All are welcome!


Aaron Esdon – BJJ Globetrotters instructor

A picture of me with Kao BJJ in ethiopia

My Experience at Kao BJJ in Ethiopia

Hi there, I’m Heythem from

I spend my time blogging& traveling – visiting different BJJ Gyms around the world, especially in places where you wouldn’t expect to find BJJ.

I’ve been to BJJ Gyms in Uganda, Ethiopia, and Kenya, and I’m currently training in Baghdad, Iraq.

One experience I hold dear is my time at Kao BJJ in Addis Ababa.

At the beginning of 2023, I went to Ethiopia for three months. Of course, I didn’t want to stop training Jiu-Jitsu. So, I tried to find a way to train BJJ in Ethiopia. I looked online to see whether I could find a BJJ gym. I only found one in the whole country: Kao BJJ in Addis Ababa.

I didn’t know what to expect. It was my first time going to a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gym outside of Europe. So I took a cab and went there.

I’m so grateful I went – they have many dedicated and driven athletes and one of the nicest atmospheres I’ve ever witnessed.

A picture taken within Kao BJJ in Ethiopia. It's a group picture with me and the other BJJ practitioners
The Kao BJJ Gang!!

Training Schedule, Location & Pricing

They train 4x a week – Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. You can check out their schedule on their Instagram site.

They offer both Gi and No-Gi training. But I didn’t have my Gi, so it’s okay to come without a Gi if you don’t have one.

They are located right behind Meskel Square, in Juventus Club. I got a bit lost getting there, but if you get lost, ask the locals about “Juventus Club.” They usually know. Once in Juventus Club, go through until the very end of the complex – there you find their Gym.

And if you take a cab (Feres or Ride are the cab companies in Ethiopia – similar to Uber), tell them to drive you to Meskel Square.

The pricing of this Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Gym is not high if you are used to European or American prices. For exact prices, either contact them on Instagram or Facebook or text Yared (the head coach) directly at his number: +251 92 217 1985.

When I trained there, I discovered that a blue belt training under Kao opened up his own Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Gym in Hawassa, Ethiopia! So I also went and visited them too.

This Gym is much smaller but equally as nice. If you want his contact, contact me or ask the guys in Addis about him.

My Experience at Kao BJJ

I can not speak highly enough of that Gym. They take their training seriously. Their head coach was an American black belt named Colin. Unfortunately, he is no longer there, so the head coach is a purple belt named Yared.

Yared is highly skilled, and he knows how to teach. Even though he knew I would be there for a limited time, he took his time for me. He gave me attention and was super friendly. You can truly feel he’s passionate about what he’s doing.

The Gym is packed on weekdays. Although it is rather small, there’s enough space for everybody.

Their team consists of a great mix of white and blue belts. And from what I saw, the blue belts are legit. They could easily compete with the blue belts in Europe.

I felt welcome there at all times. They were very supportive and welcoming, and I loved training with them. I cannot wait to go back.

The Background of Kao BJJ

The head coach, Yared, has a Judo background and got involved in BJJ (Idk how, good question you should ask him…) He was a blue belt when he started Kao BJJ in Ethiopia.

Then Colin, the American black belt, took over most of the training. Under him, Yared got promoted to a purple belt.

They started small, but over the years, more people became interested. I also saw some non-Ethiopians training there.

Now, they have many great members—many new white belts, some established white belts, and many blue belts.

Now, they are recognized as one of the best BJJ Gyms in East Africa, with many great athletes training there.

The Future of BJJ in Ethiopia

Kao BJJ’s goal is to make Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu more accessible in Africa. They are at the forefront of promoting this beautiful martial art. They are the only ones training BJJ in Ethiopia and want to expand.

They are also cooperating with BJJ Gyms in neighboring African countries. They participate in East African competitions and are heavily involved in the BJJ community.

Their intention is beautiful, and I’m sure they’ll have great success. From what I saw, the future of BJJ in Ethiopia is bright.

Final Words

So, as you can see, I’m a fan. Ethiopia is not easy to navigate at the beginning. I was in a foreign country, which was a lot to process.

But once I went to Kao, things became easier. I met great people, got a lot of guidance and support, and had a great time there.

So, if you’re considering visiting a BJJ Gym in Ethiopia, please do. They are open to everybody and have a great atmosphere.

And if you have any questions, please reach out; I’m happy to help!!

Featured affiliated academy: Principle Jiu Jitsu, Wales

Jiu Jitsu Wales

Where is the gym located?
We are located in Cardiff, South Wales. We operate out of one of the largest gyms in Cardiff and it’s called Ufit.

How many people train there?
We are still a new club but currently we have 9 regular members who are mostly new beginners.

Is the gym growing – if so by how many new members each month or year?
We have only been open for a few months but the future is bright. Ufit is a training ground for fitness competitors in Powerlifting, Crossfit, and other disciplines.

What are the highest and lowest belt grades training?
Highest is 4 stripe brown belt and lowest are brand new white belts.

When did Principle Jiu Jitsu, Wales open?
At the start of October 2023.

Some facts about you:

Name: Jason Yean
Age: 39
Belt: Brown
Profession: Sports Masseuse and Rehabilitation
Years in BJJ: 12
Other martial arts: Tae Kwon Do, Ninjitsu
Currently living in: Barry, South Wales
Originally from: Born in South Wales but grew up in Malaysia.

Please tell us the story of how your gym came into existence
I have been looking to start my own gym for a couple of years. It was difficult finding a location, but I was determined to find the right one instead of just teaching for the sake of it. My patience paid off and the location that I’m in at the moment couldn’t be better. We are centrally located in Cardiff and we have natural footfall from experienced competitors in other sports and disciplines.

Tell us about the people that train in the gym – who are they?
The people who train are people who have been going to the gym their whole lives. They were looking for another challenge to complement their training, and they could not have picked a better martial art. We do also get the odd boxer coming through. We get people from other clubs coming to train with us as well. We welcome everyone to train.

Why do they train in Principle Jiu Jitsu, Wales?
They train to challenge themselves. They don’t realise it yet but they’ve been bitten by the BJJ bug.

What are some of the challenges of running a BJJ gym in general, and in your area specifically?
The main challenges for me personally are trying to feed my students information in a timely fashion. They are all mostly brand new starters, so I’m taking my time working through the fundamentals so that they can start with good habits.

The financial side is not a concern, as I charge the gym an hourly fee to teach there. This is an avenue I would suggest to anyone wanting to start a new academy.

The other challenge is managing different personalities and egos. It is imperative to keep the vibe positive and friendly, so working through those issues at all times is so important.

How do you see the future for BJJ in your area?
I see it to be a bright one. There are not that many academies in our area and we are a city. I have plans to grow it and make it the best that it can be.

What’s the best thing about Principle Jiu Jitsu, Wales?
We leave our egos at the door and we keep it about Jiu Jitsu

What would you recommend Globetrotters to see in your area apart from the inside of your gym?
Wales is an absolutely beautiful part of the world. We are surrounded by the coast, mountains, and beautiful valleys. Cardiff has got a fantastic night scene and it’s very easy to get around. The Brecon Beacons is a magical trek and insight into the nature that Wales is capable of. We have massive waterfalls and great beaches as well. I am happy to direct any earnest traveller – just get in touch with me.


Thanks for sharing! If you’d like to visit Principle Jiu Jitsu, Wales you can contact them here.

Featured Traveller: Melissa Franson – BJJ Globetrotters

Melissa Franson - BJJ Globetrotters

Age: 37

Belt: Blue

Profession: Pharmacist

How many years in BJJ: On and off for 6 or 7 years

Other martial arts: I started with aikido, then switched to judo and BJJ. We’ve started doing some boxing/combatives/MMA in the last couple years at our gym. I competed in Irish Collar and Elbow wrestling at the Faroe Islands camp.

Where do you live: Pittsville, WI, USA

Where are you from: Pittsville

Other fun or curious information you would like to share: I also enjoy going hunting. It’s nice knowing where my food comes from how it was handled through the whole process to get to the freezer. It also allows me to spend time outdoors.

Melissa Franson – BJJ Globetrotters Camp in Faroe Islands

Tell us what inspired you to travel and train?
During most of the first year of COVID, I wasn’t able to train much because of lockdown and then things being crazy with work. I don’t remember how I first found the BJJ Globetrotters website, but I kept looking at the camps and they looked so fun. Eventually I just signed up. I said not being able to travel or train for a year made me do something crazy and sign up for my first camp.

Tell us about your most recent travel and your upcoming travel – where have you been and where are you going?
I just got back from a short trip to Yellowknife, Canada. It took me three flights to get there and three flights back, with only two days in Yellowknife, but it was a great trip and definitely worth it. I got to go dog sledding and I met some amazing people. This was my first time trying out matsurfing.

The next trip I’m planning is to the spring Zen Camp. I plan to go a few days early and stay a few days after the camp so I can do some touristy stuff and see the area. Friends have given me some tips and suggestions, but I don’t have anything set yet.

Melissa Franson – BJJ Globetrotters Camp

What are the things you enjoy about travelling?
There are so many beautiful places around the world. I enjoy being able to see and experience those places. I’ve met some pretty cool people during my travels. And the food, trying different kinds of food… you can’t say you don’t like something if you’ve never tried it.

Can you give us some examples of experiences you had that makes it worth traveling and training?
When I went to the Maine Camp, I walked into my cabin the first day and the first person I met lives two hours from me. We get together once in a while and have gone to other camps together since. It’s crazy to travel that far to meet someone from home.
The first time I met Alan Titone was at the Arizona camp. He did a class on setting goals and then taking steps to actually accomplish those goals. One of my goals was to go to Sweden and to find relatives that are still living in Sweden. So when I went to the first Faroe Islands camp last year, I decided to take an extra week since I was already in Europe to go to Sweden to visit the country (or one of the countries) my family came from. I was able to meet some distant cousins and even stayed with them for a couple days while I was there.

What has so far been the most surprising experience for you when traveling?
How easy it is to travel between countries in Europe.

Melissa Franson – BJJ Globetrotters

Are you a budget traveller – and if so how do you plan for a cheap trip?
Sometimes, though not quite as much as I used to when I was a poor college student. When I look at plane tickets, I’ll look at different airports and different days to see where I can find a good deal, but sometimes it’s worth paying a little more for a direct flight. I’ve stayed in hostels instead of a hotel so that I can spend a little more on experiences.

If you were to pass on travel advice to your fellow Globetrotters, what would it be?
I like to look up things to do, but only book one or two things ahead of time. Then when I get wherever I’m going, I ask locals what they recommend doing or seeing. They can tell you if the things you find online are worth doing/seeing or if there’s something else that’s better/less crowded.

Thank you to Melissa Franson – BJJ Globetrotters for making this interview!

Featured Camp Instructor: PJ Lucey – BJJ Globetrotters

PJ Lucey - BJJ Globetrotters

PJ Lucey – BJJ Globetrotters

Age: 42 years young
Belt: Blackbelt under John Kavanagh
Profession: School Teacher

Started training (year): 2009
City/country: Killarney, Co Kerry. Ireland


Main achievements in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu:

Multiple times Irish national Champion

Multi NAGA medalist

IBJJF London Open Gold Blue/Purple

British Open Medallist

IBJJF European Gold Blue

Founder and head coach of SBG Killarney

Now BJJ Globetrotter Instructor

PJ Lucey – BJJ Competition


Which Globetrotters camps have you attended:

Iceland Camp 2022 (Participant)

Winter Camp Austria 2023 (Instructor)

Beach Camp Parnu, Estonia 2023 (Instructor)

Summer Camp Heidelberg, Germany 2023 (Instructor)



Which camp has been your favorite so far?

It’s not an easy task to select one. Each camp is very different but if I was pushed, I would choose the Winter camp in Wagrain, Austria. This was my 1st camp as an instructor, so naturally it will always stand out for me. On top of this the camp is amazing, as all the participants sleep, drink, eat, socialise, and train under the same roof, so for me that is something special.


PJ Lucey- BJJ Globetrotters Summer Camp


Favorite stories/moments from the camps?

I have loads of fond memories, stories and moments from my camp days.

Highlights like momentarily holding the camp record, “most rounds sparred” was cool. Until I was quickly dethroned in the next camp by Alexander Neufang. Drinking a bar dry at the winter camp is always going to be a proud moment for an Irishman. Midnight techno bunker open mat in Austria was up there too. Hanging out with the crew at the beach in Parnu, an Apreol Spritz in one hand and pizza in the other is hard to beat.

As an instructor, people coming up to you, saying that they loved your class, or they are having success with your workshop material is always going to be great. The globetrotter’s camp has given me a springboard to meet new people, travel and get invited to gym/academies all over the world. For this I am very grateful.


Your favorite class/classes to teach at camp? 


PJ Lucey – BJJ Globetrotters Beach Camp

I have taught 3 classes to date.

  1.     Passing the upright/ sitting guard, Riverdance style.
  2.     Guard passing from HQ- surfing and floating.
  3.     Cooking your opponent from side control.

I got the most positive feedback and follow up requests for the cooking workshop so I will choose that as my favourite for now.

I love it when people get in touch with me so If anyone wishes to contact me about any of my classes material, workshops etc please don’t hesitate to message me through the social media channels. SBG killarney or @coachpjlucey.


PJ Lucey – BJJ Globetrotters instructor