Entries by BJJ Globetrotters

Featured affiliated academy: East York BJJ, USA

Where is the gym located? 241 Pauline Dr, York, PA 17402, United States How many people train there? We currently have over 150 students. Is the gym growing – if so by how many new members each month or year? Our official grand opening was on March 1st. Little early to say how many we’ll […]

Featured Traveller: Riley Dedio – BJJ Globetrotters

Age: 43 Belt: Blue Profession: Filmmaker How many years in BJJ: 9-ish years Other martial arts: Some Muay Thai in a past life Where do you live: Leipzig, Germany Where are you from: Rostock, Germany Other fun or curious information you would like to share: This is my second feature here; the first one was […]

Featured Traveller: Can Sömnez – BJJ Globetrotters

Age: 43 Belt: Black Profession: Full time BJJ instructor at Artemis BJJ How many years in BJJ: Since 2006, so 19 at the time of writing Other martial arts: First one was fencing as a teenager for a year, then a weird TKD/kickboxing/kung fu hybrid at uni called Zhuan Shu Kuan, for about 8 years. […]