Featured affiliated academy: East York BJJ, USA
Where is the gym located?
241 Pauline Dr, York, PA 17402, United States
How many people train there?
We currently have over 150 students.
Is the gym growing – if so by how many new members each month or year?
Our official grand opening was on March 1st. Little early to say how many we’ll grow each month, but I’m expecting to be around 10-15 students per month, the 1st year. Many of our current students came with us from a few different schools in the area.
What are the highest and lowest belt grades training?
We have every belt color represented; from white to black.
When did East York BJJ, USA open?
March 1, 2025.
Front: 3rd degree black belt, Tom Fleming
Back (L>R): Aaron Fillman, Richard Keever, Chris Stillwagner, Brian McKee
Some facts about you:
Name: Richard Keever
Age: 42
Belt: Black
Profession: Financial technology
Years in BJJ: 14
Other martial arts: Judo
Currently living in: Maryland, United States
Originally from: Portage, IN
Please tell us the story of how your gym came into existence
Where do I begin???
My friends & I co-own 2 BJJ gyms. Our 1st opened in Jan. 2025 (Hereford BJJ, located in Parkton, MD). Our 2nd BJJ gym opened on Mar. 1, 2025. We all trained at a different affiliation, leaders of these schools, and in some cases fellow owners. However, we saw some things from other owners that made us feel we could do things better. So we decided to leave and start our own gyms. Hereford had been in the works even before we left, but everything accelerated once we decided to leave the affiliation.
Tell us about the people that train in East York BJJ, USA – who are they?
I love my training partners. Some of my best friends were made through BJJ. Our mat room will have wrestlers to accountants, and everything in between. We have competitors and hobbyists all cheering each other on. Everyone defines success differently and it’s important to celebrate other people’s wins. The truly is an ego-free training environment.
Why do they train?
Some train because their life may depend on it, while others train to bond with their kids. Most use the mat space to de-stress from life.
What are some of the challenges of running a BJJ gym in general, and in your area specifically?
I think most people go into this thinking primarily about the coaching aspect of being an owner. There’s just so much more to it – manufacturing leads, creating enough value that makes the prospect want to spend their time with you, then closing the deal. The biggest challenge is when a prospective is unresponsive for several days or even weeks… or we never get a response at all.
How do you see the future for BJJ in your area?
We’re changing the game in our area. Righting a lot of wrongs we felt were important to students. The future is bright.
What’s the best thing about East York BJJ, USA?
The people. Hands down. Not even close. Oh… and we’re installing a pit wall.
What would you recommend Globetrotters to see in your area apart from the inside of your gym?
There are a lot of historical places in our area. Put on a good pair of hiking shoes and check out Gettysburg, Annapolis Rock (Appalachian Trail), or go into Baltimore to walk along the harbour.